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R&D industry has been recognized as an independent industrial sector in the industry classification system since 1970, but it has not yet found a sufficient comprehensive and systematical research on it. The study so far is mostly focused on behaviors of micro R&D organizations, experiential descriptions of formation and development of R&D Industry as well as of its specific segmentation. These investigations are obviously inadequate for us to grasp the laws and operating logic of R&D industry. With the aggravation of the international competitions, it is impending that R&D industry be interpreted as a strategically industry and that the laws and operating logic of R&D industry be studied as essential fundamentals of the national innovation systems, so that better policies and strategies might be established correspondingly.
     With the theories of System Science, Management Science, Economics, Industry Organization, Behavior Science and Technology, this thesis is mainly focused on R&D industry organization and management. The approaches applied include deduction of theories and induction-deduction of direct data, comprehensive studies and case analysis, empirical tests in China and international comparison of related tests and cases. The author redefines the concept of R&D industry, and then systematically explores all the fundamentals of it, including the features of R&D industry, the microstructure mechanism and behavior of R&D industry, the morphology and rationalization of R&D industry organization, and the general approaches to the management of R&D industry. With all the researches above, the author puts forward on the middle level suggestions on public policies for rational innovation of the morphology of R&D industry organization in China.
     The research results show that R&D industry is not only an independent industrial organization form characterized by its publicity, marketability, complementarity and compatibility, but also a complex system composed of diversified microstructures which meets multifarious demands; differing from the general enterprise behaviors, the strategy-based behaviors of independent R&D organizations include the R&D project portfolio, the R&D mode selection, the R&D achievement transformation model selection, internationalization, intellectual property utilization, which are not only determined by the capability and resources of R&D organizations, but also affected by both market and law system environment; With the development of the social division of labor and exchange, the aggravation of the economic globalization and the constant gradation of means of information transmission, the peculiarities of R&D industry organization form morphologically manifest more as the spoke-type on geographical distribution pattern, the diversification of micro units and the dependent agglomeration on the industrial relationship; With the coexistence of multi-properties, the resources allocation modes in R&D industry should not only include the government decision and the market players decision, but also the formal/informal voluntary social body/individuals decision, in order to promote the rational flow of R&D resources; The realization of the rationalization of R&D industrial organization depends on the balance of structural supply and demand, on the efficiency improvement of knowledge production by promoting R&D resource reasonable allocation, on the diversification of R&D organization, and on the dependent agglomeration of R&D industry by regulating and guiding the behaviors of R&D organzaitons; the general social utility will increase when the developmental achievements is obtained from market, however, the R&D industrial management innovation is still indispensable due to the R&D activity interiorization tendency which is caused by information asymmetry and opportunistic behaviors, and the collectively irrational behaviors of interested persons, can result in social ethical problems; the R&D industrial management innovation not only include regulate and guide the behaviors of R&D industry micro unit, improve the macro-management system, balance the meso-structure of supply and demand, but also enforce the management of the R&D industry-it's industry interface, and make systematic arrangements for independent R&D organization governance structure.
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