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This dissertation is mainly about the concept, the legal sources and the implementation of the precautionary principle in the conservation of living marine resources, and the plan about that China applies the precautionary principle in the conservation of living marine resources.
     Chapter 1 focuses on the development and the meaning of the precautionary principle. Firstly, this chapter examines some important international conventions, declarations and decisions of international organizations, and cases of international judicial bodies; Secondly, this chapter educes that the essence of the precautionary principle is that people should be cautious of the exploitation and utilization of environment and resources in face of scientific uncertainty by contrasting different definitions of the precautionary principle; Lastly, this chapter analyzes the defects of the precautionary principle: illegibility and arbitrariness, and points out the difference and relation between the precautionary principle and the preventive principle or the precautionary approach.
     Chapter 2 is mainly about the theoretical basis of the precautionary principle in the conservation of living marine resources. From the point of science, the basis of the precautionary principle lies in scientific uncertainty of marine ecosystem, with the aim of making up damages resulted in by people's blindness and innocence about living marine resources; from the point of economy, the basis of the precautionary principle is cost-benefit analysis which will promote the implementation of the precautionary principle more reasonable, strengthen the responsibility of supervisors; from the point of law, the basis of the precautionary principle is the principle of sustainable development and the principle of common interests of human being, and the precautionary principle is in accordance with the two principles, and will promote them to come true.
     Chapter 3 focuses on the international sources and the domestic sources of the precautionary principle in the conservation of living marine resources. About the international sources, this chapter contrasts the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS), the United Nations Fish Stock Agreement(UNFSA) and other international documents, and systematically analyzes the precautionary principle in the European Union(EU); about the domestic sources, this chapter specializes the representative living marine resources rules of some countries famous in fishery, such as American Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 2000, Canadian Ocean Act of 1996 and so on.
     Chapter 4 explains the conditions and measures about the implementation of the precautionary principle. The precautionary principle's implementation should satisfy the danger condition, and should be applied according as cost-benefit analysis, principle of proportionality, consistency and nondiscrimination. Under the precautionary principle, onus probandi lies on the part that makes danger. Moreover, the implementary measures of the precautionary principle include the precautionary reference points, the forbiddance and limit of fishery, the marine natural protection area and so on.
     Chapter 5 indicates the plan about the application of the precautionary principle in our country. Presently our conservation and management of living marine resources has got some achievement, but both the conservation practice and related rules have some deficiency. Then our country should make a comprehensive act about the conservation and management of living marine resources which should definitely stipulate the precautionary principle. At the same time, the precautionary measures should be taken in accordance of the conditions of different areas, which is beneficial to change the bad complexion of the conservation of living marine resources in our country.
[1]ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle—Its Application in International,European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.59.
    [2]MARCHANT,GARY E.& MOSSMAN,KENNETH L.Arbitrary and Capricious—The Precautionary Principle in the European Union Courts[M].Washington D.C.:The AEI Press,2004.1.
    [3]TEOUWBORST,ARIE.Evolution and Status of the Precautionary Principle in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2002.1.
    [2]TEOUWBORST,ANE.Evolution and Status of the Precautionary Principle in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2002.10-11.
    [2]德国是最早利用预警思想处理“森林死亡”及空气污染问题的国家。参见CAMERON,FRASER K.The Greenhouse Effect:Proposed Reforms for the Australian Environmental Regulatory Regime[J].Columbia Journal of Environmental Law,2000,(25):359.
    [4]TEOUWBORST,ANE.Evolution and Status of the Precautionary Principle in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2002.18.
    [1]TEOUWBORST,ANE.Evolution and Status of the Precautionary Principle in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2002.18.
    [2]在“特雷尔冶炼厂仲裁案”中,位于美国和加拿大边境的加拿大锌矿厂所释放的二氧化硫气体飘到美国境内,并对美国的环境构成危害。仲裁庭认为加拿大有责任限制其境内的二氧化硫对美国所造成的损害.参见HAUSRATH,KATHERINE.Crossing Borders:the Extraterritorial Application of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation and Liability Act[J].University of Baltimore Journal of Environmental Law,2005,(Fall):22.
    [1]HARREMOES,POUL,ed.The Precautionary Principle in 20th Century:Late Lessons from Early Warnings[M].London:Earthscan Publications Ltd,2002.4
    [2]RIORDAN,TIM O.& CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle(M].London:Cameron May International Law & Policy,2001.163.
    [1]RIORDAN,TIM O.& CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law& Policy,2001.166.
    [1]1987年《蒙特利尔协定书》主要是关于处理氯氟化碳化合物等破坏臭氧层的各种物质的公约。参见PALMER,GEOFFREY.New Ways to Make international Environmental Law[J].American Journal of International Law,1992,(April):275.
    [2]ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle—Its Application in International,European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.109.
    [1]ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle—Its Application in International,European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.109.
    [2]SOHN,LOUIS B.& NOYES,JOHN E.Cases and Materials on the Law of the Sea[M].New York:Transnational Publishers,Inc.,2004.756.
    [1]ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle—Its Application in International,European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.131.
    [1]Dissenting Opinion of Judge Weeramantry.New Zealand v.France.Nuclear Tests Ⅱ.1995[EB/OL].http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/index.php?pl=3&p2=3&k=78&case=58&code=af&p3=4,2007-04-21.
    [2]Dissenting Opinion of Judge Koroma.New Zealand v.France.Nuclear Tests Ⅱ.1995[EB/OL].http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/index.php?pl=3&p2=3&k=6b&case=59&code=nzf&p3=5,2007-04-21.
    [3]Dissenting Opinion of Judge ad hoc Sir Geoffery Palmer.New Zealand v.France.Nuclear Tests Ⅱ.1995[EB/OL].http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/index.php?pl=3&p2=3&k=6b&case=59&code=nzf&p3=5,2007-04-21.
    [4]Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Pmiect(Hungary-Slovakia),ICJ Report 1997,1-241.转引自:牛惠之.预防原则之研究——国际环境法处理欠缺科学证据之环境风险议题之努力与争议[J].国立台湾大学法学论从,2005,(3):29.
    [2]New Zealand v.Japan;Australia v.Japan.Southern Bluefin Tuna Case.Order 1999/2 of 3 August 1999[EB/OL].http://www.itlos.org/start2_en.html,2007-05-12.
    [3]根据《南方黑鲔保育公约》,日本、澳大利亚和新西兰三国将总渔获量从38,650吨减少至11,750吨,而日本的渔获配额从23,150吨削减至6,065吨。因此,日本渔民为维持经营不得不转换渔场。迫于国内压力,日本从1995年开始正式向南方黑鲔保育委员会(Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna,CCSBT)提出增加渔获配额的要求,但是澳大利亚和新西兰认为哪怕只多捕一尾。都存在很大可能使得南方黑鲔资源绝迹,所以一直不同意日本的要求。双方见解的差异主要在于资源评估方面.对此,日本向CCSBT提议为达成双方的共识而共同进行渔获实验调查作业以搜集科学资料,并在1995年初提出议案,于1996年正式向科学委员会要求审议,但是澳大利亚和新西兰两国连续两年拒绝该项提案。至1998年日本终不顾澳大利亚和新西兰两国的反对单独进行渔获实验。参见SONG,YANNHUEI.The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Possibility of Judicial Settlement of Disputes Involving the Fishing Entity of Taiwan—Taking CCSBT as an Example[J].San Diego International Law Journal,2006,(Fall):63.
    [1]学者J.Cameron将ITLOS在南方黑鲔案中作出的临时性裁定视为“a particularly illuminating example of the established status of the precautionary principle under international law”。参见RIORDAN,TIM O.& CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law & Policy,2001.142.
    [1]Ireland v.United Kingdom.MOX Plant Case.Order of 3 December 2001[EB/OL].http://www.itlos.org/cgi-bin/cases/case_detail,2007-04-02.
    [1]WT/DS26/AB/R,WT/DS48/AB/R,Appellate Body Report,EC Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones),adopted 16 January 1998,para.60,120,253[EB/OL].http://www.worldtradelaw.net/reports/wtoab/ec-hormones(ab).pdf,2007-05-17.
    [2]MARR,SIMON.The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea-Modern Decision Making in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2003.2.
    [1]CAMERON,J.& ABOUCHAR,J.The Precautionary Principle:A Fundamental Principle of Law and Policy for the Protection of the Global Environment[J].Boston College International and Comparative Law Review,1991.(2).
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    [2]KAYE,STUART M.International Fisheries Management[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2001.170.
    [3]CARON,DAVID D.& SCHEIBER,HANY N.Bringing New Law to Ocean Waters[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2004.358.
    [1]RIORDAN,TIM O & CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law & Policy,2002.20
    [3]CAMERON,JAMES & ABOUCHAR,JULI.The Status of the Precautionary Principle[A].FREESTONE,DAVID & HEY,ELLEN.the Precautionary Principle and International Law:the Challenge of Implementation[C].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,1996.51.
    [1]KAYE,STUART M.International Fisheries Management[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2001.183.
    [3]BIRNIE,PATRICIA W.& BOYLE,ALAN E.International Law and the Environment[M].New York:Oxford University Press,2002.98.
    [1]BIRNIE,PATRICIA W.& BOYLE,ALAN E.International Law and the Environment[M].New York:Oxford University Press,2002.98.
    [3]MARR,SIMON.The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea—Modern Decision Making in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2003.204.
    [5]1967年北海大陆架案是第一个通过国际司法程序解决大陆架划界争端的案例。在这个案子中国际法院就大陆架划界的原则和方法发表了重要意见:一、等距离法是一种简便的划界方法,但所谓的“等距离原则”并非大陆架概念中所固有的原则,因而等距离的划界方法并不是必须遵守的。不应在任何情况下均适用单一的划界方法,在划界时还应考虑其它相关情况。换言之,等距离原则并不是火陆架划界的一项习惯国际法规则;二、应根据公平原则进行大陆架划界。参见BLAY,SAM & PIOTROWICZ,RYSZARD & TSAMENYI,B.MARTIN.Public International Law[M].New York:Oxford University Press,1997.341.
    [1]BIRNIE,PATRICIA W.& BOYLE,ALAN E.International Law and the Environment[M].New York:Oxford University Press,2002.98.
    [3]辅助原则并非新概念。在西方哲学界中很早就出现了辅助原则的概念,其最早可以追溯到中世纪阿奎那斯(Saint Thomas Aquinas),甚至更早的亚里士多德的政治哲学,近则可溯至19世纪蒲鲁东(Pierre Joseph Proudhon)。而且,由于国家权利日益腐蚀教会,罗马教廷在20世纪上半叶提出将辅助原则作为重建社会秩序的基本原则。二战后,欧洲国家逐渐将此社会哲学转化为法律概念,如德国和瑞士将该原则纳入其宪政体制中,以解决联邦和地方政府的分权问题。辅助原则是规范社会组织的基本原则。简言之,即在社会中直接影响人民生活的决定,原则上应由最接近个人的小单位来制定,只有当他们无能力作好时,才可由较大单位加以协助。欧共体《马斯特里赫特条约》以明确的宪法性条文形式将辅助原则的要旨引入《欧共体条约》,增强了法律的确定性和可预见性,限制了欧共体权能的过分扩张。参见:武汉大学国际法研究所.欧盟法中的辅助原则和相称性原则[EB/OL].http://translaw.whu.edu.cn/cn/gjfbaseknow/20050613/143543.php,2007-11-10。
    [3]TEOUWBORST,ARIE.Evolution and Status of the Precautionary Principle in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law Intonational,2002.17.
    [1]RIORDAN,TIM O & CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law& Policy,2001.163.
    [2]1972年美国制定了《海洋哺乳动物保护法》,目的是保护包括海豚在内的海洋哺乳动物。参见COY,JONATHAN.Defending Against the Fourth Horse:The Endangered Species Act and the Throat of Communicable Discase[J].Penn Stare Environmental Law Review,2004,(Winter):291-292.
    [3]美国《濒危物种法》于1973年颁布实施.该法一向被视为美国已通过的环境法中最有效率且最有争议的法律。参见COY,JONATHAN.Defending Against the Fourth Horse:The Endangered Species Act and the Threat of Communicable Disease[J].Penn State Environmental Law Review,2004,(Winter):292-293.
    [2]1998年《温氏毕声明》除了对预警原则的概念作了界定之外,还规定:“应用预警原则的过程应是开放、民主的。同时,还应允许可能受影响的各方参与进来。而且应谨慎审查所有的选择,不作为的选择也包括在内。”参见COLEMAN,LINDA O'NEIL.The European Union:An Appropriate Model for a Precautionary Approach?[J].Seattle University Law Roview,2002,(Winter):635.
    [1]MARCHANT,GARY E.From General Policy to Legal Rule:Aspirations and Limitations of the Precautionary Principle[J].Environmental Health Perspectives,2003,(34):1800.
    [1]MARCHANT,GARY E.& MOSSMAN,KENNETH L.Arbitrary and Capricious:The Precautionary Principle in the European Union Courts[M].Washington D.C.:the AEI Press,2004.7.
    [2]MARCHANT,GARY E.From General Policy to Legal Rule:Aspirations and Limitations of the Precautionary Principle[J].Environmental Health Perspectives,2003,(34):1800.
    [1]MARCHANT,GARY E.& MOSSMAN,KENNETH L.Arbitrary and Capricious:The Precautionary Principle in the European Union Courts[M].Washington D.C.:the AEI Press,2004.15.
    [2]MARCHANT,GARY E.From General Policy to Legal Rule:Aspirations and Limitations of the Precautionary Principle[J].Environmental Health Perspectives,2003,(34):1801.
    [1]MARCHANT,GARY E.From General Policy to Legal Rule:Aspirations and Limitations of the Precautionary Principle[J].Environmental Health Perspectives,2003,(34):1801.
    [4]该案仲裁庭于1938年和1941年两次作出裁决。在1938年的第一次裁决中,仲裁庭判定冶炼厂的烟雾对华盛顿州造成了损害,并裁决加拿大应赔偿特雷尔冶炼厂对美国土地造成的损害。在1941年第二次裁决中,仲裁庭提出了预防原则。参见GELFAND,MARTIN D.Practical Application of International Environmental Law:Does It Work Atoll?[J].Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law,1997.(Winter):77-78.
    [1]实际情况表明,全球性协定较多采用“预警方法”这一术语,而欧洲条约和欧共体法则较多采用“预警原则”这一提法,例如欧共体的《阿姆斯特丹条约》、《都柏林宣言》等。参见CONKO,GREGORY.Safety,risk and the precautionary principle:rethinking precautionary approaches to the regulation of regulation of transgenic plants[J].Transgenic Research,2003,(12):642.
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    [2]CONKO,GREGORY.Safety,risk and the precautionary principle:rethinking precautionary approaches to the regulation of regulation of transgenic plants[J].Transgenic Research,2003,(12):642.
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    [2]《波罗的海和北海小型鲸类养护协定》于1991年制定,并于1994年生效。参见INKELAS,DANIEL.Security,Sound,and Cetaceans:Legal Challenges to Low Frequency Active Sonar under U.S.and International Environmental Law[J].George Washington International Law Review,2005,(37):226.
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    [2]《南极海洋生物资源养护公约》于1980年5月20日签署,1982年4月7日生效,目前共有33个缔约方。《南极海洋生物资源养护公约》适用于南纬60度以南和该纬度与南极幅合带之间区域的南极海洋生物资源。参见OPPENHEIM,ADRIENNE J.The Plight of the Patagonian Toothfish:Lessons from the Volga Case[J].Brooklyn Journal of International Law,2004,(30):309.
    [1]缺失补充水平与预警参考点意义相似,是指对处于该水平的生物种群必须采取养护行动。以促进种群的恢复.否则生物种群可能受到严重破坏,并无法再行恢复。参见KAYE,STUART B.Legal Appmaches to Polar Fisheries Regimes:A Comparative Analysis of the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources and the Bering Sea Doughnut Hole Convention[J].California Western International Law Journal,1995,(Fall):93.
    [2]MARR,SIMON.The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea—Modern Decision Making in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2003.154.
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    [2]《坎昆宣言》是于1992年5月6日至8日在墨西哥坎昆由FAO和墨西哥合作召开的“国际负责任捕捞会议”上通过的。参见FREESTONE,DAVID.A Decade of the Law of the Sea Convention:Is It a Success?[J].George Washington International Law Review,2007,(39):506-507.
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    [2]《欧洲联盟条约》在很大程度上只是一个政治性宣言。在《欧洲联盟条约》生效后,《欧洲经济共同体条约》(EEC Treaty)改称为《欧洲共同体条约》(EC Treaty)。参见TOTDAL,TORE.An Introduction to the European Community and to European Community Law[J].North Dakota Law Review,1999,(75):63.
    [1]ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle-Its Application in lnternational European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.273.
    [1]欧共体于1992年5月21日通过了关于自然栖息地和野生动植物保护的第92/43号指令。后于1997年11月27日,欧共体第97/62号指令修订了第92/43号指令。参见BACKES,CHRIS W.& VERSCHUUREN,JONATHAN M.The Precautionary Principle In International,European,And Dutch Wildlife Law[J].Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy,1998,(Winter):61.
    [2]BERG,ASTRID.Implementing and Enforcing European Fisheries Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,1999.45
    [1]MARR,SIMON.The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea—Modern Decision Making in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2003.169-170.
    [1]ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle—Its Application in International European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.326-327.
    [1]《欧共体环境保护计划一》引入了很多为欧共体当今环境法规所采纳的重要原则,如该计划中的预警方法。另外《欧共体环境保护计划一》还采纳了污染者付费原则。参见COLLINS,NATALIE.European Environmental Policy and Its Effects on Free Trade[J].William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review,2001,(Fall):189.
    [2]ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle—Its Application in International European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.200.
    [1]ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle—Its Application in International European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.240.
    [1]MARCHANT,GARY E.& MOSSMAN,KENNETH L.Arbitrary and Capricious-The Precautionary Principle in the Europeon Union Courts[M].Washington D.C.:The AEI Press,2004.25-26.
    [1]MARR,SIMON.The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea—Modern Decision Making in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2003.174-175.
    [3]RIORDAN,TIM O.& CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law& Policy,2001.186-187.
    [1]RIORDAN,TIM O.& CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law& Policy,2001.196-197.
    [2]1997年克林顿总统指示环境保护署发布《空气管理条例》,在新鲜空气和悬浮微粒方面,对各州提出了更加严格的标准。该条例受到商界和工业集团的强烈反对,而环境与健康专家则认为,为了防止人们患上呼吸疾病,应对烟尘实行更严格的控制。参见STEINZOR,RENA I.Reinventing Environmental Regulation:The Dangerous Journey from Command to Self-control[J].The Harvard Environmental Law Renew,1998,(17):136.
    [1]RIORDAN,TIM O.& CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law& Policy,2001.202-203.
    [1]《加拿大濒危物种保护法》于1996年10月通过,规定了一系列的濒危物种保护措施。参见VALIANTE,MARCIA.“Welcomed Participants”or“Environmental Vigilantes”? The CEPA Environmental Protection Action and the Role of Citizen Suits in Federal Environmental Law[J].Dalhousie Law Journal,2002,(Spring):87.
    [2]RIORDAN,TIM O.& CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law& Policy,2001.258.
    [1]RIORDAN,TIM O.& CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law& Policy,2001.259-260.
    [2]加拿大21世纪海洋战略主要包括三项内容:可持续发展、综合管理和预警原则。参见HAWARD.MARCUS.Fisheries and Oceans Governance in Australia and Canada:from Sectoral Management to Integration?[J].Dalhousie Law Journal,2003,(Spring):44.
    [4]GARCIA,S.M.The Precautionary Approach to the Fisheries:Progress Review and Main Issues(1995-2000)[A].NORDQUIST,M.H.& MOORE,J.N.Current Fisheries Issues and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations[C].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2000.505-506.
    [1]1998年摩尔诉大堡礁海洋公园管理机构案是关于大堡礁公园管理机构基于保护海洋生态系统的完整性,而拒绝在肯特岛(Kent Island)之外养殖珍珠牡蛎的申请。参加MARR,SIMON.The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea—Modern Decision Making in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2003.170.
    [2]MARR,SIMON.The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea—Modern Decision Making in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2003.225.
    [1]“非风险原则”是一些预警原则的批评者所提出的,他们认为预警原则实质上是赋予了管理机构在不存在风险情况时,也采用应对措施的理由。参见RECHTSCHAFFEN,CLIFFORD.Giving Concrete Content to Abstract Ethical Norms:Advancing Environmental Justice Norms[J].U.C.Davis Law Review,2003,November(37):116.
    [2]MARR,SIMON.The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea—Modern Decision Making in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2003.231.
    [1]1989年荷兰《水资源管理文件》的目标是发展并保护健康的水资源系统,以维护一个安全且适宜居住的国家。参见KELLEY,SALLY J.& PROCTOR,KELLY A.& BRITTION,SUSAN DALE S.Agricultural Law:A Selected Bibliography,1985-1992[J].William Mitchell Law Review,1993,(Spring):532.
    [2]ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle—Its Application in International,European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.387.
    [3]荷兰《国家环境政策计划四》主要是规划荷兰自2000年起下一个三十年的环境保护目标。参见STEWART,RICHARD B.A New Generation of Environmental Regulation?[J].Capital University Law Review,2001,(29):160.
    [1]ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle—Its Application in International,European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.391.
    [1]RIORDAN,TIM O.& CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law& Policy,2001.399.
    [2]ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle-Its Application in International,European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.400.
    [1]在荷兰《环境管理法》中,并不存在有关预警原则的独立条文,但是该法中的有关规定.如第8.8条“相关活动对环境的影响”,为预警原则的适用预留了空间。参见BACKES,CHRIS W.& VERSCHUUREN,JONATHAN M.The Precautionary Principle ln International,Europoan,And Dutch Wildlife Law[J].Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy,1998,(Winter):51-52.
    [2]RIORDAN,TIM O.& CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law& Policy,2001.171-172.
    [3]在1996年荷兰运输、公共事业和水资源管理部长签发了向瓦登海倾倒10万吨钢和磷矿渣的许可,以便修护海堤。瓦登海环境保护团体认为该许可会致使瓦登海受到废渣中重金属的污染,整个生态系统将遭到破坏。参见ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle—Its Application in International,European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.409.
    [1]RIORDAN,TIM O.& CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law& Policy,2001.179-180.
    [2]在瓦登海贝类开采案中,一些环境保护主义者认为运输、公共事业和水资源管理部长所签发的瓦登海贝类开采许可可能会破坏瓦登海的生态系统,要求法院撤销该许可。参见ZWARTS,F.The Precautionary Principle-Its Application in International,European and Dutch Law[M].Leiden:Wybe Theodorus Douma,2003.423.
    [4]MARR,SIMON.The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea-Modern Decision Making in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2003.170-171.
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    [1]MARR,SIMON.The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea-Modern Decision Making in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2003.168-169.
    [1]WT/DS26/AB/R,Appellate Body Report,EC Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products(Hormones),adopted 16 January 1998,para.124[EB/OL].http://www.worldtradelaw.net/reports/wtoab/ec-hormones(ab).pdf,2007-12-15.
    [2]RIORDAN,TIM O.& CAMERON,JAMES.Reinterpreting the Precautionary Principle[M].London:Cameron May International Law& Policy,2001.113.
    [1]MARR,SIMON.The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea-Modern Decision Making in International Law[M].The Hague:Kluwer Law International,2003.6.
    [3]国际捕鲸委员会(IWC)在创立之初是将鲸鱼作为一种鱼类种群加以养护。然而,后来IWC成为保护所有鲸鱼种群的重要国际组织。IWC任务的转变始于20世纪70年代早期,并且与1972年在斯德哥尔摩召开的联合国人类环境大会有着密切的联系。IWC任务的转变主要体现在对商业捕鲸活动为期5年的暂停计划的采纳。这一计划在1986年启动,并延续至今。而且IWC还将南极设为鲸鱼的避难所。参见CARON,DAVID D.The International Whaling Commission and the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission:the Institutional Risks of Coercion in Consensual Structures[J].American Journal of International Law,1995,(January):157.
    [2]KUNICH,JOHN C.Killing Our Oceans:Dealing with the Mass Extinction of Marine Life[M].London:Westport Connecticut,2006.96.
    [1]南非是第一个保护大白鲨的国家,1991年南非立法明确规定禁止捕杀或销售大白鲨。参见PHILPOTT ROMNEY.Why Sharks May Have Nothing to Fear More Than Fear Itself." An Analysis of the Effect of Human Attitudes on the Conservation of the Great White Shark[J].Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy,2002,(Summer):456-457.
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