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Our country establishes the administrative proceedings system's final goal, is mainly to protect the relative person's legitimate rights and interests. The defendant qualifications take the administrative proceedings system's important component, to protects the relative person's legitimate rights and interests, to realize the relative person's right of suit to play the key role smoothly. Our country administrative proceedings defendant qualifications system has played the positive role at the beginning of the administrative proceedings system development, but along with society's development, recent year, this system exposition's question is specially getting more and more serious, reforms imperative. At present, the defendant qualifications system produces the question is: The relative person definite defendant is difficult, the court recognized that the defendant is difficult. Reviews the overseas defendant qualifications system, the developed country relatively is actually simple in the defendant qualifications system's establishment, practical, the relative person sues does not have the very big problem. What they adopt is the form defendant's procedure, the goal is lets the relative person smooth realize the right of suit, maintains own rights and interests. Therefore, the country is willing to undertake the lawsuit risk. According to our country's reality, our country must adopt the convenience relative person lawsuit for the main purpose principle, by the form litigant principle way determination administrative proceedings' defendant, consummates our country's administrative proceedings system gradually.
     The article altogether divides into five parts, various part of primary coverages are:
     Since of theoretical analysis the first part of administrative proceedings defendant, has outlined the administrative proceedings system building the theorists to defendant's localization, and has analyzed the administrative proceedings defendant and the civil action defendant's similarities and differences.
     The second part is about the administrative main body outline, elaborated our country with other mainland legal system country in the similarities and differences which and the origin exists theoretically about the administrative main body, and has carried on the analysis to the administrative proceedings defendant and the administrative main body's relations.
     The third part is establishes the rule to our country tradition administrative proceedings defendant the resonsideration, elaborated in our country tradition to establish the defendant qualifications the standard, as well as this standard existence question.
     The fourth part is to the overseas administrative proceedings defendant qualifications system's inspection, outlines Germany, US, France, the Japan and South Korea and so on five country administrative proceedings defendant qualifications system's practice, forms by the time to China profits from the significance.
     The fifth part is to our country administrative proceedings defendant qualifications system's restructuring, mainly elaborated has restructured our country defendant qualifications system's rationale, the establishment method as well as the establishment standard, thus formed a complete defendant qualifications system's establishment.
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    [58] 美国的这一做法跟英国相类似。在英国,英王作为国家机关,根据传统特例它是不能成为被告的。而必需追究英王的责任时,应由有关的部作为被告。财政部必须公布一个名单指出可以作为被告的部的名称,该部不论是否具有法人资格都可以作为当事人。没有指定的部作为当事人或不能确定的,由检察总长作为当事人。参见王名扬.英国行政法[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,1987: 246.

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