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It is very important for Control systems in aerospace field to be with high reliability, testability and reusability. For a domestic aerospace control system, it is still a key issue for us to consider many problems, such as localization, habits of developers and reduced development cycle, and so on. Model-based system engineering is a new system engineering approach which runs through the entire development cycle through the original model. It can effectively improve the development efficiency and system reliability.
     In this paper, for the aerospace control system development problems, we proposed some supports for the whole process of the control system development in this field based on the idea of model-based system engineering. The specific research contents in this paper are described as follows.
     1) A development methodology for the aerospace control system is put forward. The methodology includes the support for development processes, the development method in the phases and supporting development tools. The development processes include modeling, model validation, automatic code generation, hardware in the loop, software in the loop and remote debugging.
     2) Modeling methods for plant models and controllers are presented respectively. For plant models, a hierarchical modeling method based on the data flow diagram extended on control flow model is proposed. For controllers, model modeling method based on state diagram and program flowchart diagram is proposed.
     3) To verity whether the model instanses modeled by the method presented in2) meet given constraints, a model verification method based on first-order logic is given.
     4) Automatic code generation algorithms for models presented in2) are proposed. In particular, for the program flowchart diagram, we put forward the automatic generation algorithm from standard flow chart model to structured C code.
     5) For the plant model and the controller model, oftware-in-loop testing approaches and hardware-in-loop testing approaches based on automatic code generation are given.
     6) To facilitate locating bugs found in loop testing, a remote reverse debugging approach based on virtual machine is put forward.
     Experimental results and industrial applications show that the development method of the aerospace control system put forward in this paper can improve the system reliability, testability, reusability and development efficiency, and the corresponding development tools meet the localization requirements and the habit of domestic developers. Research results of this paper have been applied in the development of one type of intercontinental ballistic missile.
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