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Global climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing humankind in the contemporary world. The European Union (EU) has played leading role and become the most important pusher to reduce greenhouse gas emmissons by taking proactive policies in the international climate governance. Especially, when the Uinted States withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol in March 2001, EU, facing up to the withdrawl even resistance of the United States, did not give up but tried hard to rescue the Protocol actively so that the Protocol evetually entered into force in 2005. Therefore, this thesis hypothesizes that there must be a myriad factors that have been influencing EU positions and attitudes towards the international climate negotiations. However, what are they and how to act? What factor is the most important and decisive one? What is the deep motivation inducing the EU to take these positions and policies? These puzzles are the major research questions that the author would like to explain and answer in this thesis.
     From the viewpoint of ecological modernization theory, the author analyzes these questions basing on interest-based explanation. The core concept of ecological modernization theory lies on that there is no contradiction and confrontation between environmental protection and economic growth. In fact, under the guidance of an appropriate and smart policy, we can realize win-win result of environmental protection and economic growth. Environmental protection is not the burden of economic ations but one important prerequisite of sustainable growth in the future. Strict environmental policies and higher environmental standards would not hurt the economic competitiveness but would promote technological innovations, create the lead markets, increase the development of eco-industry, and gain greater economic benefits through the international diffusion of environmental technologies and environmental policies. Global climate change has seriously restricted the development of human society; therefore, a low-carbon economy has become a global consensus. The author argues that the EU takes active climate policies and positions in international climate negotiations because the EU believes that a low-carbon society and a more proactive environmental policy would bring huge economic benefits. Firstly, ecological modernization idea influences EU's interest cognition and definition in international climate governance, and induces the EU to adopt an active pioneering policy. Secondly, EU's ecological modernization strategy has brought huge benefits, which strengths the influence of ecological modernization idea and becomes the deep motivation of EU's implement of an active climate policy. Thirdly, the successful climate governance inside the EU becomes the internal foundation for the EU to take proactive international positions and provides international credibility and legitimacy for the EU to play a leading role by "leadership by example" in international climate governance.
     In this thesis, the author considers the above mentioned three variables (ecological modernization idea, ecological modernization gains, and ecological modernization effects) as the independent variables, which influence EU's policies and positions in the international climate negotiations (the dependent variable). The author would like to explore the path and method by which the independent variables influence the dependent variable from the viewpoint of ecological modernization theory.
     This thesis consists of six parts. The first part is the introduction which refers to the main research questions, literature review, main conceptions and ideas in this dissertation, methodology and thesis framework. In the second part, the author introduces the theoretical framework used to analyze the scientific facts and the consequences of global climate change, and the main environmental political theory to tackle ecological problems. After that, the author presents analytical framework, major variables and research hypotheses basing on exploring the central propositions and theoretical framework of ecological modernization theory. As the research background, the third part delineates the process of development and evolution of the international climate negotiations, EU's climate policies and its positions in this process from a historical perspective, and meanwhile analyzes EU's decision-making procedures and institutions of the climate policy and position. As the main body, the fourth part contains three chapters, and tries to analyze and test the research hypotheses presented in part two. The first chapter aims at theoretical analysis on how the ecological modernization idea influences EU's positions in the international climate negotiations through discourse analysis of EU's climate policies documents, EU leaders'speeches on climate change issue, and EU's specific climate policies and measures. The second chapter focuses on the influence of ecological modernization gains towards EU's climate policies and positions. First of all, the author describes the general influences of ecological modernization gains on climate change positions of a country. Then, the author analyzes paths and methods by which ecological modernization gains influence the EU's positions. Finally, the author quantifies the EU's ecological modernization gains through the following three indicators:climate change mitigation technologies, eco-industry, and energy efficiency increase and renewable energy development, and compare these indicators with the United States'and Japan's to prove that the more ecological modernization gains one country or group gets, the more proactive policy and position one country or group has, which reveals the correlation between the ecological modernization gains and EU's positions in international climate negotiations. The third chapter refers to the influences of the successful climate governance inside the EU towards EU's positions in international climate negotiations. The author first generalizes the correlation between internal action and external position in the process of EU's climate governance. Then, the author reveals the correlation between ecological modernization effects and EU's positions in international climate negotiations through the quantitative comparisons of EU's ecological modernization effects and the US' and Japan's. The fifth part is a case study. The author would like to test the correlation between three independent variables and the dependent variable through the EU's position formation in international climate negations in Post-Kyoto period. The author explores the backgroud and process of formation of EU's position in international climate negotiations in Post-Kyoto. At last, it is the conclusion of this thesis. The author sums up the research results of this thesis. Then, the author gives concise review on EU's ecological modernization strategy and presents several implication of EU's climate strategy for China's climate governance.
     The author comes to a conclusion via research. First of all, ecological modernization idea influences the EU's interest cognition and definition in international climate governance. This idea makes the EU believe that the poineering policy would bring it the first-mover advantages and huge benefits in international climate governance and gain the dominant position in the future low-carbon economic era. The ecological modernization idea also provides action road maps for the EU, serves as focal points and glue to coordinate the interests of a variety of interest groups and member states, and influences EU's position through embedding in EU's institutions. Secondly, to create the lead markets in the field of climate change and develop new eco-industries through clear and firm action to reduce emissions, to save the economic costs and increase energy support security through improving the energy efficiency and developing renewable energy, are both the significant interests consideration of EU climate policy and the core idea of EU's Lisbon Strategy and sustainable development strategy. Compared with the United States and Japan, the EU obtains relatively high gains in the climate change mitigation technologies, eco-industries and energy efficiency and renewable energy. The ecological modernization gains enhance the influence of ecological modernization idea towards EU's climate policies and positions. These two factors mutually reinforce and become the deep motivation and economic driving force of EU's proactive climate policies and positions. Thirdly, ecological modernization effects lay the internal foundation for the strategy of EU's "leadship by example" and win the international reputation for the EU to take proactive climate policies and position. Compared with the United States and Japan, the EU obtains relatively high economic and environmental effects. The ecological modernization of EU's economy and society is also higher than the United States'and Japan's. The ecological modernization effects enhance the influence of ecological modernization idea towards the EU's climate policies and position. These two factors mutually reinforce and stimulate the EU to take proactive climate policies and positions.
     In fact, besides three variables mentioned above, there are other factors influencing EU's policies and positions in international climate negotiations. However, this thesis mainly tries to explain EU's policies and positions in the viewpoint of ecological modernization theory, and emphasizes the economic benefits motivation of EU's proactive climate policies and positions. The author believes that this kind of cliamte governance idea and strategy can also bring many important implications and lessons for other countries or groups.
①对于气候变化问题,在国际政治议程和学术界有两个经常交互使用的词:“气候变化(climate change)"与“全球变暖(global warming)",事实上,当前人们所理解的“气候变化”主要是指“全球变暖”,这两个词虽然有时交互使用,但还是有些差别。“气候变化”是个相对中性的词,它的指涉范围要比“全球变暖”更大。科学意义上的气候变化是指气候平均状态统计学意义上的巨大改变或者持续较长一段时间(典型的为10年或更长)的气候变动。政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)对气候变化的定义是气候随着时间推移发生的任何变化,无论是由于自然因素还是人类活动。而《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)对“气候变化”的定义是“指除在类似时期内所观测的气候的自然变异之外,由于直接或间接的人类活动改变了地球大气的组成而造成的气候变化”,它主要强调人类活动引发了地球气候系统的变化;而“全球变暖”主要指由于温室气体排放引发温室效应而导致全球气温上升的趋势,它是气候变化的最主要特征。本文除非特别说明,采用UNFCCC的定义。
    ② Sebastian Oberthur, "The Role of the EU in Global Environmental and Climate Governance," in Mario Telo ed., European Union and Global Governance, London:Routledge,2009, p.194; Claire Roche Kelly, Sebastian Oberthur qnd Marc Pallemaerts, "Introduction," in Sebastian Oberthur qnd Marc Pallemaerts eds., The New Climate Policies of the European Union:Internal Legislation and Climate Diplomacy, Brussels:VUBPRESS, Brussels University Press,2010, p.12.
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    ① Martin Janicke and Helmut Weidner, National Environmental Policy:A Comparative Study of Capacity-Building, Berlin:Springer,1997; Martin Janicke, "On Ecological and Political Modernization," in Arthur P.J. Mol, David A. Sonnenfeld and Gert Spaargaren eds., Ecological Modernisation Reader:Environmental Reform in Theory and Practice, London:Routledge,2010, pp.28-41.
    ② Joseph Huber, Die verlorene Unschuld der Okologie. Neue Technologie und superindustrielle Entwicklung, Frankfurt Fisher,1982; Joseph Huber, "Technological Environmental Innovations (TEIs) in a Chain-Analytical and Life-Cycle-Analytical Perspective," Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.16,2008, pp.1980-1986.
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    ④ Maarten Hajer, The Politics of Environmental Discourse-Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1995.
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    ① Martin Janicke, Ecological Modernisation:Innovation and Diffusion of Policy and Technology, Forschungsstelle fUr Umweltpolitik (FFU) Report 2000-08, Berlin:Free University of Berlin,2000; Martin Janicke, "Industrial transformation between ecological modernisation and structural change." In:K. Jacob, M. Binder, and A. Wieczorek, eds. Governance for industrial transformation. Proceedings of the 2003 Berlin Conference on the Human Dime Forschungsstelle fur Umweltpolitik nsions of Global Environmental Change. Berlin:Environmental Policy Research Centre,2004.
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    ② Martin Janicke and Klaus Jacob, Ecological Modernisation and the Creation of Lead Markets, Forschungsstelle fur Umweltpolitik(FFU) Report 2002-03, p.2.
    ③ Arthur P.J. Mol and Martin Janicke, "The Origins and Theoretical Foundations of Ecological Modernisation Theory,' in Arthur P.J. Mol, David A. Sonnenfeld and Gert Spaargaren eds., Ecological Modernisation Reader:Environmental Reform in Theory and Practice, London:Routledge,2010, pp.18-20.
    ④ Martin Janicke, State Failure:the Impotence of Politics in Industrial Society, Cambridge:Polity Press,1990.
    ① Martin Janicke, "Ecological Modernisation:New Perspectives," Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.16, No.5,2008, p.558.
    ② Martin Janicke, "Ecological Modernisation:New Perspectives," Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.16, No.5,2008, pp.557-565.
    ③ Ibid, p.561.
    ① Joseph Huber, Die Rengenbogengesellschaft. Okologie und Sozialpolitik (The Rainbow Society. Ecology and Social Policy). Frankfurt am Main:Fisher,1985.
    ② Maarten Hajer, The Politics of Environmental Discourse-Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1995, p.25.
    ① Albert Weale, "Ecological Modernisation and the Integration of European Environmental Policy," in J.D. Liefferink, P.D. Lowe and Arthur P.J. Mol eds., European Integration and Environmental Policy, London:Belhaven Press,1993, pp.196-216.
    ② Michael E. Porter and Claas van der Linde, "Green and Competitive:Ending the Stalemate," Harvard Business Review, Vol.73.1995.
    ③ Martin Janicke and Klaus Jacob, Ecological Modernisation and the Creation of Lead Markets, Forschungsstelle fiir Umweltpolitik(FFU) Report 2002-03, pp.6-7.
    ① Debra Johnson, "Ecological Modernization, Globalization and Europeanization:A Mutually Reinforcing Nexus?" in John Barry, Brian Baxter and Richard Dunphy eds., Europe, Globalization and Sustainable Development, London: Routledge,2004, pp.152-167.
    ② Arthur P.J. Mol, "Ecological Modernization and the Environmental Transition of Europe:Between National Variations and Common Denominators," Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, Vol.1, No.2,1999, pp.167-181; Arthur P.J. Mol, "Ecological Modernization and the Global Economy," Global Environmental Politics, Vol.2, No.2,2002, pp.92-115.
    ③ Andrew Gouldson and Joseph Murphy, "Ecological Modernization and the European Union," Geoforum, Vol.27, No.1, 1996, pp.11-21.
    ④例如J.A. Hanigan曾指出生态现代化理论“被一种镇定自若的技术乐观主义所束缚”,see J.A. Hanigan, Environmental Sociology:A Social Constructivist Perspective, London and New York:Routledge,1995, p.184.
    ① Joseph Huber, Die Rengenbogengesellschaft.Okologie und Sozialpolitik (The Rainbow Society. Ecology and Social Policy). Frankfurt am Main:Fisher,1985, p.20.
    ② Martin Janicke, "Ecological Modernisation:New Perspectives," Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.16, No.5,2008, p.559.
    ① Martin Janicke, The Role of Nation State in Environmental Policy:The Challenge of Globalisation, Forschungsstelle fur Umweltpolitik (FFU) Report 2002-07, Berlin:Free University of Berlin,2002, p.1.
    ① Martin Janicke and Klaus Jacob, Ecological Modernisation and the Creation of Lead Markets, Forschungsstelle fur Umweltpolitik(FFU) Report 2002-03; Martin Janicke and Klaus Jacob, "Lead Markets for Environmental Innovations:A New Role for the Nation State," Global Environmental Politics, Vol.4, No.1,2004, pp.29-46; Klaus Jacob et al., Lead Markets for Environmental Innovations, Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag,2005.
    ① Marian Beise, Lead Markets. Country-Specific Success Factors of the Global Diffusion of Innovations, Heidelberg, 2001; Marian Beise and Klaus Rennings, Lead Markets for Environmental Innovations:A Framework for Innovations and Environmental Economics, ZEW Discussion Paper 03-01, Mannheim,2003.
    ① Martin Janicke, Manfred Binder, and Harald Monch, "Dirty Industries:Patterns of Change in Industrial Countries," Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol.9, No.4, pp.467-491.
    ② David Vogel, Environmental Policy and Industrial Innovation:Strategies in Europe, the USA and Japan, London: Earthscan,1995; David Vogel, "Trading up and Governing across:Transnational Governance and Environmental Protection," Journal of European Public Policy,1997, pp.556-571; David Vogel, "Is There a Race to the Bottom? The Impact of Globalization on National Regulatory Policies," In:The Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville, Vol. XXII, No.1,2001.
    ③ Albert Weale, "Ecological Modernisation and the Integration of European Environmental Policy," in J.D. Liefferink, P.D. Lowe and Arthur P.J. Mol eds., European Integration and Environmental Policy, London:Belhaven Press,1993, p.208.
    ④ Martin Janicke, Ecological Modernisation:Innovation and Diffusion of Policy and Technology, Forschungsstelle fur Umweltpolitik (FFU) Report 2000-08; Martin Janicke, "Ecological Modernisation:New Perspectives," Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.16, No.5,2008, pp.557-565.
    ① Martin Janicke, "Ecological Modernisation:New Perspectives," Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.16, No.5,2008, p.558.
    ① Martin Janicke and Klaus Jacob, Ecological Modernisation and the Creation of Lead Markets, Forschungsstelle fur Umweltpolitik (FFU) Report 2002-03, Berlin:Free University of Berlin,2002, p.14.
    ①关于气候变化的科学认知与气候政治之间的关系可参加Jill JaGer and Tim O'Riordan, "The History of Climate Change Science and Politics," in Tim O'Riordan and Jill JaGer eds., Politics of Climate Change:A European Perspective, London:Routledge,1996, pp.1-31.
    ② Miranda A. Schreurs, Environmental Politics in Japan, Germany and the United States, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2002, p.146.
    ③ Michael Howlett and M. Ramesh, Studying Public Policy:Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems,2nd Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2003.
    ④本文主要参考了Sebastian Oberthur and Marc Pallemaerts关于国际气候机制与欧盟气候政策演进历程的划分,参见Sebastian Oberthur and Marc Pallemaerts, "The EU's Internal and External Climate Change Policies:and Historical Overview," in Sebastian Oberthur and Marc Pallemaerts eds., The New Climate Policies of the European Union:Internal Legislation and Climate Diplomacy, Brussels:VUBPRESS, Brussels University Press,2010, pp.27-63;也有的研究者根据国际气候机制形成发展的演进历程,甚至把国际气候机制的形成背景追溯到20世纪50年代晚期,把这段历史划分为议程形成阶段(20世纪50年代晚期到1991年),国际谈判阶段(1991年到1997年12月《京都议定书》的达成)和国际机制的实施阶段(1997年之后),参见Steinar Andrensen and Shardul Agrawala, "Leaders, Pushers and Laggards in the Making of the Climate Regime," Global Environmental Change, Vol.12, No.l,2002, pp.41-51;还有研究者把国际气候机制的演进划分为五个阶段:(1)奠基阶段(20世纪80年代之前),国际科学界对全球气候变化问题的科学研究阶段:(2)议程形成阶段(1985到1988年),全球气候变化问题从科学问题转为政治和政策问题;(3)国际气候谈判的准备阶段(1988到1990年),国家行为体(政府)对全球气候变化问题进程的影响越来越大;(4)正式的政府间谈判阶段(1991到1992),导致《框架公约》的达成;(5)公约的具体化阶段(1992到1997年),主要是关于《议定书》的谈判与达成,参见Daniel Bodansky, "The History of the Global Climate Change Regime," in Urs Luterbacher and Detlef F. Sprinz eds., International Relations and Global Climate Change, Cambridge: The MIT Press,2001, pp.23-40.
    ①关于气候变化早期的科学认知可参见Irving M. Mintzer and J. Amber Leonard eds., Negotiating Climate Change: the Inside Story of the Rio Convention, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994; Heike Schoder, Negotiating The Kyoto Protocol:An analysis of negotiation dynamics in international negotiations, Munster:LIT,2001.
    ② John W. Zillman, A History of Climate Activities,参见世界气象组织网站http://www.wmo.int/pages/publications/bulletin_en/58_3_zillman_en.html#top, accessed on 5 February 2010.
    ③ Steinar Andrensen and Shardul Agrawala, "Leaders, Pushers and Laggards in the Making of the Climate Regime, Global Environmental Change, Vol.12, No.1,2002, pp.41-51; Daniel Bodansky, "The History of the Global Climate Change Regime," in Urs Luterbacher and Detlef F. Sprinz eds., International Relations and Global Climate Change, Cambridge:The MIT Press,2001, p.27.
    ① John W. Zillman, A History of Climate Activities,参见世界气象组织网站:http://www.wmo. int/pages/publications/bulletin_en/58_3_zillman_en.html#top, accessed on 5 February 2010.
    ② Daniel Bodansky, "The History of the Global Climate Change Regime," in Urs Luterbacher and Detlef F. Sprinz eds., International Relations and Global Climate Change, Cambridge:The MIT Press,2001, p.28; Sebastian Oberthur and Marc Pallemaerts, "The EU's Internal and External Climate Change Policies:and Historical Overview," in Sebastian Oberthur and Marc Pallemaerts eds., The New Climate Policies of the European Union:Internal Legislation and Climate Diplomacy, Brussels:VUBPRESS, Brussels University Press,2010, pp.28-29.
    ① Daniel Bodansky, "The History of the Global Climate Change Regime," in Urs Luterbacher and Detlef F. Sprinz eds., International Relations and Global Climate Change, Cambridge:The MIT Press,2001, pp.28-31.
    ②关于INC的谈判历程可参见Daniel Bodansky, "Prologue of the Climate Change Convention," in Irving M. Mintzer and J. Amber Leonard eds., Negotiating Climate Change:the Inside Story of the Rio Convention, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994, pp.60--70.
    ① Daniel Bodansky, "The History of the Global Climate Change Regime," in Urs Luterbacher and Detlef F. Sprinz eds., International Relations and Global Climate Change, Cambridge:The MIT Press,2001, p.32.
    ② Daniel Bodansky, "The History of the Global Climate Change Regime," in Urs Luterbacher and Detlef F. Sprinz eds., International Relations and Global Climate Change, Cambridge:The MIT Press,2001, pp.33-34.
    ②鉴于本文的主要目的在于考察国际气候谈判的发展历程,关于《框架公约》具体内容的分析不在本文的范围之内。关于公约内容的分析可参见Elizabeth J. Rowbotham, "Legal Obligations and Uncertainties in the Climate Change Convention," in Tim O'Riordan and Jill JaGer eds., Politics of Climate Change:A European Perspective, London: Routledge,1996, pp.32-50; Sebastian Oberthur and Hermann E. Ott, The Kyoto Protocol:International Climate Policy for the 21st Cencury, Berlin:Springer,1999.
    ① IPCC:《气候变化1995:IPCC第二次评估》,第22页。
    ② Sebastian Oberthiir and Hermann E. Ott, The Kyoto Protocol:International Climate Policy for the 21st Cencury, Berlin: Springer,1999, p.51.
    ① Earth Negotiations Bulletin, Vol.12, No.66,3 November 1997.
    ② Daniel Bodansky, "The History of the Global Climate Change Regime," in Urs Luterbacher and Detlef F. Sprinz eds., International Relations and Global Climate Change, Cambridge:The MIT Press,2001, pp.35-36.
    ① Earth Negotiations Bulletin, Vol.12, No.66,3 November 1997.
    ② Sebastian Oberthur and Hermann E. Ott, The Kyoto Protocol:International Climate Policy for the 21st Cencury, Berlin: Springer,1999, pp.79-80.
    ③ Ibid, p.88.
    ① Hermann E. Ott, "The Kyoto Protocol:Unfinished Business," Environment Vol.40, No.6,1998, pp.16-20 and pp.41-45.
    ② Michael Grubb and Farhana Yamin, "Climatic Collapse at The Hague:what happened, why and where do we go from here?" International Affairs, Vol.77, No.2,2001, pp.261-276.
    ①参见FCCC/CP/2009/11/Add.1.30 March 2010 (中文版),第4-9页。
    ②Louise van Schaik and Christian Engohofer, "Improving the Climate:Will the New Constitution Strengthen EU's Performance in International Climate Negotiations?" CEPS Policy Brief, No.63/February 2005; Nikolaos Lavranos, "Multilateral Environmental Agreements:Who Makes the Binding Decisions?" European Environmental Law Review, Vol.11, No.2,2002, pp.44-55.
    ① Agnethe Dahl, "Competence and Subsidiarity:Legal Basis and Political Realities," in Joyeeta Gupta and Micheal Grubb eds., Climate Change and European Leadership:A Sustainable Role for Europe? Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic Publishers,2000, p.205.
    ② Tom Delreux, "The European Union in International Environmental Negotiations:A Legal Perspective on the Internal Decision-making Process," International Environmental Agreements, Vol.6, No.3,2006, pp.231-248.
    ① Ute Collier, "The EU and Climate Change Policy:The Struggle over Policy Competences," in Ute Collier and Ragnar E. Lofstedt eds., Cases in Climate Change Policy:Political Reality in the European Union, London:Earthscan,1997, pp.43-64.
    ② Rafael Leal-Arcas, "The European Community and Mixed Agreements", European Foreign Affairs Review Vol.6, No.4,2001,pp.483-513.
    ③ Richard Macrory and Martin Hession, "The European Community and Climate Change:The Role of Law and Legal Competence," in Tim O'Riordan and Jill JaGer eds., Politics of Climate Change:A European Perspective, London: Routledge,1996, pp.106-154.
    ①“三驾马车”起初由前任、现任和继任轮值主席国组成,自从1999年《阿姆斯特丹条约》以来由现任、继任轮值主席国和欧盟委员会组成。参见Rudiger K.W. Wurzel and James Connelly eds., The European Union as a Leader in International Climate Change Politics, London:Routledge,2010, p.11.
    ① Martina Jung, Axel Michaelowa, Ingrid Nestle, Sandra Greiner and Michael Dutschke, "Common Policy on Climate Change:Land Use, Domestic Stakeholders and EU Foreign Policy," in Paul Harris ed., Europe and Global Climate Change:Politics, Foreign Policy and Regional Cooperation, Cheltenham:Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,2007, p.239.
    ②欧盟环境部长理事会专门设置了国际环境事务工作组(Working Party on International Environment Issues),分为两个工作组:一是可持续发展的全球环境方面的工作组,二是气候变化工作组。
    ④ Martijn L.P. Groenleer and Louise G van Schaik, "United We Stand? EU's International Actorness in the Cases of International Criminal Court and Kyoto Protocol," Journal of Common Markets Study, Vol.45, No.5,2007, pp.969-998.
    ① Sebastian Oberthur and Claire Roche Kelly, "EU Leadership in International Climate Policy:Achievements and Challenges," The International Spectator, Vol.43, No.3,2008, p.38.
    ① European Council, Presidency Conclusions, Goteborg European Council-15 and 16 June,2001 (SN 200/01), Goteburg.
    ② C. Burns, "The European Parliament:The EU's Environmental Champion," in Andrew ed., Environmental Policy in the European Union,2nd edition, London:Earthscan,2005, pp.87-105.
    ③ Louise van Schaik, "The Sustainability of the EU's Model for Climate Diplomacy," in Sebastian Oberthur and Marc Pallemaerts eds., The New Climate Policies of the European Union:Internal Legislation and Climate Diplomacy, Brussels:VUBPRESS, Brussels University Press,2010, p.261.
    ④ Louise van Schaik and Christian Engohofer, "Improving the Climate:Will the New Constitution Strengthen EU's Performance in International Climate Negotiations?" CEPS Policy Brief, No.63/February 2005, p.4.
    ① Charlotte Burns and Neil Carter, "The European Parliament and Climate Change:From Symbolism to Heroism and Back again," in Rudiger K.W. Wurzel and James Connelly eds., The European Union as a Leader in International Climate Change Politics, London:Routledge,2010, pp.58-73.
    ② CEC, Preparing for Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, COM (1999)230 final, Brussels,19.05.1999, p.1.
    ① Oriol Costa, "Is Climate Change Changing the EU? The Second Image Reversed in Climate Politics," Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol.21, No.4,2008, pp.527-544.
    ② Nigel Haigh, "Climate Change Policies and Politics in the European Community," in Tim O'Riordan and Jill JaGer eds., Politics of Climate Change. London:Routledge,1996, p.161.
    ③ CEC, The Greenhouse Effect and the Community. Commission Work programme concerning the evaluation of policy options to deal with the greenhouse effect, COM (88)656 final, Brussels,16 November 1988; Heike Schoder, Negotiating The Kyoto Protocol:An analysis of negotiation dynamics in international negotiations, Munster:LIT,2001.
    ④ Andrew Jordan, Dave Huitema and Harro van Asselt, "Cliamte Change Policy in the European Union:an Introduction," in Andrew Jordan, Dave Huitema, Harro van Asselt, Tim Rayner and Frans Berkhout eds., Climate Change Policy in the European Union:Confronting the Dilemmas of Mitigation and Adaptation? Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2010, p.9.
    ⑤ Presidency Conclusions of European Council,25 and 26 June 1990, Dublin;也可参见 Heike Schoder, Negotiating The Kyoto Protocol:An analysis of negotiation dynamics in international negotiations, Munster:LIT,2001.
    ①引自Nigel Haigh, "Climate Change Policies and Politics in the European Community," in Tim O'Riordan and Jill JaGer eds., Politics of Climate Change, London:Routledge,1996, pp.161-162.
    ② Andrew Jordan and Tim Rayner, "The Evolution of Cliamte Policy in the European Union:an Historical Overview," in Andrew Jordan, Dave Huitema, Harro van Asselt, Tim Rayner and Frans Berkhout eds., Climate Change Policy in the European Union:Confronting the Dilemmas of Mitigation and Adaptation? Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2010,pp.52-80.
    ③ CEC, A Community Strategy to Limit Carbon Dioxide Emission and to Improve Energy Efficiency, SEC (91)1744 final, Brussels,14 October 1991.
    ④ Heike Schoder, Negotiating The Kyoto Protocol:An analysis of negotiation dynamics in international negotiations, Munster:LIT,2001, p.29.
    ① Decision 94/69/EC of the Council of the European Union of 15 December 1993 Concerning the Conclusion of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Official Journal of the European Union,7 February, L 33/11.
    ② CEC, Proposal for a Council Directive Introducing a Tax on Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Energy. COM (92) 226 final, Brussels,30 June 1992.
    ③ CEC, Proposal for a Council Decision for a monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emission, Brussels, COM (92)181 final, Brussels,1 June 1992.
    ④ CEC, Proposal for a Council Directive to limit carbon dioxide emission by improving energy efficiency (SAVE programme), Brussels, COM (92)182 final, Brussels,26 June 1992; CEC, Specific action for greater penetration for renewable energy sources ALTENER, COM (92)180 final, Brussels,29 June 1992.
    ⑤ Lasse Ringius, The European Community and Climate Protection:What's behind the 'Empty Rhetoric'? Center for International Climate and Environment Research-Oslo (CICERO), Report 1999:8.
    ① Sebastian Oberthilr and Hermann E. Ott, The Kyoto Protocol:International Climate Policy for the 21st Cencury, Berlin: Springer,1999, pp.65-66.
    ② Council of the European Union (Environment), Conclusions of the 1939th Environment Council, Meeting 25-26 June, 1996, Brussels:Council of Ministers.
    ③关于欧盟“负担共享”协定的谈判及达成可参见Constanze Haug and Andrew Jordan, "Burden Sharing:Distributing Burdens or Sharing Efforts?" in Andrew Jordan, Dave Huitema, Harro van Asselt, Tim Rayner and Frans Berkhout eds., Climate Change Policy in the European Union:Confronting the Dilemmas of Mitigation and Adaptation? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2010, pp.83-102; Lasse Ringius, "Differentiation, leaders, and fairness," International Negotiation, Vol.4, No.2,1999, pp.133-166; Loren R. Cass, The Failures of American and European Climate Policy: International Norms, Domestic Politics, and Unachievable Commitments, New York:State University of New York Press, 2006,pp.143-145.
    ④ Lasse Ringius, "Differentiation, Leaders, and Fairness:Negotiating Climate Commitments in the European Community," International Negotiation, Vol.4, No.2,1999, pp.133-166; Sebastian Oberthur and Hermann E. Ott, The Kyoto Protocol:International Climate Policy for the 21st Cencury, Berlin:Springer,1999, pp.54-58.
    ⑤ Decision 2002/358/EC of the Council of the European Union of 25 April 2002 Concerning the Approval, on Behalf of the European Community, of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Joint Fulfilment of Commitments Thereunder. Official Journal of the European Union,15 May, L 130/1.
    ①CEC, Climate Change-The EU Approach for Kyoto, COM (1997)481 final, Brussels,01.10.1997.
    ① Loren R. Cass, The Failures of American and European Climate Policy:International Norms, Domestic Politics, and Unachievable Commitments, New York:State University of New York Press,2006, p.153.
    ② Sebastian Oberthiir and Hermann E. Ott, The Kyoto Protocol:International Climate Policy for the 21st Cencury, Berlin: Springer,1999, p.51.
    ③《京都议定书》第九条规定对《京都议定书》的第一次审查应该在《京都议定书》缔约方第二次会议上进行。参见Farhana Yamin, "The Role of the EU in Climate Negotiations," in Joyeeta Gupta and Michael Grubb eds., Climate Change and European Leadership:A Sustainable Role for Europe? Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic Publishers,2000, pp.62-63.
    ④ CEC, Climate Change-Towards an EU Post-Kyoto Strategy, COM (1998)353 final, Brussels,03.06.1998.
    ⑤ CEC, Preparing for Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, COM (1999)230 final, Brussels,19.05.1999.
    ① Michael Grubb and Farhana Yamin, "Climatic Collapse at The Hague:what happened, why and where do we go from here?" International Affairs, Vol.77, No.2,2001, pp.261-276.
    ② European Council, Presidency Conclusions, Goteborg European Council-15 and 16 June,2001 (SN 200/01), Goteburg.
    ③ Miranda A. Schreurs, "The Climate Change Divide:the European Union, the United States, and the Future of the Kyoto Protocol," in Norman J. Vig and Michael G Faure eds., Green Giants? Environmental Policies of the United States and the European Union, Cambridge:The MIT Press,2004, pp.207-230; Miranda A. Schreurs, Environmental Politics in Japan, Germany and the United States, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2002.
    ④ Miranda A. Schreurs, "The Climate Change Divide:the European Union, the United States, and the Future of the Kyoto Protocol," in Norman J. Vig and Michael G. Faure eds., Green Giants? Environmental Policies of the United States and the European Union, Cambridge:The MIT Press,2004, pp.218-219.
    ⑤ Decision 2002/358/EC of the Council of the European Union of 25 April 2002 Concerning the Approval, on Behalf of the European Community, of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Joint Fulfilment of Commitments Thereunder. Official Journal of the European Union,15 May, L 130/1.
    ⑥ CEC, on EU Policies and Measures to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions:Towards a European Climate Change Programme (ECCP), COM (2000)88 final, Brussels,8.3.2000.
    ① Wybe TH. Douma, "The European Union, Russia and the Kyoto Protocol," in Marjan Peeters and Kurt Deketelaere eds., EU Climate Change Policy:the Challenge of New Regulatory Initiatives, Cheltenham:Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,2006, pp.51-66.
    ② CEC, Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive 96/61/EC, COM (2001)581 final, Brussels.23.10.2001.
    ③ CEC, Winning the Battle Against Global Climate Change, COM (2005)35 final, Brussels,9.2.2005.
    ④ Marc Pallememaerts and Rhiannon Williams, "Climate Change:the International and European Policy Framework," in Marjan Peeters and Kurt Deketelaere eds., EU Climate Change Policy:the Challenge of New Regulatory Initiatives, Cheltenham:Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,2006, pp.47-48.
    ① CEC, An Energy Policy for Europe, COM (2007)1 final, Brussels,10.1.2007.
    ② CEC, Limiting Global Climate Change to 2 Degrees Celsius—The Way Ahead for 2020 and Beyond, COM (2007)2 final.10.1.2007.
    ③ European Council, Presidency Conclusions, Brussels European Council,8-9 March 2007,7224/1/07 REV1. Brussels: European Council.
    ④ CEC,20 20 by 2020—Europe's Climate Change Opportunity, COM (2008)30 final, Brussels,23.1.2008.
    ⑤ CEC, Climate Action and Renewable Energy Package,2008. Availible at http://ec.europa.eu/environment/climat/climate action.htm, accessed on 13 May 2010.
    ⑥ CEC,20 20 by 2020—Europe s Climate Change Opportunity, COM (2008)30 final, Brussels,23.1.2008, p.3.
    ① Markus Jachtenfuchs and Michael Huber, "Institutional Learning in the European Community:the Response to the Greenhouse Effect," in J.D. Liefferink, P.D. Lowe and A.P.J. Mol eds., European Integration and Environmental Policy, London:Belhaven Press,1993, p.37.
    ① Maarten A. Hajer, The Politics of Environmental Discourse:Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1995.
    ② Albert Weale, "Ecological Modernisation and the Integration of European Environmental Policy," in J.D. Liefferink, P.D. Lowe and Arthur P.J. Mol eds., European Integration and Environmental Policy, London:Belhaven Press,1993, p.208.
    ③ Markus Jachtenfuchs and Michael Huber, "Institutional Learning in the European Community:the Response to the Greenhouse Effect," in J.D. Liefferink, P.D. Lowe and A.P. J. Mol eds., European Integration and Environmental Policy, London:Belhaven Press,1993, pp.36-58.
    ① Maarten Hajer, The Politics of Environmental Discourse-Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1995, p.44.
    ③ Resolution of the Council of the European Communities and of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, of 7 February 1983 on the continuation and implementation of a European Community policy and action programme on the environment (1982 to 1986), The Official Journal, OJ C 046,17.2.1983, p.3.
    ④ CEC, Fourth Environmental Action Programme,1987-92, COM (86) 485 final,1986, p.3.
    ① Resolution of the Council of the European Communities and of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, of 1 February 1993 on a Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable development, The Official Journal, OJ C 138,17.5.1993.
    ② CEC, "Environment 2010:our future, our choice"-The Sixth Environment Action Programme, COM (2001) 31 final, Brussels,24.1.2001.
    ② CEC, A Community Strategy to Limit Carbon Dioxide Emissions and to Improve Energy Efficiency, SEC (91) 1744 final, Brussels.14 October 1991.
    ③ CEC, Climate Change-The EU Approach for Kyoto, COM (1997) 481 final, Brussels,01.10.1997.
    ④ CEC,2020 by 2020-Europe's Climate Change Opportunity, COM (2008) 30 final, Brussels,23.12008.
    ⑤ Sebastian Oberthur and Claire Dupont, "The Council, the European Council and International-Climate Policy:From Symbolic Leadership to Leadership by Example," in ROdiger K.W. Wurzel and James Connelly eds., The European Union as a Leader in International Climate Change Politics, London:Routledge,2010, pp.74-91.
    ① Pamela M. Barnes, "The Role of the Commission of the European Union:Creating External Coherence from Internal Diversity," in in Rudiger K.W. Wurzel and James Connelly eds., The European Union as a Leader in International Climate Change Politics, London:Routledge,2010, p.51:
    ① CEC, A Community Strategy to Limit Carbon Dioxide Emissions and to Improve Energy Efficiency, SEC (91) 1744 final, Brussels,14 October 1991, p.1; CEC, Climate Change-The EU Approach for Kyoto, COM (1997) 481 final, Brussels,01.10.1997, p.4.
    ② CEC, Climate Change-The EU Approach for Kyoto, COM (1997) 481 final, Brussels,01.10.1997.
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    ⑥ Council Decision 94/69/EC of 15 December 1993 concerning the conclusion of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, OJ L033,7.2.1994.
    ⑦ John McCormick, Environmental Policy in the European Union, Hampshire:Palgrave,2001, p.281.
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    ① CEC,20 20 by 2020-Europe s Climate Change Opportunity, COM (2008)30 final, Brussels.
    ② http://ec.europa.eu/environment/climat/climate_action.htm, accessed on 5 March 2010.; Pew Center on Global Climate Change, European Commission's Proposed "Climate Action and Renewable Energy Package" January 2008, http://www.pewclimate.org/docUploads/EU_Proposal_23Jan2008.pdf, accessed on 5 March 2010.
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    ④ Lasse Ringius, "Differentiation, leaders, and fairness:Negotiating Climate Commitments in the European Community," International Negotiation, Vol.4, No.2,1999, pp.133-166; John Vogler, Climate Change and EU Foreign Policy:The Negotiation of Burden-Sharing, VCD Dublin European Institute Working Paper 08-11, July 2008.
    ① Lasse Ringuis, European Community and Climate Protection:What's behind the 'Empty Rhetoric'? Center for International Environment and Climate Research-Oslo(CICERO) Report 1998-8, p.17.
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    ② Ibid, p.12-13限于本文的篇幅及研究需要,本文不再详细列举这36种生态产业。
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    ① Lasse Ringuis, European Community and Climate Protection:What's behind the 'Empty Rhetoric'? Center for International Environment and Climate Research-Oslo(CICERO) Report 1998-8, p.8.
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