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NVH为汽车振动(Vibration)、噪声(Noise)和声振粗糙度(Harshness)的英文缩写,是衡量汽车舒适性的一个综合性问题,NVH性能与顾客对于汽车的总体印象和评价直接相关。随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对于汽车的要求已不仅仅满足于代步,对于汽车的NVH性能提出了很高的要求。传递路径分析方法(TPA-Transfer PathAnalysis)是一种解决汽车NVH问题的研究方法,经过20多年的发展,在国外该方法已被广泛应用于汽车的噪声与振动源的定位,并获得了NVH领域的广泛认可,而在国内对于该方法的研究则相对较少。
     传递路径分析方法在实际应用中已经衍生出很多种方法,其中传统TPA方法是目前公认的精度较高的方法,其他传递路径方法都是在这一方法的基础上发展起来的。但是,传统TPA方法建模时间较长、建模需要的试验工作量较大的缺点严重制约了它的广泛应用。为了提升建模效率,OPA(Operational TPA)方法被提出,该方法的优点在于建模时间较短,但是容易出现丢失路径或错判路径贡献量的现象。为了克服上述方法的缺陷,OPAX(Operational-X TPA)方法被提出,该方法是在传统TPA方法基础上演化而来,同时借鉴了OPA方法的优点,建立的模型精度可以与传统TPA方法相媲美,同时建模效率与OPA方法相当,是一种兼具精度与效率的传递路径分析方法。目前,国内外对于OPAX方法的研究还比较少,而关于OPAX方法在实际工程应用中的研究更是少之又少。
NVH (Vibration、Noise and Harshness) is the comprehensive problem to measurevehicle comfort, which is closely related to customer impression and assessment for vehicle.With the living standard improving, NVH performance standard is rising. TPA-Transfer PathAnalysis, as a research method for NVH, has been widely applied to noise source andvibration source positioning for 20 years, being widely accepted abroad, but uncommon inchina.
     TPA has derived a lot of methods in practical application. Among them conventionalTPA is generally acknowledged as the most precise one and others are developing based on it.However, the disadvantage of long modeling period and hard test workload restrict its wideapplication. OPA is proposed to improve modeling efficiency. The measure has theadvantage of short modeling period but it’s easy to lose path or make erroneous judgment ofpath contribution amount. To overcome the defects, OPAX is proposed. The method isderived on the base of the TPA and it includes the advantage of OPA. It’s a method with themodeling precise of TPA and modeling efficiency of OPA. At present, the research on OPAXis pretty limited and its engineering application is rather rare at home and abroad.
     Further research on Operational-X TPA is the goal of this work that was relied on thecooperative project“A light bus NVH performance improving”of Jilin University and anenterprise. In the paper, the advantages of Operational-X TPA over conventional TPA andOperational TPA have been proved from the theory and test, and the theory of conditionnumber and coefficient of determination was introduced to Operational-X TPA to improvequality criteria. On this basis, the OPAX empirical formula was put forward through a lot oftests and applied to a light bus to study on contribution of transfer path. Improvementmeasures were implemented and the results prove that vibration was attenuated and theempirical formula is effectively for NVH problem.
     The main contents of the paper are as followed:
     1. The research status of the TPA is summarized in the paper and the basic theory ofTPA, the frequency response function theory and the coherence function theory areintroduced. The theoretical basis of the TPA, OPA and OPAX is detailedly exposited and theadvantage and disadvantage of the methods are introduced. For instance, TPA has highprecise but long modeling period and OPA has high modeling efficiency but poor precisionwhile OPAX is a method with precision and efficiency. The modeling process,parametricworking load model and scalability of the POAX are introduced. The theory of conditionnumber and coefficient of determination, being used as the indirect and direct quality criteriais introduced and the theory proof is given.
     2. For further illustrating the advantages of OPAX, the conventional TPA model、Operational TPA model and OPAX model of engine mount and exhaust suspension werebuilt and the identification precision of FRF、operational loads and contribution of transferpath and the time consuming of three models were contrasted. The results show that OPAXhas great precision and efficiency and can be applied to NVH problem preferably.
     3. Based on the above work foundation, the paper makes patulous research on OPAX.The OPAX could not only make quick judgment with less parameters but also could improvethe structure precision by using the complex model in the practical application which isknown as scalability. However, the problem of how to build OPAX model using lessparameters by the premise of guarantee of getting high result precision always puzzles theresearchers. To solve the problem, a lot of tests of four parameters related to the OPAX resultprecision have been conducted. The condition number and coefficient of determination asindirect and direct quality criteria is introduced in the paper and OPAX modelingexperiential formula which could guild the engineering is summarized. The workload ofOPAX modeling is decreased by the premise of guarantee of getting high result precision.
     4. For illustrating the correctness and applicability of the OPAX empirical formula, theOPAX model was built and the analysis on contribution of transfer path was carriedaccording to a light bus vibration problem in speed of 90km/h-110km/h. The results confirmed that the transfer path of rear suspension--car body has the most contribution. Tounderstand characteristics of the transfer path, the modal simulation and experiment wereconducted and first three orders modal was confirmed as the reason of bad characteristics ofthe transfer path. To understand characteristics of the operational loads, the rear suspensionexperiment was conducted and the coupling between tire rolling excitation and the rearsuspension offset frequency was confirmed as the reason of bad characteristics of theoperational loads. Finally, the coupling of tire rolling excitation、the rear suspension offsetfrequency and the first three orders modal of body was confirmed as the reason of the lightbus vibration problem. The research results of this paper show that the OPAX empiricalformula is correct and can be applied to NVH problem preferably.
     5. The improved scheme is made based on the analysis results of the OPAX. First,changing a new tire tread pattern and making the radial runout test and dynamic balance testmake it satisfy the technical requirements and reduce the input of the excitation energy. Then,combine the FEM analysis results with improved measures made by manufactures, and theimproved method is verified in FEM model and verified by modal test in the vehicle whichwas installed with a sample piece. At last, the sample vehicle is made by using all theimproved measures. The test of the original and improved vehicle is made respectively andthe improved measures are improved effective.
     In this paper, the OPAX has been researched deeply and applied to a light bus vibrationproblem for the first time. A complete theory and procedure of OPAX application in NVHproblem was proposed. The results of this paper have great practical value and referencesignificance to similar problems.
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