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Power generation industry as the focus area of the national implementation of energy saving and emission reduction, is not only the creator of quality clean energy, but also the primary energy guzzler and pollution emitters. At present, promoting energy saving and emission reduction of China's power generation industry relies mainly on administrative measures, including the formulation of policies, laws and regulations and the supervision of energy saving work. There are still obvious defects on the scope, manner and extent of energy saving and emission reduction of government's administrative intervention, including insufficient price and fiscal policy incentives, lack of laws, regulations and energy environmental management system. For better realization of China's "the12th Five-Year" energy saving and emission reduction targets, there is an urgent need to establish the long-term emission incentive mechanisms to promote the enterprises participating in a positive and sustainable development, improve the efficiency of electricity energy saving and achieve the power resources optimization configurations. Against this background, this paper studies the impact factors of energy consumption and emissions of power generation, and series of issues on generation cost of energy consumption and emission under the mechanisms of emissions trading mechanism, emission charge and tax mechnism and emission cooperation mechanism, and raises analysis and optimization methods.
     Coordination input-output relationship of power industrial chain has an important significance to achieve energy saving and emission reduction. Coal production, power generation, power transmission, power distribution and user demand form power industry chain. The generation energy consumption and emission analysis model is established with system dynamics method to simulate effects of energy consumption and emission in power industry chain from2010to2030. Analysis and simulation results showed that electricity strength, user price, coal consumption rate and the proportion of clean energy power generation were the four important influence factors of energy consumption and emission in power industry. Accordingly, there can be targeted to promote demand side management and guide customers to use electricity in scientific and rational ways, improve boiler efficiency and reduce coal consumption rate, adjust the power structure and improve the proportion of clean energy generation, which can both save coal consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
     The emissions right trading of generation is an important part of promoting the development of China's emissions trading market and the development of low-carbon electricity. Considering the emission right trading, the power generation energy consumption and emissions optimization model is established. As the goal of social utility maximization, the model takes into account the power amount constraints, power output constraints, emission constraints, trading constraints, which is the theoretical exploration of the emission rights trading market. However, during the carbon emission trading process, due to higher cost of domestic power generation and lower international carbon trading price level, it is recommended to mix power generation right trading and emission right trading to balance of power generation profits in the early establishment of China's carbon emissions trading market in order to increase the enthusiasm of participating transaction.
     Generation emission charge and tax are the important economic means to promote power generation enterprises to participate in energy saving and emission reduction. In the emission fee research, considering enterprise benefits and social benefits, two stage optimization models of energy-consumption and emission were established. In the first stage model, maximums of the social environmental benefits and energy-saving effect were conducted as the objective functions. In the second stage model, maximums of power generation enterprises'profits were conducted as the objective functions with the constraints of KKT conditions of the first stage model. In the emission tax research, a two-stage optimization model for emission tax of coal-fired power plants was established. In the first stage model, minimums of the coal-fired power plants'cost were conducted. In the second stage model, maximums of the social welfare made of consumer surplus and producer surplus were conducted as the objective function. Emissions performance method was used to distribute the emission targets of coal-fired power plants in accordance with the principles of total amount control. The proposed marginal incentive emission tax and charge mechanism not only controlled emissions from the total amount, but also improved emissions treatment initiative of coal-fired power generation enterprises.
     Emission cooperation of generation side and supply side is an important way to improve the efficiency of power generation energy saving and emission reduction and raise their profits. Based on cooperation, optimization models of the coal-consumption cost, reserve cost and emission cost of generators were given out considering interruptible loads provided by power supply companies. Then, the Shapley model, as a means of solving multiplayer cooperative game, was applied to allocate profits between the generators and power supply companies. Both sides' cooperation not only raises profits, but also improves the efficiency of energy saving and emission reduction.
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