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Self-efficacy theory is an important component of social cognitive theory, which was brought forward by Bandura in 1977. Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s effectiveness in performing specific tasks. Self-efficacy plays an important role in the system of self-adjustment, and directly influences the effort of one’s mind when they are performing tasks. After brought into our country, the theory arouses broad studies in the world of sport, mainly focus on practicing and applying on sports teaching, and the handle of competition results and skill. But in the special community of university students exceptionally skilled in sports, there is a big hole.
     These years, the universities in Jilin Province accept many skilled students to make up school teams and take part in games and gain honors for schools. But after entering the university, only a small amount of the students’marks rise or stay in the original level. Most of the students’marks descent and many of them reduce the times they take part in practice or even give up practice. This phenomenon is already opposite to the original attention of the universities. Based on the self-efficacy theory, through the survey and analysis on self-efficacy of students in the universities in Jilin Province, who are skilled in track-and-field, the article brings forward methods and policies of training and improving self-efficacy, according to the situation of self-efficacy of the students.
     Through the surveys, I get the following results:
     1. The students whose achievements grow high or stay in the same level have high self-efficacy.
     2. The students whose achievements do downward, times of practice reduce, and give up practice have lower self-efficacy.
     Concrete measures:
     1. Guide the students to use right attribution style, stimulate the students’self-efficacy to improve their results.
     2. Guide the students skilled in track-and-field set rational targets.
     3. Help the students achieve more successful experiences.
     4. Sep up successful models for students.
     5. The coach should guide the students with positive wise.
     6. The students themselves should keep in good health, both mental and physical.
     7. Cultivate and inspire the coaches’self-efficacy.
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