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Fiber technology has been developed for many applications in both fiber optic communication and sensor systems. Fiber sensors have presented a direction to modern measurements for their unique characteristics, among them intensity modulation fiber sensors own strong applications. The paper focuses on the following work:
    (1) Analyzes fiber sensing theory of intensity modulation; deduces modulation formula of reflex sensor and studies its characteristics using computer; experiments the sensing characteristics of reflex types and fiber bundles.
    (2) Experiments the relation between characteristics of microbent multi-mode fiber sensor and its bent radius or source wavelength, gives theoretical analyses.
    (3) Constructs fiber optical sensing system for vacuum measuring, carries out vacuum measuring using elastic deformation of metal diaphragm for reflex fiber sensor.
    (4) Constructs fiber optical vacuum sensing system for microbent modulation, carries out vacuum measuring using elastic deformation of flexible tube.
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