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Ambidextrous organization is a new model in the face of condition change. Growing evidence shows that ambidextrous firms are more successful than firms that are only oriented to exploration or exploitation. Consequently, it is a still question worth exploring the factors which affect the building of the ambidextrous organization. This paper will discuss the relation between CEO'social capital and the building of the ambidextrous organization of entrepreneurial firm and how the ambidextrous organization affects the performance of entrepreneurial firm.
     There are two research questions:(1) How CEO'social capital affects the building of ambidextrous organization and if the TMT (top management team) cognitive conflict moderate? (2) How the ambidextrous organization affect the performance of entrepreneurial firm?
     This research adopts the method of literature analysis. Drawing on the information processing perspective, this paper builds the model that how the factors affect the ambidextrous organization'building and how the ambidextrous organization affects the performance. Then I borrow some data of associate professor Zhang. This research makes use of correlation analysis and regression to test the theoretical model.
     This paper gets the following conclusions:(1) CEO's weak social network can directly influence the building of ambidextrous organization entrepreneurial firm, But CEO's strong social network can not directly influence the building of ambidextrous organization of entrepreneurial firm. (2) TMT (top management team) cognitive conflict moderates the information advantage brought by CEO's social networks. TMT cognitive conflict and CEO's strong social network have a negative interaction on organizational ambidexterity. TMT cognitive conflict and CEO's weak social network have a positive interaction on organizational ambidexterity’building. (3) The ambidextrous organization is positively associated with the performance of entrepreneurial firm.
     The main contributions of this paper are:
     (1) The paper builds up two models. One is how the social capital affects the building of ambidextrous organization. The other is how the ambidextrous organization affects the performance.
     (2) Using TMT cognitive conflict as a moderate variable, the paper tests that CEO's weak social network, strong social network and TMT cognitive conflict have a positive or interaction on organizational ambidexterity.
①Winter, Sidney G. The satisfieing principle in capability learning, Strategic Management Journal,2000,21: 981-996.
    ①Leiblein,M.J., & Reuer, J. J. Building a foreign sales base: The roles of capabilities and alliances for entrepreneurial firms. Journal of Business Venturing,2004,19:285-307.
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    ①Smith, K. G, Collins, C. J.,&Clark, K, D. Existing knowledge, knowledge creation capability and the rate of new product introduction in high technology firms. Academy of Management Journal,2005,48:346-357.
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    ② O’Reilly C A, Tushman M. The ambidextrous organization [J]. Harvard Business Review,2004,82:74-81.
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    ②Tushman, M, and O'Reilly, C A. Evolution and revolution: mastering the dynamics of innovation and change [J]. California Management Review,1996,38:8-30.
    ③O'Reilly C A, Tushman ML. Ambidexterity as a dynamic capability: Resolving the innovator's dilemma, CIP working paper,2007.
    ④Benner, M.J., & Tushman, M.L. Exploitation, exploration, and process management: The productivity dilem revisited. Academy of Management Review,2003.
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    ⑥Sarkees, Matthew Edward, Exploitation versus Exploration:Getting the Mix Right. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh. PhD,2007.
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    ③Adler, P. S., & Kwon, S.W. Social capital: Prospects for a new concept. Academy of Management Review,2002, 27:17-40.
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    ③Collins, C.J., Clark K. Strategic human resource Practices, top Management teams social networks, and firm Performance: The role of human resource Practices in creating organizational competitive advantage. Academic of Management Journal,2003,46:740-751.
    (?)Amason A C. Distinguishing the Effects of Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict on Strategic Decision Making Resolving a Paradox for Top Management Teams. Academy of Management Journal,1996.39:123-48.
    ①Lubatkin, M H, et al. Ambidexterity and performance in small-sized and medium-sized firms: The pivotal role of top management team behavioral integration[J], Journal of Management,2006,32(5):646-672.
    ①Henderson A D, Miller D, Hambrick D C. How quickly do CEOs Become Obsolete? Industry Dynamics, CEO Tenure, and Company Performance. Strategic Management Journal,2006.
    ②Smith, K. G, Collins, C. J.,&Clark, K, D. Existing knowledge, knowledge creation capability and the rate of new product introduction in high technology firms. Academy of Management Journal,2005,48: 346-357.
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    ①Nahapiet J, Ghoshal S. Social Capital, Intellectual Capital, and the Organizational Advantage. Academy of Management Review,1998,23:242-266.
    ②Cao Q, Maruping L M, Takeuchi R. Disentangling the Effects of CEO Turnover and Succession on Organizational Capabilities:a Social Network Perspective. Organization Science,2006,17:563-576.
    ③Collins, C.J., Clark K. Strategic human resource Practices, top Management teams social networks, and firm Performance: The role of human resource Practices in creating organizational competitive advantage. Academic of Management Journal,2003,46:740-751.
    ①Granovetter, M. The strength of weak ties. American Journal of Sociology,1973,78:1360-1380.
    ②Collins, C.J., Clark K. Strategic human resource Practices, top Management teams social networks, and firm Performance: The role of human resource Practices in creating organizational competitive advantage. Academic of Management Journal,2003,46:740-751.
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    ②Levinthal, D A, and March J G. The myopia of learning [J].Strategic Management Journal,1993,14:95-112.
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    ①Cao Q, Maruping L M, Takeuchi R. Disentangling the Effects of CEO Turnover and Succession on Organizational Capabilities: a Social Network Perspective. Organization Science,2006,17:563-576.
    ①He Z, Wong P. Exploration vs. Exploitation: An Empirical Test of the Ambidexterity Hypothesis. Organization Science,2004,15:481-495.
    ②Gibson C B, Birkinshaw J. The antecedents, consequences, and mediating role of organizational ambidexterity [J]. Academy of Management Journal,2004,47:209-226.
    ③Lubatkin, M H, et al. Ambidexterity and performance in small-sized and medium-sized firms: The pivotal role of top management team behavioral integration[J], Journal of Management,2006,32(5):646-672.
    ②Desarbo, W. S., Benedetto, C. A. D., Song, M.,& Sinha, I.:Revisiting the Miles and Snow Strategic Framework: Uncovering Interrelationships between Strategic Types, Capabilities, Environmental Uncertainty, and Firm Performance. Strategic Management Journal,2005,26:47-74.
    ③Amason A C. Distinguishing the Effects of Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict on Strategic Decision Making: Resolving a Paradox for Top Management Teams. Academy of Management Journal,1996,39:123-48.
    ①March, J. G Theories of Choice and Making Decisions, in Lane. F.A.Current Issues in Public Administration St Martin's Press, New York,1984,229-246.
    ①Granovetter, M. The strength of weak ties. American Journal of Sociology,1973,78:1360-1380.
    ①Amason A C. Distinguishing the Effects of Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict on Strategic Decision Making: Resolving a Paradox for Top Management Teams. Academy of Management Journal,1996,39:123-48.
    ②Beckman C M. The Influence of Founding Team Company Affiliations on Firm Behavior. Academy of Management Journal,2006,49 (4):741-758.
    ③Lubatkin, M H, et al. Ambidexterity and performance in small-sized and medium-sized firms: The pivotal role of top management team behavioral integration[J], Journal of Management,2006,32(5):646-672.
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    [48]Desarbo, W. S., Benedetto, C. A. D., Song, M., & Sinha, I.:Revisiting the Miles and Snow Strategic Framework:Uncovering Interrelationships between Strategic Types, Capabilities, Environmental Uncertainty, and Firm Performance. Strategic Management Journal,2005,26:47-74.
    [49]March, J. G. Theories of Choice and Making Decisions, in Lane, F.A.Current Issues in Public Administration, St Martin's Press, New York,1984,229-246.
    [50]Beckman C M. The Influence of Founding Team Company Affiliations on Firm Behavior. Academy of Management Journal,2006,49 (4):741-758.

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