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Along with the innovation2.0time arrival, technology innovation has become an important way to acquire competitive advantage. More and more enterprises consider technological innovation as the key factor in driving their long-term development. The effect of the implementation of innovation strategy is an essential question that the enterprise concerns. Exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation are two different types of technology innovation strategy. Exploratory innovation refers to the substantial and radical innovation activities. The purpose of exploratory innovation is to explore new possibilities and break through the existing knowledge. It can bring new knowledge for the firm, but the excessive pursuit of new knowledge and technology will lead to "the failure trap". Exploitative innovation refers to the small and incremental innovation activities. The purpose of exploitative innovation lies in the improvement of the status quo. It emphasizes the integration and use of existing knowledge. While exploitative innovation can guide enterprises to make full use of the existing knowledge and technology, paying too much attention to the existing technology will lead to "the success trap". It presents a real problem for enterprises: how to break through the two kinds of trap? Therefore, more and more scholars have stressed the necessity of the balance of exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation From this innovation ambidexterity get more attention.
     Based on existing research, this paper mainly focuses on the following scientific problems including:(1) what is the formation mechanism of innovation ambidexterity?(2) How does innovation ambidexterity influence firm performance?(3) What factors moderate the relationship between innovation ambidexterity and firm performance? Specifically, based on ambidextrous organization theory, strategic management theory and leadership theory, this paper firstly explores the the effects of leadership and strategic orientation on innovation ambidexterity. Then it empirically studies the impact of innovation ambidexterity on firm performance. On this basis, this paper finally focuses on the moderating effect of ambidextrous organizational culture on the relationship between innovation ambidexterity and firm performance. The paper complements the lack of existing research. Following is the conclusion:
     1. The relationship between leadership and innovation ambidexterity. From the perspective of a single leadership behavior, transformational leadership behavior and transactional leadership behavior, which respectively promote the feed-forward learning flow and feedback learning flow, thus affect exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation, and ultimately affect innovation ambidexterity. The results of regression analysis also fully show that transactional leadership behavior and transformational leadership behavior relate significantly positively to innovation ambidexterity. From the perspective of the behavior integration, a single transactional leadership behavior or single transformational leadership behavior has a positive effect on innovation ambidexterity, but the integration of two kinds of leadership behaviors is more conductive to the realization of innovation ambidexterity. The results of regression analysis show that the interaction between transformational and transactional leadership is positively related to innovation ambidexterity. In addition, based on the median as the cut-off point, transactional leadership and transformational leadership can be divided into two groups, and the leaders are divided into four types. Then this paper uses analysis of variance to explore the effect of the integration of leadership behaviors on innovation ambidexterity. The results of analysis of variance indicate that the four types of leadership have significant differences in innovation ambidexterity. In particular, when individual leadership attaches great importance to the implementation of transactional leadership behavior and transformational leadership behavior, the firm can obtain the highest level of innovation ambidexterity. Therefore, the simultaneous implementation of transactional leadership behavior and transformational leadership behavior plays an important role in innovation ambidexterity.
     2. The relationship between strategic orientation and innovation ambidexterity. From the perspective of a single strategic orientation, technology orientation and market orientation, which respectively promote exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation, and ultimately affect innovation ambidexterity. The results of regression analysis also fully show that technology orientation and market orientation relate significantly positively to innovation ambidexterity. From the perspective of strategic orientation integration, a single technology orientation or single market orientation has a positive effect on innovation ambidexterity, but the integration of two kinds of strategic orientation is more conductive to the realization of innovation ambidexterity. The results of regression analysis show that the interaction between technology orientation and market orientation is positively related to innovation ambidexterity. In addition, based on the median as the cut-off point, technology orientation and market orientation can be divided into two groups, and the firms are divided into four types. Then this paper uses analysis of variance to explore the effect of the integration of strategic orientation on innovation ambidexterity. The results of analysis of variance indicate that the four types of firms have significant differences in innovation ambidexterity. In particular, when firm attaches great importance to the implementation of technology orientation and market orientation, it can obtain the highest level of innovation ambidexterity. Therefore, the simultaneous implementation of technology orientation and market orientation plays an important role in innovation ambidexterity.
     3. The relationship between innovation ambidexterity and firm performance. The present research conclusions presented heterogeneity that the relationship between innovation ambidexterity and firm performance were positive in some researches while they were not positive in others. Using a sample of Chinese high and new technology enterprises, this paper empirically studies the relationship between innovation ambidexterity and firm performance. The results of regression analysis show that innovation ambidexterity has significantly positive effects on firm performance. Therefore, the simultaneous implementation of exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation plays an important role in improving firm performance.
     4. The moderating mechanism of the relationship between innovation ambidexterity and firm performance. In order to explain the inconsistent conclusion, some scholars begin discussing the moderating mechanism of the relationship between innovation ambidexterity and firm performance from a contingency perspective. The existing research mainly focuses on the external environment factor, social network factor and organization factors. However, little research attention the moderating effect of organizational culture. This paper empirically studies the moderating effect of ambidextrous organizational culture. The results of regression analysis show that ambidextrous organizational culture positively moderates the relationship between innovation ambidexterity and firm performance. Therefore, encouraging "organizational diversity" and shaping "shared vision" plays an important role in strengthening the positive effect of innovation ambidexterity on firm performance.
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