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Human walking is a coordination and voluntary movement in the control of nervoussystem and motor system. It is essential to ensure independent living conditions for mankind.Nervous system or motion system problems will lead to walking obstacles and even loss ofhuman walking ability, which seriously affects the normal life. Cerebrovascular disease is oneof the most common neurological diseases. Modern studies confirm that, throughrehabilitation training, stroke patients with neurological injury can complete the restructuringof the central nervous system and functional compensation, motion function can also restore.As the human motion system will gradually decline with increasing age, older people willhave different degrees of movement dysfunction, which needs body support or legspower-assisted to help achieve normal walking. Walking assistance rehabilitation robot canprovide appropriate training mode to users according to the users’ different levels of ability,which will realize the rehabilitation walking intelligent. The robot can also provide objective,accurate treatment and evaluation parameters for clinical rehabilitation physicians to ensurethe training efficiency and strength. The development of walking assistance rehabilitationrobot has important significance on helping stroke patients re-establish the confidence to walkand improving the quality of the elderly to live independently.
     The research work comes from a project funded by National High Technology Researchand Development Program (863Program), which is “Research on Multi-walkingrehabilitation robot (2008AA040203)”. The main objective is to provide rehabilitationtraining and walking services to hemiplegia, paraplegia physically disabled patients and frailelderly. The detailed theoretical analysis and experimental research are carried out includingthe detection and analysis of human gait, man-machine system rehabilitation motion planning,coordination control strategy of robot passive training and coordination control strategy ofrobot power-assisted training.
     Research status of walking assistance rehabilitation robot and related fields areoverviewed at home and abroad. Based on analyzing and comparing the existed rehabilitationrobots’ machines, working principles and control strategies, a kind of machine scheme ofwalking assistance rehabilitation robot is proposed and the robot’s control scheme is designed.The robot can provide appropriate walking training strategies to users according to theirwalking ability, and it can help stroke patients regain walking function and provide walkingpower to the frail elderly.
     Gait information measurement system is designed to measure the normal ground walkinggait information. The characteristics of the body gravity center’s speed, the lower limb joints’angle and angular velocity are analyzed. Mathematical model of human gait information is set up. The structure size optimization of walking assistance mechanism is finished according tohuman physiology motion information. A gait planning model is proposed for double-crankwalking assistance mechanism, which can control the stance phase and swing phase of gaitreasonably. A speed planning model of mobile platform is established based on the bodyweight movement information and the model is fit for the gravity of human body centermotion characteristics. The simulation analysis is carried out by using MATLAB software.The results show that motion planning fits for characteristics the normal walking gait, and therobot can help the person to achieve a continuous and steady walking.
     Based on the mathematical model of human gait information, the passive coordinationcontrol strategy is proposed for people whose walking ability is under the3level. Theclosed-loop control strategies of the two units were studied. Dynamic models of walkingassistance unit, human lower limbs and man-machine are established using dynamic matrixmathematical model and Lagrange method. Walking assistance unit robust controller andmobile platform cross-coupling synchronization controller are designed. Using Lyapunovmethod, stability analysis of robot control system is made. The simulation study of each unit’scharacteristics and coordination of robot system are finished.
     The power-assisted coordination control strategy is proposed for people whose walkingability is over the3level. The force closed-loop control strategies of mobile platform, thebody support mechanism, and man-machine system are studied. Dynamic models of mobileplatform and man-machine system are established. Feedforward and feedback controller isdesigned according to the analysis of the system’s characteristics. Fuzzy controller is designedfor phenomenon of the mobile platform turn which is caused by the uneven force of the twowheels. Constant quality body weight supported force controller based on the user’sacceleration is proposed, which will help the user bear the mutative loads. The fuzzycontroller can realize the coordinated control of the robot. Simulation of each unit forcecontrol and robot power-assisted coordinated control are researched.
     Experimental prototype of walking assistance rehabilitation robot is developed. Thecomponents and function of experimental system are described. Base on the dSPACEreal-time system, experimental study is completed which mainly include the mobile platformparallel control, mobile platform cross-coupling synchronization control, the walkingassistance unit function and robust control, the robot coordination control, the real use ofexperiment and so on. The experimental research verifies the rationality of walking assistancerobot model, the stability of robot control system and the feasibility of various controlstrategies. The robot can achieve the real walking training fucntion.
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