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     本论文研究了利用汽(柴)油机尾气中本身含有的碳氢化合物(HCs)作为还原剂,并在较低温度下实现择性催化还原(SCR)NO_x的催化剂及反应体系。采用溶胶凝胶法、水热合成法以及湿式浸渍法等方法分别制备了贵金属负载Pt/TiO_2、金属氧化物SnO_2/TiO_2以及介孔分子筛Pt/SBA-15(Pt/Al-SBA-15)三大类催化剂,通过XRD、TEM、BET、XPS、NMR等分析表征方法及低温吸附(ADS)、程序升温脱附(TPD)、程序升温氧化(TPO)、选择性催化还原反应(SCR)等催化剂活性评价方法,分别考察比较了C_3H_6-SCR催化活性,并结合原位傅立叶变换红外光谱(in situ DRIFTS)表征,初步揭示了富氧条件下Pt/TiO_2、SnO_2/TiO_2催化剂上C_3H_6-SCR可能的反应机理。
     8、通过原位红外分析(in situ DRIFTS),对PT500和SnO_2/TiO_2催化剂上C_3H_6-SCR可能的反应机理做了初步探讨。研究结果表明,两种催化剂上C_3H_6-SCR反应均可以归属为硝酸盐反应机理,进一步结合反应物共吸附、SCR反应以及分步反应的红外图谱,分析可知,PT500上主要是双齿硝酸盐参与反应,而SnO_2/TiO_2催化剂上主要是桥式和单齿硝酸盐参与SCR反应。C_3H_6和NO的活化是该反应重要的起始步骤。
With the increase of the motor vehicles, the problems caused by exhaust gaspollution are being much more serious, and also the emission control technology hasbeen developed dramatically. However, the traditional three-way catalysts (TWC) arenot effective for the removal of exhausts emitted from lean-burn engines and dieselvehicles. Alternatively,selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO_xis one of the mosteffective methods for NO_x removal, and NH_3-SCR technique has already beenapplied into the removal of NO_x emitted stationary source successfully, which isunsuitable for the removal of NO_x emitted from mobile source.
     Selective catalytic reduction by hydrocarbons (HCs, a natural componentalready present in combustion exhaust) is an effective and convenient techniquewhich can remove both pollutants simultaneously. In this work, the oxygen-rich,low-temperature and low-concentration vehicle exhaust was simulated in lab scale. Aseries of catalysts were prepared for C_3H_6-SCR by sol-gel, hydrothermal andwet-impregnation methods, including Pt/TiO_2, SnO_2/TiO_2and Pt/SBA-15(Pt/Al-SBA-15). The prepared catalysts were characterized by means of XRD, BETsurface area, TEM, NMR, XPS and evaluated by adsorption (ADS), temperatureprogrammed desorption (TPD), temperature programmed oxidation (TPO), selectivecatalytic reduction (SCR),NH_3-TPD and in situ DRIFTS techniques. The main resultsand conclusions are summarized as follows:
     1. The NO_xadsorption ability of the support was enhanced significantly afterimpregnation of active components (Pt and SnO_2), in that case, the adsorptionprocess of NO_xhappened on catalysts not only include physical adsorption, butalso chemical adsorption. In the meantime, both the supports and catalysts hadlimited adsorption capacity of C_3H_6, indicating that main influence factor of propene adsorption depends on the physiochemical properties of supports.
     2. Impregnation of active components enhanced the NO_xadsorption abilitysignificantly as well as the NO_xdesorption amounts during TPD process. The NOdesorption peaks appeared in the low temperature range could be ascribed tophysical adsorption of NO and the dissociative adsorption of NO, whereas the NO_xdesorption peaks displayed in the high temperature range could be assigned to thedecomposition of nitrate species formed on the catalysts surface. The NO-ADScapacity and NO-TPD amounts depends on the physiochemical properties ofsupports (e.g., BET area, acidic and basic properties), as well as the activecomponents natural properties.
     3. It can be concluded that the Pt loading (Pt/TiO_2,Pt/SBA-15) improved thesamples oxidation activities in the TPO processes of NO to NO_2and C_3H_6to CO_2in low temperature range markedly, which correlates well with their SCRactivities. The competitive reaction of reactants (C_3H_6and NO) and intermediateswith the active oxygen species on catalyst surface (e.g., Pt-O, adsorbed oxygen)resulted in mutual inhibitition for the oxidation of NO and C_3H_6in SCR reaction.The SnO_2/TiO_2catalyst reached its maximum NO_xreduction efficiency at relativehigher temperature(>300℃),which correlates well with its NO/C_3H_6-TPOactivity as well.
     4. Among all Pt/TiO_2samples, PT500exhibited the best NO_xconversion efficiencyof47.03%and100%C_3H_6conversion simultaneously at180℃under the standardreaction condition,the SCR activity displayed a “volcano shape” variation versustemperature. This enhanced activity of PT500may be due to the strongest NO_xadsorption capacity,the outstanding oxidation activities in TPO process and thehighest Pt dispersion together with its anatase phase. Promotive effect of MOx(M=Mn, Ce, Co) mechanically mixed with PT500on SCR activity was observed,which might be associated with the enhancement formation of intermediatespecies.
     5. Nevertheless, the SnO_2/TiO_2sample showed maximum40.3%NO_xreduction at 320℃and100%conversion of C_3H_6at280℃, respectively. The difference ofcatalytic performances between Pt/TiO_2and SnO_2/TiO_2correlates well withthe natural properties of active components themselves. The XRD and XPSresults exhibited that SnO_2was loaded onto the TiO_2support and no othercomposite oxide was formed.
     6. The0.5%Pt/SBA-15sample achieved markedly high80.1%NO_xreduction and87.04%C_3H_6conversion simultaneously at140℃. The XPS results suggested thatPt, PtO and PtO_2were all presented on the catalyst, whereas PtO_2species mightplay a role as main active site. The incorporation of appropriate amount Al intoSBA-15improved catalytic performance, which could be ascribed to theenhancement of catalyst surface acidity caused by tetrahedrally coordinated AlO4.
     7. Higher concentrations of O_2and C_3H_6led to higher NO_xconversion efficiencies.Higher amount of active components loading also favored NO_xconversion, but anoptimum content was observed. For Pt the optimal amount was0.5%, whereas5%was for SnO_2. In addition, the synthesized catalysts possessed good catalyticstability and physical stability.
     8. From the in situ DRIFTS spectra obtained in C_3H_6-SCR for PT500and SnO_2/TiO_2,it could be deduced that both samples could be ascribed to nitrates reactionmechanism. However, according to the in situ DRIFTS spectra of coadsorption ofreactants, SCR and stepwise reaction, it was obvious that bidentate nitrates weremore active than other kinds of nitrates and readily participating in C_3H_6-SCR onPT500catalysts, whereas bridged and monodentate nitrates were believed to bemore reactive and readily involved in C_3H_6-SCR on SnO_2/TiO_2catalyst. Theinitial activations of NO and C_3H_6were crucial steps in the SCR reaction.
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