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With the development of urbanization of our country, water pollution of city hasbeen widely concerned.Now,we have much more experience in point pollutioncontrol,but the study and control of urban Non-point source pollution,which is takenfrom storm water runoff is still very poor.
     In this article,results of a series of water quality monitoring of rainfall runoff atthe experimental area of nanchang univercity qianhu campus were analyzedcombining corresponding rainfall data.Result indicated the flow-yield andpollutant-discharge characteristic of runoff water quality.Combined with someoverseas studies,the correlations of discharged pollutant load to runoff-precipitationhave also been studied .Through careful analysis it has been accepted that annnualpollutant load method and mathematics model method are two useful ways to studythe impact of runoff on receiving water bodies. It also provide some effective runoffmanagement methods such as environment management in campus, road cleaning,vegatation control, wet detention pond, infiltration system and wetland.
     These study restults can provide some fundamental material and methods toenvironmental administrared department in order to control non-point sourcepollution and protect our environment more effectively.
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