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In this paper, we had do the comparative analysis about the geological characteristics of ultrabasic rock-type Cu-Ni deposits both at home and abroad, especially in Huishan Neimeng and analysed the preconditions in applicating electrical prospecting in Huishan Neimeng. On this basis, resistivity and induced polarization method were applied in Huishan Neimeng in the first time, and achieved better results prospecting.
     The tectonic of ultrabasic rock-type Cu-Ni mine exploration in Huishan Neimeng lies in plate boundaries in northern China ,locating Erlianhaote - Sunitezuoqi ultrabasic rocks with Cu-Ni mineralization,and is one of the main potential areas prospecting.
     To contrastive study geological characteristics and geophysical characteristics of the known ultrabasic rock-type Cu-Ni sulfide deposit at home and abroad, this article studies the ore-bearing ultrabasic rock's geological features of Huishan and analysis the electrical prospecting geological preconditions. In the ultrabasic rock-type orebody, based on the differences of resistivity and polarizabilty of the ultrabasic rockbody, alteration zone and silicon slate, carrird out induced polarization method and resistivity method.Through field data collection, data processing and data interpretation ,we included that altered ore-bearing ultrabasic rock may exist, as well as the shape and size of rockbody and determined the approximate depth of burial.at last provided the basis for the drilling engineering.
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