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     在200-400℃下实现了氧化石墨片层的剥离。通过XPS、SEM、TEM、AFM、N2吸附和电化学工作站等手段对制备的石墨烯进行表征,制备的石墨烯材料单片层在80%以上,比表面积达到370 m2/g,具有良好的电化学性质——电化学容量可以达到220 F/g,且循环性能良好。同时系统考察了氧化石墨制备工艺中不同氧化时间、石墨烯制备工艺中负压状态下的不同温度及常压高温等条件对制备的石墨烯材料的性质和性能的影响。结果表明,通过低温法制备的石墨烯材料的电化学性能要优于常压高温法制备的石墨烯材料。
Graphene is a kind of novel two-dimensional carbon material, which was successfully prepared in 2004. Due to excellent electronic, mechanics, opticical and thermal properties, graphene has been the“hot spot”of material science, but the available preparation methods of graphene restrict the wide-spread applications due to different shortcomings for different approaches. In this study, we propose a low-temperature chemical approach for producing high quality of powdered graphene materials that is easy to realized and manipulated; we found that the graphene perpared by this approach possesses high electrochemical capacitance.
     Graphite-oxide was prepared by using Hummer method. Influences of two types of graphite and different oxidation period on graphite-oxide were investigated. Both oxidation period and the structure of startig graphite are very important for producing high oxidation degree of graphite-oxide.
     Graphene was obtained by the fast exfoliation of graphite-oxide at 200-400℃. The obtained graphene material was characterized by XPS, SEM, TEM, AFM, N2 absorption and electrochemistry workstation. The oxygen content of graphene material obtained by this approach is as lower as 10% and the monolayer structure is promintent and fraction is over 80%. The BET specific surface area of graphene powder can reach 370 m2/g and the powders possess excellent electrochemistry properties, which is characterized by the capacitance of 220 F/g and good cycle performance. Different conditions, such as the different oxidation period, different exfoliation temperature and different pressure, have been studied. The results reveal that the graphene obtained by low temperature approach possesses higher electrochemical capacitance.
     We also studied the graphene-doping and constructing of new nano-structure graphene-based material. B- and N-doped graphene was perpared successfully; Using liquid-air method, the graphene-oxide membrane which prossess highly ordered structure was prepared and the membrane thickness can be precisely controled by the membrane growth period.
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