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The health is the benefits-related issues that people most concerned about. And they are also the most direct and the most realistic problems. Social health insurance is an important public system which is the state guarantees the social members of the medical and health. At the same time, it is also an important part of the social security system. Under the guarantee of legal's and policies, social health insurance system assured a heavy responsibility that undertake the disease treatment, the medical services and the healthy recovery for the members of society. The establishment of the social medical insurance system is related to the general situation which is about the reform, the development and the stability of the society.
     The sixth plenary session of the sixteenth CPC central committee presented that we need strengthening the medical and health services, improving the social security system and achieving the goal which can construct a high level well-off society comprehensively. It is the primary task and goal of the health system that activate a unified medical security system which is covering both urban and rural residents by2020. It is in this background, we should study the development and evolution of Chinese medical insurance system in-depth; to find out the problems encountered in the development, improve the system to provide the health and medical for the national which is fair and safe, economy and efficiency. This article studied the development process of Chinese medical security system from different angles and aspects. We started with the process of the historical development and through the research of the development process carefully, and then we summed up the successful experience and lessons. Especially we compared the medical security systems of the typical developed countries. In the same time, we studied the evolution of the process, and the problems encountered in the process. By analyzing the existing problems in our country and the development in the medical security system, we hope to provide recommendations for the medical security system in china.
     This paper put Chinese medical insurance system development into three phases for the first time. We analyzed the characteristics of the various stages of Chinese medical insurance system and we also analyzed and evaluated the Chinese basic medical insurance system objectively. By comparing the medical insurance system in China and abroad for several medical security modes, we teased out the similarities and differences among them with out point of view of historical development, we summed up the successful experiences and lessons of the reform in these countries and we look forward to these can be a good inspiration for Chinese medical insurance system reform. And we presented the new concept of the medical insurance system reforming China which is turning treat and disease to disease prevention when you disease-free, and ultimately died of natural causes, then, increase government responsibility is the key to achieving the changes. At the same time, in the content of the system, we attached importance to the establishment of prevention and rehabilitation mechanism. So we can not only reduce the spending on medical fund but also improve the health quality of the national.
     This paper argues that now our government proposed that the first issue need to be addressed in the reformation of the medical security system is that the medical treatment is difficult and expensive. But in comparing with the development history and the experiences of the health care system in other developed counties, this is not the fundamental problem. The fundamental problem is to solve the national health problems from the source. For instance, if a sewer was blocking, everyone is seeking an answer that how to pull out the debris or with which methods. But I want to know why the sewer was blocking and what block it. Otherwise, even if you took out the debris, there will be other debris, and we will never solve the problem. Therefore, we need to solve the practical problems and we also need to solve the long term problems. The highlight of this paper is stressing that emphasis on treatment and prevention are equally important The key to prevention is to play the role of Chinese medicine.
     At present, the overall economy development level is still low, especially the level of per capital GDP. So the input of the medical and health services can not be achieved a high level. Because of the resources constraint, we should put an emphasis on the prevention in this kind of disease which is low input and high income. Many studies have demonstrated that many of the disease burdens in china are due to the lack of effective prevention. Through the effective precaution reduce the incidence of various disease should be the first choice. Reduction of the incidence of the disease not only be able to improve the overall level of health of the members of society comprehensively, but also can alleviate the contradiction between the medical needs and the services significantly. At the same time, the costs of prevention are considerably lower than the cost of treatment.
     The article is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction. In this section, we have a comprehensive and the focus account of the overall idea of the paper. The meaning of selecting several typical countries in the world we also described several characteristics of the medical insurance model in the world. We mainly discussed the main arguments on the several stages of the theoretical development of Chinese medical insurance and theoretical perspectives foreign representatives.
     In the second part, we mainly discussed the transformation of Chinese society and the development process of the medical insurance system, the main content of the urban employees' healthcare insurance the process and the status in the development of rural medical security system, the establishment of the urban resident's medical insurance system and conducted a comprehensive evaluation of Chinese basic medical insurance system.
     The third part mainly discussed the developments and changes in its reform of the medical security system in the world. We have discussed the development and evolution of the Japanese medical insurance system which is implement f the social health insurance system. The focus of our analysis is the effective measures to more towards the national health insurance from the Japanese National Health Insurance Law, and the experiences which can learn from the improvement of the national health insurance. We have analyzed the characteristics and the reforming of the American medical security system which is mainly to the commercial medical insurance system and the social medical and system. We have discussed the composition of the UK's Health Care System which is the implement of the Nation Health Service protection system and the main services, the problems of the direction of the reform. We have analyzed the evolution and the mainly characteristics of the medical security system in Singapore which is implement of the saving medical security system.
     Part four firstly introduced the world's four kinds of typical medical insurance model, then we were evaluated or the experience of the United States, Britain, Japan and Singapore. After that we stained from the basic date, carried out a comparative analysis of the system and the medical insurance system related conductions of the typical foreign countries and identified the gap between China and advanced countries.
     In the fifth part, we focus discussed the common problems insurance system. The problem is the rapid growth of the medical costs, we analysis the characteristics and regular patterns of the healthcare cost interest and the control measures. We discussed our medical cost increases and the measures to control growth. We have elaborated that the main factors lead to medical cost increases in these countries is the doctor's moral hazard and the development of new medical technologies. Now the reducing the government's taking on everything and emphasizing on individual responsibility.
     Part six focuses on the main points of building the sustainable development of the Chinese medical insurance system divided into the periods of the development of Chinese medical insurance system exploring the part of the medical security system in China for sustainable development outlined the blueprint for the development of Chinese medical insurance system.
     To build the Chinese medical insurance system which is sustainable development need we build the medical model which is importance both the prevention and treatment in the future. We also need to build the security system which is united by the disease treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation and health services. At the same time we need to develop the function of prevention with the Chinese medicine. There will be no significant effect in a short term. It needs the government stand out and take care of the national interests, then the target will be achieved. The ultimate goal of Chinese medical reformation is the national health and ultimately died of natural causes,. For this, we need to make efforts to implement from the following aspects:Focus on the implementation of the new medical reform and resolve the problem that the medical treatment is difficult and expensive. To build the medical insurance system model that is combined with Chinese and western. We should focus to promote both the prevention and treatment, and emphasis on the development of Chinese medicine, improve the quality of life. We need to enhance the capacity of community health gatekeepers and provide residents with convenient and efficient service. We must use our advantages to build the cause of Chinese medical security which is sustainable development to build the low-cost and intensive medical services system. We can reduce the coasts by use the advantage of numbers, so we can dissolve the individual risk to the entire country. Chinese medicine is the best choice for it cheap and simple. This advantages and features just can achieve the ultimate goal of Chinese new medical reformation effectively.
     In addition, we need to perfect a multi-level medical security system. From the foreign experience, a good way to scatter the pressure of the medical expenses is to establish the medical system for the elderly and establish the care insurance system. Let the care insurance to bear the cost of care and rehabilitation or shared by the welfare for the elderly. This way can reduce the expenditure burden of medical expenses. Because of we do not have the care insurance, and the welfare system is not perfect. So, it is also very tight to improve the welfare system for the elderly, decentralized medical risks, and improve the coordinated care system. In terms of system mechanisms, we should increase supervision and create a marked reputation to constraint doctors'moral hazard. And control the medical costs trough the introduction of market competition and establish an incentive mechanism effectively.
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