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    效率94. 0%,消化性溃疡有效率87. 1%,均高于对照组78. 3%、69. 9%。
    HP总抑杀率治疗组83. 0%,对照组81. 7%,两者相似。实验研究表明:健
We have inquired into the etiology and pathogenesis of H. pylori associated Peptic uler disease and its treating principle by using the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and combination of TCM and Western Medicine .By means of clinical and experimental researches, we have explored the mechanism of the curative effect of Jianweiqingyoupian on H. pylori associated peptic uler disease. We found that the fundamental pathogenesis H. pylori associated Peptic uler disease is the deficiency in its principal aspects and the excess in its secondary aspects. The exogenous pathogenic factors is exterior and qi deficiency in the spleen and stomach is its interior. Therapeutic methods: Strengthening anti-pathogenic qi and eliminating pathogenic factors. Prescription: Tablet of Jianweiqingyoupian. The result of clinical research showed that the treatment group had 94.0 percent in effective ate and 87.10 percent in the alleviated rate of Peptic ule
    r disease , superior to contrast group with 78.30 percent and 69.90 percent respectively. Treatment group is similar to contrast group in killing HP rate, the former is 83.00 percent and the latter is 81.70 percent. The experimental research indicated that Jianweiqingyoupian can increase immune functions, improve tissue, therefore decrease relapse of Peptic uler disease.
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