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     欧洲肠外肠内营养学会推荐营养风险筛查工具(Nutritional Risk ScreeningTool 2002,NRS-2002)用于住院病人的营养筛查。对NRS-2002筛查为有营养风险者给予肠外肠内营养支持能否改善临床结局缺乏前瞻性研究报道,也没有中国和美国医院住院病人的相关资料。因此,本研究以NRS-2002为工具,比较北京和美国巴尔的摩的教学医院中住院病人营养风险状况及营养支持的使用情况;分析肠外肠内营养支持对有营养风险的患者临床结局的影响。
     Nutritional Risk Screening Tool 2002(NRS-2002) was recommended by E(?)can Socitey of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrtition for use in hospitalized patients.Th(?)as no prospective study on the effect of parenteral nutrition and enteral nutrition on(?)l outcome in patients at nutritional risk defined by NRS-2002,also no such data(?)e patients in China and the United States.The aim of this study was to compare(?) nutritional risk status and application of nutritional support in teaching hospita(?) China and the United States,to evaluate the effect of parenteral nutrition/enteral nutr(?)n clinical outcomes in patient at nutritional risk.
     In this prospective cohort study,patients admitted to departments of gastro(?)nal medicine,respiratory medicine and abdominal surgery in the Johns Hopkins H(?)al (JHH) in Baltimore in the US,in the Peking Union Medical College Hospital(PUMCH) and Beijing University Third Hospital(BUTH) in Beijing,China were recruited and received nutritional risk screening using NRS-2002 on admission.A NRS score of≥3 means at nutritional risk.Patients were monitored daily until discharge to collect data on the application of parenteral nutrition(PN) and enteral nutrition(EN),treatment(?)rgery, complications,mortality and length of stay(LOS).
     1.The difference between the teaching hospitals in Beijing and Baltimore:Totally 1041 patients were recruited.The rate of nutritional risk was similar between PUMC(?)d JHH(P=0.15),although the rate of obesity was significantly higher in JHH(P<(?)1). Among the medical patients,there was more frequent use of PN and less freq(?)se of EN in PUMCH(P=0.01).The application rate of nutritional support was sign(?)tly higher in PUMCH in surgical patients at no nutritional risk(P<0.001),especi(?) patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery(P<0.001).
     3.The impact of parenteral/enteral nutrition on clinical outcomes:Totally 18(?)tients were recruited.Among the "at risk" patients(n=827),the complication rate wa(?)er in the "nutritional support" group than that in the "no support" group(P=0.009),(?)ainly because of the significantly reduced rate of infectious complications(P<0.001).Among the "at risk" patients with obviously reduced oral intake before admission,the association of nutritional support and the reduced rate of infectious complications was obs(?) in each hospital(P=0.004,0.04,0.03,respectively).In addition,the complicati(?)te was significantly lower in the patients who received EN but not in the patients who received PN when compared to the "no support" group.Among the patients without nutritional risk(n=1004),the complication rate was not different between the "nutritional support" group and the "no support" group(P=0.12).The multivariate analysis showed nutrition support was a protective factor for complication rate in the "at risk" patients when adjusted for confounders(odds ratio:0.54,P<0.001).
     4.the impact of preoperative nutritional support on clinical outcomes:Among the patients with NRS score of≥5(n=127),the complication rate was lower in the "preoperative nutrition" group compared to the control group(P=0.009).The postoperative hospital stay was 4 days shorter in the "preoperative nutrition" group (P=0.03),while the LOS was similar in the two groups(P=0.84).Among the patients with NRS score of 3-4(n=429),the complication rate and postoperative hospital stay was similar between patients with or without preoperative nutrition(P=0.96,0.77).
     1.The rate of nutritional risk was similar between Beijing and Baltimore while there was more obesity in Baltimore.
     2.Parenteral nutrition was overused in Beijing in surgical patients at no nutritional risk, especially among those undergoing gastrointestinal surgery.However,no effect of nutritional support on clinical outcome was found among the patients at no nutritional risk in this study.
     3.Among the medical patients,there was more frequent use of PN and less frequent use of EN in Beijing when compared to Baltimore.It revealed that EN was associated with significantly reduced complication rate in this study.
     4.This finding revealed that nutritional support was beneficial to the patients at nutritional risk by reduced rate of infectious complications,especially among the patients with obviously reduced oral intake before admission.
     5.It suggests that preoperative nutritional support is beneficial to the patients with NRS score of≥5 by reduced complication rate.
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    3.Z Jiang,W Chen,W Zhan et al.Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition Application in West,Middle & East of China:a Multi-centre Investigation for 15098 patients in 13 Metropolitans Using NRS Tool.Clin Nutr Suppl 2007;2:133-134.
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    15.Kondrup J,Allison SP,Elia MB,Vellas B,Plauth M.ESPEN guidelines for nutrition screening 2002.Clin Nutr 2003;22(4):415-421.
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    4.Kondrup J,Rasmussen H H,Hamberg 0,et al.Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS 2002):a new method based on an analysis of controlled clinical trials.Clin Nutr 2003;22:321-336.
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    6.Kyle,UG,Kossovsky MP,Karsegard VL,Pichard C.Comparison of tools for nutritional assessment and screening at hospital admission:A population study.Clin Nutr 2006;25(3):409-17.
    7.Kondrup J,Johansen N,Plum L M,et al.Incidence of nutritional risk and causes of inadequate nutritional care in hospitals.Clin Nutr 2002;21:461-468.
    8.Z Jiang,W Chen,W Zhan et al.Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition Application in West,Middle & East of China:a Multi-centre Investigation for 15098 patients in 13 Metropolitans Using NRS Tool.Clin Nutr Suppl 2007;2:133-134.
    9.Bauer JM,Vogl T,Wicklein S,et al.Comparison of the Mini Nutritional Assessment,Subjective Global Assessment,and Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS 2002)for nutritional screening and assessment in geriatric hospital patients.Z Gerontol Geriat 2005;38:322-327.
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    18.Schiesser M,MUller S,Kirchhoff P,Breitenstein S,Schafer M,Clavien PA.Assessment of a novel screening score for nutritional risk in predicting complications in gastro-intestinal surgery.Clin Nutr 2008;27(4):565-70.
    19.Martins CP,Correia JR,do Amaral TF.Undernutrition risk screening and length of stay of hospitalized elderly.J Nutr Elder 2005;25(2):5-21.
    20.Amaral TF,Matos LC,Tavares MM,Subtil A,Martins R,Nazare M,Sousa PN.The economic impact of disease-related malnutrition at hospital admission.Clin Nutr 2007;26(6):778-84.
    21.Johansen N,Kondrup J,Plum LM,Bak L,Norregaard P,Bunch E,et al.Effect of nutritional support on clinical outcome in patients at nutritional risk.Clin Nutr 2004;23(4):539-50.
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    4.Jiang Z,Chen W,Zhan W,et al.Parenteral and enteral nutrition application in West,Middle and East of China:a multi-centre investigation for 15098patients in 13 metropolitans using NRS tool.Clin Nutr 2007;2(Suppl):133-134.
    5.Kondrup J,Allison SP,Elia MB,et al.ESPEN guidelines for nutrition screening 2002.ClAn Nutr 2003;22(4):415-421.
    6.Detsky AS,McLaughlin JR,Baker JP,et al.What is subjective global assessment of nutritional status.JPEN 1987;11(1):8-13.
    7.Gazzotti C,Albert A,Pepinster A,et al.Clinical usefulness of the mini nutritional assessment(MNi)scale in geriatric medicine.J Nuix Health Aging 2000;4(3):176-181.
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    13.Kondrup J,Johansen N,Plum LM,et al.Incidence of nutritional risk and causes of inadequate nutritional care in hospitals.Clin Nutr 2002;21(6):461-468.
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    15.Sorensen J,Kondrup J,Prokopowicz J,et al.EuroOOPS:an international,multicentre study to implement nutritional risk screening and evaluate clinical outcome.Clin Nutr 2008;27(3):340-349.
    16.Schiesser M,Müller S,Kirchhoff P,et al.Assessment of a novel screening score for nutritional risk in predicting complications in gastro-intestinal surgery.Clin Nutr 2008;27(4):565-70.
    17.Kyle UG,Kossovsky MP,Karsegard VL,et al.Comparison of tools for nutritional assessment and screening at hospital admission:a population study.Clin Nutr 2006;25(3):409-417.
    18.Bauer JM,Vogl T,WickleinS,et al.Comparison of the mini nutritional assessment,subjective global assessment,and nutritional risk screening (NRS 2002)for nutritional screening and assessment in geriatric hospital patients.Z Gerontol Geriat 2005;38(5):322-327.
    19.Martins CP,Correia JR,Amaral TF.Undernutrition risk screening and length of stay of hospitalized elderly.J Nutr Elder 2005;25(2):5-21.
    20.Amaral TF,Matos LC,Tavares MM,et al.The economic impact of disease-related malnutrition at hospital admission.Clin Nutr 2007;26(6):778-784.
    21.Johansen N,Kondrup J,Plum LM,et al.Effect of nutritional support on clinical outcome in patients at nutritional risk.Clin Nutr 2004;23(4):539-550.
    22.American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine Consensus Conference.Definitions for sepsis and organ failure and guidelines for the use of innovative therapies in sepsis.Criti Care Med 1992;20 (6):864-873.

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