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  • 英文题名:Study of ODA Policy in South Korea
  • 作者:金永久
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:世界经济
  • 学位年度:2014
  • 导师:张宝仁
  • 学科代码:020105
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2014-04-01
     韩国于2009年11月成为OECD、DAC的第24个会员国,2010年11月在G20高峰会议上负责主持审议“Seoui Initative”开发议题,这是作为国际经济合作最高级别的G20会议,其中包括发展中国家在内的低收入国家的援助问题也是由韩国来主导审议的。正是因为韩国具有由受援国转为援助国的经历,所以可以从发达国家与发展中国家的两个不同角度考虑问题,进而发挥“折中性”的作用。
20th century, ending with the collapse of the former Soviet Union and thelong-term domination of the world as the center of the United States and the SovietUnion Cold War era, the world ushered in a new era of peace and cooperation. So far,the world's focus gradually turned from a political and military security to addresssocial and economic development and other issues, namely, human security, economicgrowth, poverty elimination and environmental protection areas, which have becomethe focus of common concern of humankind in the21st century, thus pursuit ofgrowth and development to become a top priority to resolve the issue.
     With the changes in the international situation, the developing countries ineradicating poverty and the pursuit of economic growth, the efforts from theinternational community of the need for further strengthening of economic and socialdevelopment assistance to developing countries-the importance and utility of ODAidentity is also deepening. The degree of concern for the international community'seconomic and social development of developing countries is deepening, for developedcountries to adapt to the changing needs of development ODA, ODA has been thecause of the flexibility of countries as an important way of diplomacy.
     Foreign aid can not only play a role in the elimination of human poverty, andcreate a situation of peaceful development, but also become the internationalcommunity from the perspective of protecting the national interests of a country'spolicy instruments. Currently, less developed countries are still faced with intractableproblems of hunger, disease and political instability, while the growth of the worldeconomy in recent years has been relatively slow, but the opposite is the Chinese andIndian economy has achieved rapid development, its position of the internationalcommunity is rising. In addition. Economies of some countries in Africa, there havebeen more obvious improvement. In this changing international environment, foreign aid, the Korean government has become an important means to improve the positionof the international community, to deepen cooperation between the less developedcountries.
     Accelerate the process of the world, so that the benefits arising from economicgrowth gradually spread to low-income countries, but after entering in2000, withfurther accelerate the pace of the world, leading to increased polarization betweencountries, the economic crisis spread rapidly around the world, the World of thenegative effects become apparent, developing universal impoverishment of theeconomic downturn and the resurgence in the world of the developed and developingcountries have been through multiple channels of interdependence. Today, theproblem occurs in a country or a region the rest of the wave is not subject togeographical restrictions, say, a political and economic issues in the region is notentirely a thing of the region, it will also affect other countries. Therefore, from thisperspective, ODA support for poor countries are more meaningful than ever.
     But the2008outbreak of the financial crisis, the development of the worldeconomy into an unprecedented low tide, the European financial crisis as the country'smain ODA commitments of economic stagnation in Europe, particularly in the publicdebt issue was prominent in developed countries, countries in order to reduce deficit,slashed the amount of foreign aid, the implementation of the policy to the country'seconomic development priorities.
     Korea in the past had received economic assistance from developed countries, soas to economic development has injected vitality. In return for the internationalcommunity, South Korea began to support economic and social development projectsin less developed countries in the form of foreign aid, foreign economic anddevelopment aid through here, to promote the rapid expansion of the size of theKorean economy, and in1996joined the0ECD, belongs in the OECD Under theDevelopment Assistance Committee of the arrangements involved in the activities ofvarious types of assistance projects in25OECD committees affiliated organizationsin South Korea is not a member of the only-DAC.
     DAC Member States, began to exercise their rights and obligations. In terms ofaid policies and the implementation of projects to further develop the Koreaneconomy in the past had received assistance from developed countries, economicdevelopment, so as to inject vitality. In return for the international community, SouthKorea began to support economic and social development projects in less developedcountries in the form of foreign aid, foreign economic and development aid throughhere, to promote the rapid expansion of the size of the Korean economy, and in1996joined the0ECD, belongs in the OECD Under the Development AssistanceCommittee of the arrangements involved in the activities of various types ofassistance projects in25OECD committees affiliated organizations in South Korea isnot a member of the only-DAC.
     Development cooperation can promote economic growth and expand trade. DACOECD as one of the three policy objectives, its functions between the Member Statesand policy dialogue, negotiation of development aid policies on developing countriesand organically with each other, to guide Member States conscientiously fulfill thetargets Now it has become the core of the OECD Committee. OECD DAC withvarious other committees belong, this committee is not at liberty to join, when SouthKorea joined OECD, ODA scale up to only$160million, accounting for only0.03%in the proportion of GNI, in the lower level of international assistance, so when AddODC fashion does not have the required conditions. Later, as South Korea's economicstrength, international responsibility and role to fulfill and expand exchanges withdeveloping countries and other conditions have until2009before eventually joinedODC. And in2010became a role.
     DAC norms more general mandatory norms over the declaratory richer than thebinding international treaty, although not fulfill means to protect the economy, but thevariety of policy dialogue and assessment by colleagues, but also the members tocomply with all Provisions and adjustments required to achieve policy, it can be said,do not worry there is no obligation of policy norms, comply with regulations andpolicies as long as the adjustment is completed through policy consultations and colleagues evaluation mechanism can be achieved between Member States, de factoownership sex. aid policies ushered in a new period of transition, the new millenniumdevelopment aid target set in the future, South Korea in the international communityto eliminate poverty has made more efforts in order to achieve the internationalcommunity while South Korea responsibility should be borne by improving the statusand role, is expanding the scale of foreign aid, foreign aid to improve the system.Medium to long term, South Korea joined DAC, become the dominant type ofparticipants in international development cooperation and assistance norm formationprocess, and enhance the right to speak Korean participation in the development ofcooperation related projects, more fully reflects Korea's position in seeking ODApromote advanced technology aspects of the system play an active role.
     However, as the ODA Member States must comply with the provisions of itsquantity and quality requirements, perform a variety of policies and regulations andthe relevant regulations, ODA to promote international development cooperation,taking a variety of policies to promote the expansion of the scale of assistance throughODA qualitative improvements to increase the efficiency of aid work. This policyguidance, although there is no economic factors are in accordance with the OECDagreement to the provisions of the resolution, but according to the OECD convention,still has political, moral of the de facto binding. Therefore, as ODAH Member Statesshould put these resolutions as a policy issue has directivity.
     South Korea in November2009to become OECD, DAC first24Member States,in November2010at the G20summit chaired considered "Seoui Initative"development agenda, which is known as the highest level of international economiccooperation, the G20meeting, including assistance to developing countries, includinglow-income countries is also from South Korea to lead the deliberations. It is becauseKorea has turned from the aid recipient country's experience, so you can consider theissue from two different angles developed and developing countries, and thus play a"compromise" of the role.
     Member States from participating in the event, South Korea promised to the international community to aid comparison of2015GNI scale increased to0.25percent, according to this commitment, in2010the International Aid Korea amountedto$1.2billion, is expected to scale South Korea's ODA in2015will reach about$3billion. With the expansion of the scale of ODA, South Korea will further strengthenthe effectiveness of the implementation of the obligations related to the budget, aidalone to complete a variety of utilities. With the development of the cause of the ODA,the current dispersion of procedure decided manner may result in aid the cause ofrepetitive problems occur, reduce the efficiency of implementation of the budget andso on. Therefore, in order to promote the reform of foreign aid policy and advancedtechnology, South Korea should clearly understand and grasp the trend of recentchanges in international cooperation, in particular the success of treatment on theinternal and external environmental changes brought about; further accelerate theprocess of globalization and openness, and put it as a breakthrough in thedevelopment of the Korean economy, and create new opportunities for growth; thelong-term cooperation with developing countries as a basis for economic development.In this regard, should be strengthened to reflect the value of understanding the EarthPan, actively explore markets in developing countries, to strengthen diplomaticsecurity, enhance the influence of the state, and so on.
     Although South Korea has20years of history of foreign aid, and accumulatedsome experience in terms of foreign aid and experience, but compared with developedcountries still belong to the newly industrialized countries, the need to improve anddevelop local or greater. Therefore, the need for further review of the relevant existingaid policies to improve the future can be more foreign aid strategy, which is thesubject of my research for this purpose. In addition, from South Korea, such asincome level and status in the international community to consider the future potentialof foreign aid is still larger scale, but excessive focus on expanding the scale ofassistance, while ignoring aid policy improvements, still can not effectively changethe status of low aid effectiveness. In addition, if the creation of the managementaspects of aid effectiveness and effects of doubts, even if aid has increased, it will not strengthen the national identity of the foreign aid. Therefore, in order to safeguard thesustainable development of foreign aid in the future, Korea aid policy to deal with thediagnosis and uninterrupted improvement.
     In this paper, based on the theory related to ODA, ODA conducted on a morein-depth research, that the international community ODA process of change, the statusand characteristics of the main types of overseas aid, on the basis of a comprehensiveand in-depth analysis of the Korean ODA policy the evolution and characteristics,ODA environment, aid for trade, eradication of poverty and development aid sectors,the main content of foreign aid policy, operational mechanism of foreign developmentaid, the results achieved, the problems and the reasons, ODA policy improve thedirection and future development trends. Which the South Korean foreign economicdevelopment aid system is divided into two forms, namely, the development ofbilateral and multilateral development aid system aid system, including bilateral aidand aid paid assistance, multilateral assistance mainly to provide assistance throughvarious international organizations.
     From the characteristics of the Korean ODA policy perspective, Korea is acountry to accept the assistance of foreign aid into the country to implement; foreignaid have been expanding; choose development aid target, the main priority to politicaland diplomatic relations, the proportion of trade with South Korea, the otherabundance of resources and other matters; paid a larger proportion of aid, accountingfor38%, and this proportion is higher than only one country, Portugal, Republic ofKorea. In addition, multilateral ODA budget is increasing, but in terms of budgetmanagement and effectiveness of the management problems of many; operation isrelatively low and so the effect of ODA. Therefore, the Korean ODA careerachievements in management and budget execution arrangements need to furtherintensify and strengthen the sense of responsibility, the establishment of acoordinating body for inter-sectoral policies.
     Korean ODA policy problems are mainly reflected in the proportion ofsub-standard economic assistance economies of scale should bear; lack of financial resources assistance, and more single and decentralization; aid policy pre-and postpoor management; Trade Aid status of foreign aid not prominent; unpaid proportion ofaid is relatively low; distribution of aid to the poorest developing countries, theproportion of the irrational. The main reason for these problems is that the system isimperfect construction aid policy; national level of ODA strategy is not enough toconsider comprehensive, integrated management system, such as the construction ofmore lacking.
     Korean ODA policy direction of improvement, the development of nationaladvanced level of ODA programs to address the cause of the excessivedecentralization of ODA good, and strengthen accountability. Select Priority areas ofrelatively centralized development aid to build strategic, career advancement andpromotion of a unified system of aid. In addition, the establishment of environmentaland development cooperation combines unified system.
     The future development trend of Korean ODA is to strengthen the integration ofODA and private sector undertakings; further ensure the stability of the ODA financialresources; strengthening mutual cooperation in multilateral aid and bilateral aid; aid tobuild multilateral cooperation mechanisms and evaluation system; create mainstreamtrade foreign aid of the situation; increase aid to the poorest countries efforts; thepurpose of international aid, South Korea's special position with the principles oforganic combination.
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