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In recent years, with the rapid development of intelligent video surveillance system,as well as the urgent demand of the security situation, people’s requirements for smartintelligent video surveillance system are increasing more and more, and it is muchaccounted of day by day that multi-cameras network because of its expansive surveillanceareas. Nevertheless, on the one hand, due to the consideration of capital and resources, it isunlikely to cover all surveillance area with a great amount of monitors. Therefore, cameratracking with non-overlapping views has become a main part in the study of wide-areavideo surveillance. On the other hand, the precondition in the camera tracking is objectmatching which is the significant research project in the object detection and matching formultiple non-overlapping surveillance cameras.
     This thesis contrapose the existing problem in the moving object detection ofdisturbed irregular background, object tracking with a single static camera and objectre-identification for multiple non-overlapping surveillance cameras. With the in-depthstudy, the following results can be achieved:
     1. To the question the high rate of false drop of moving target detection with Gaussianmixture model in the irregular disturbed background, combined with the motion estimationmethod usually used in video coding, we proposed an effective method of real-timemoving object detection. Gaussian mixture model can effectively cope with regulardisturbance in the scene, and has an advantage of foreground area extraction, at the sametime, irregular disturbing region in the background will also be detected as movingforeground region. Therefore, with the detection results of Gaussian mixture model, wefurther utilize the regional motion estimation method to differentiate irregular disturbingregion of background and prospect moving object region. The experimental results indataset I2R[58]show that it is very effective that the method detailed in this paper that objectdetection for irregular disturbance background.
     2. In the single static camera viewpoint,for the problem of object position offset andloss with the tracking method based on single feature, we present a novel tracking algorithm with a covariance matrix of multiple features and EM-GMM method. Thealgorithm utilizes ME-GMM algorithm to extract moving object region of each frame andremove the background components in the video stream, effectively avoids the targetposition offset in tracking process, and then on the basis of the foreground region'scovariance matrix matching in consecutive frames, we analyze the motion state of movingobjects in the continuous frames to predict the likely positions in the next frameovercoming the problem of missing due to occlusion. In the dataset PETS2009[59],experimental results indicate that, compared with the tracking algorithm based on particlefilter, the proposed tracking algorithm has more accurate tracking position of object andlower loss rate.
     3. To the question of accuracy of moving object re-identification with multiplenon-overlapping surveillance cameras, we put forward a performance model of movingobject description based on shape context and AP clustering. Firstly, we utilize APclustering algorithm to determine the clustering centers of the object image in the log colorspace and the category each pixels belonging to, then we put all the clustering centers as areference point set to generate the shape context descriptor set, finally we calculate theEMD distance of objects extracted from different non-overlapping cameras to matching thesame objects, reducing the matching error caused by the illumination change, Angle andscale changes. Experimental results in dataset VIPeR[60]show that the method is effective.
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