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     除了规范性的定性分析之外,本文还对银行信用风险的预警机制和预测模型进行尝试性的研究。参考Bosman A. Roger提出的预测贷款违约主要先期迹象和指标,综合影响商业银行信用风险预警基本因素,遴选出一些关键指标建立银行单笔贷款信用风险的预测模型,这个模型在商业银行控制信用风险的实际操作中具有一定的参考价值。
Credit risk is one of the most ancient and most important financial risk forms in the financial market, and a major issue facing modern economic body (especially financial institutions), investors and consumers. It has been an issue of great importance in the financial filed of modern economy to analyze its causes in order to guard against credit risk.
    The main reason leading to credit risk of banks is the shortage and loss of credit in economic bodies. The basis of the shortage and loss of credit is the existence of limited rationalism and opportunism. By analyzing the shortage and loss of credit by means of economics, it is believed in this essay that we should start to guard against and control credit risk through uprooting the behaviour of credibility loss. To uproot the behavior of credibility loss, we can start from property right. It is necessary that we should attach importance to the setting up of rules and regulations, the introduction of biding system of ethics and moral into government laws and rules. We should also attach importance to the construction, administration and application of information.
    By comparison with the world advanced administrative system of commercial bank credit risk and drawing on the experience of administration of international advanced commercial banks, the essay puts forward the concept that the ideal administration of credit risk should be firmly based on regulations and technology, and construction of culture and external credit environment should also be included. Considering that the "soft rib" of risk administration of state-owned commercial banks lies in the poor condition of technology, the essay introduces and streams the administrative molds of capital and property formation of current world banks. To realize the ultimate goal of the administration of credit risk, namely, to balance the relationship between risk and profit of the administration of capital and property formation, the grading system such as "grading system of clients" and "classification of loan risks" become the important contents of risk identification, which starts from risk identification of single property risk.
    For the purpose of evaluating the grades of clients' credibility, the essay introduces the most famous Z model. Concerning the shortage of Z model, the essay points out the necessity of modification of clients grading system in a practical way, and offers the standards of modification of practical grading.
    According to the Bassel's agreement of new capital, and combined with the statue quo of the classification of loan risk of our state-owned banks, it is pointed out that the five levels of classification should be further streamed so that the changing process of loan quality can be clearly reflected and the tactics of Good Quality and Good Price which is priced according to the loan quality can be achieved.
    Except for the standardized qualitative analysis, the essay also makes attempted research into the forewarning system and prediction models of bank credit risk. In reference with the major earlier symptoms and index of agreement violation of loan put forward by Bosnian A. Roger, and combining the basic elements that influence credit risk forewarning of commercial banks, some key indexes have been selected to establish the prediction model of single loan credit risk. The model may serve as reference in the practice of controlling credit risk of commercial banks.
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    [2] 信用风险和贷款本身一样古老,它可以追溯到至少公元前1800年。据豪莫(Homer)和希勒(Sylla)的研究资料表明,在公元前1800年,古巴比伦的《汉谟拉比法典》就涉及许多关于信用监管的章节(见李志辉《现代金融风险量化度量和管理研究》,第1页)。
    [3] 英国著名金融专家,约翰.霍利韦尔在《银行风险管理手册》一书中,详尽列举了对方当事人可能违约的各种表现形式,如贷款、信用保险、不同的贸易支付方式(赊销、货到付款、预付货款、交货付款)、国际贸易、托收、汇票、合同保证书、第三方担保、对出口商的中长期融资等。
    [4] 赵晓菊:《银行风险管理》,第20页,上海财经大学出版社,1999年。
    [5] 施兵超、杨文泽:《金融风险管理》,第33页,上海财经大学出版社,1999年。
    [8] 各项贷款余额来自《中国金融年鉴》1999。
    [9] 资料来源:《1999年中国金融展望》。
    [10] 这是对新制度学派理论的一般化解释。
    [11] 转引自刘斌《失信行为的经济学阐释》,《理论经济学》2002.3
    [12] 蓝伯雄等《管理经济学(下)——运筹学》,清华大学出版社1997.8
    [13] Nelson.Phillip,Information and Consumer Behavior,Journal of Political Economy, 1970.4
    [14] 美国的监管机构主要有:货币监理署(OCC)、联邦储备银行(FRB)、存款保险公司(FDIC)、审计监管署(OTS)、各州监管部门(参见董唯俭、郭宁宁等:《美国银行同业授信风险管理情况报告》,《国际金融》增刊,2002年第1期)。
    [15] 参见《中国银行信用评级手册》
    [16] 特定违约损失=1-清偿率
    [17] 预期损失(EL)=违约敞口×违约概率×特定的违约损失
    [18] 王春峰:《金融市场风险研究》,天津大学出版社,2001年。
    [19] 资料来源:阿尔特曼与基绍尔(1997)
    [20] EBIT指利息和税收之前的收益。
    [21] EBITDA指利息、税收、折旧、摊销之前的收益
    [22] 参见章彰《巴塞尔协议与银行信用风险管理》(内部资料)
    [23] 参见李志辉:《现代信用风险量化度量和管理研究》第223页,中国金融出版社,2001年。
    [24] 按美国高盛公司总经理E.Gerald Corrigan的观点,信用风险管理的本质是在正确的时间,把握正确的信息,提供给正确的人,使这些人可以提出正确的问题而做出正确的判断。
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