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International trade dispute is not only an economic, political or legal problem, but also has much to do with discourse. Discourse plays a pivotal role in the occurrence, continuation, intensification, transformation and dissolvation of trade dispute. Up until now, only a few studies notice the discoursal reasons and corresponding solutions to trade disputes. Yet, neither do these studies put forth systematic discourse-analytic paradigms according to the charactersitics of trade dispute discourse, nor do they carry out detailed case studies, which, therefore, make their conclusions unconvincing.
     This dissertation, through a systematic invetigation into the discourses permeating Sino-US tire special safegurad case, intends to reach two general research aims:1. Propose and justify a feasible research framework for trade dispute dicourse studies;2. Reflect on China's merits and defects in dicursively coping with this trade dispute. These two macro aims are expected to be realized by answering three major research questions, they are:1. How did each party (pro-safeguard and con-safeguard) macro-configurate their own discourse in this case? What are the merits and defects of China's macro discursive configuration?2. What specific discursive strategies were manipulated by each party in this case? What are the merits and defects of China's manipulation of discursive strategies?3. What implications can be drawn from the above findings?
     In line with the research aims and questions, this dissertation firstly analyzes the contextual, social and cultural nature of trade dispute discourse as an argumentative, intercultural and power-struggle interaction, based on which. Cultural Approach to Discourse (CAD) is used to macro-analyze and compare the discourses uttered by parties involved in tire special safeguard case (the corpus covers60.000Chinese characters and100,000English words), from such three analytic categories as Speaker, Medium and Topic. Then, to micro-reveal the discursive strategies and their corresponding linguistic realizations manipulated by each party in tire special safeguard case, Strategic Maneuvering analytic framework for argumentative discourse studies is exploited to analyze and compare USW's (the petitioner of tire special safeguard case) public letter to the Senate and the House on August31st.2009, and China's CCCMC&CRIA's public letter to Obama and USTR on July27th.2009.
     As is revealed from the macro and micro analysis, governments, officials, guilds/workers' unions, tire businesses, medias and experts are major Speakers in this special safeguard case. These Speakers, via Mediums including announcements, public letters, public hearings, face-to-face negotiations, press conferences and mass medias,"argue" with each other mainly on "'legitimacy" and "rationality" of tire special safeguard measures. Apart from that, the strategic maneuvering in USW and CCCMC&CRIA's public letters is integratedly realized through choice of topical potential, catering for audience demands and choice of presentational devices, which is supported by such argumentaive strategies as appeal to authority, pressuposition, omission, metaphor, avoidance of disadvantages, catering for audience's preference, normination, truism, modal idiom, paralellism, contrast, irony, categorization, generalization. concession,consensus, vagueness, repetition, statistics, appeal to opponent's concession, and the like.
     China needs to improve its configuration of Speakers, Mediums and Topics, in comparison to its American opponents; in contrast to the careful strategic maneuvering in USW's public letter, CCCMC&CRIA's public letter has its shortcomings in clarification of difference of opinion in the confrontation stage, in choice of starting points in the opening stage, in choice of topics in the argumentation stage and in manipulation of such specific argumentaive-rhetoric strategies as 'contrast'and'statistics'. On the other hand, it is evident that China has been aware of the importance of language use in trade disputes and made considerable progress in the manipulation of discursive strategies, which is in sharp contrast to its passive discursive responses in previous trade disputes.
     In view of China's merits and deficiency in discursively coping with the tire special safeguard case, this dissertation suggests that, in the future international trade disputes, as for the macro configuration of discourse, China should:1. not only organize domestic speakers, such as government, enterprises, guilds, experts, media, and etc., to'argue'with opponents, but also make great efforts to urge more stakeholders and opinion leaders to stand out and'argue'for China;2. make full use of official announcement, public letter, public hearing, official face-to-face negotiation, press conference and mass media, in accordance with their different characteristics;3. avoid using simple judgement in topic-setting with no ample evidences, instead, China should focus on the key controversies and respond to them from multi-angles with enough evidences;4. further apprehend the universal rules to settle international trade disputes, and the other country's procedures to deal with trade disputes;5. face up to and pay more attention to the differences in cultural ways of speaking between the Chinese and westerners, and try to'justify my position with your terms'; as for the manipulation of micro argumentative, China should:1. clarify the confrontation, opening, argumentation and concluding stages of the argumentative discourse and flexibly set the dialectic and rhetoric aims of these four stages according to the context;2. strategically maneuver among topical potential, audience demand and presentational devices, in line with the established dialectic and rhetoric aims in different argumentative stages;3. further get familiar with audiences'cultural way of speaking and avoid simply measuring others'corn by our own bushel.
     Based on the connotation and characteristics of trade dispute discourse, and in light of the case study of Sino-US trade dispute on tire imports, we hold the view that, two research routes can be followed when investigating international trade dispute discourse:1. analysis and comparison of each party's macro configuration of discourse in terms of Speakers, Mediums, Topics, Purposes, Effects and the like;2. analysis, comparison and interpretation of the discursive/argumentative strategies and corresponding linguistic devices manipulated by each party.
     Major innovations of this research lie in two aspects:first, it theoretically proposes and justifies a feasible research framework for trade dispute dicourse studies which break through the traditional research paradigms and therefore expand the views of both trade dispute studies and discourse studies. What's more, it innovatively offers systematical and detailed suggestions for China on how to discursively respond to international disputes with wisdom.
    ②参见中国海关总署网站公布的“2010年11月全国进出口总值表”:http://www.customs.gov.cn/publish/ portal0/tabl/info257089.htm。
    ③参见中国商务部网站公布的“WTO统计2008年中国成为遭遇‘双反’调查最多的成员”http://gpj. mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/subject/mymcyd/subjectdd/200905/20090506258669.html?2447080961=2320678451。
    ④2009年1至8月,共有17个国家(地区)对中国发起79起贸易救济调查,其中印度占22起,阿根廷发起10起,土耳其发起6起,巴西、墨西哥、秘鲁、多米尼加、印尼、巴基斯坦各2起,哥伦比亚、哈萨克斯坦、南非各1起。参见中国商务部公告:http://gpj.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/subject/mymcyd/subjectdd/20 0909/20090906504018.html?3906043393=2320678451。
    ①参见中国海关总署网页公布的“2010年11月全国进出口总值表”:http://www.customs.gov.cn/publish/p ortal0/tabl/info257099.htm.
    ①参见中国商务部部长陈德铭接受凤凰卫视采访的实录:http://finance.jfeng.com/video/20100127/1761048. shtml.
    ④本文中的“话语研究(Discourse Studies) "在内涵与外延上与话语分析(Discourse Analysis)和语篇分析(Text Analysis)等术语相似。之所以使用“研究”(studies)一词而不使用“分析”(analysis)主要是因为我们比较认同van Dijk (2007:xix, xxxvii)的观点,倾向于将其视作一种有其理论目标的独立学科(discipline)或学术领域,而非仅仅一种“分析方法”
    ①早期学者将这种“比句子更大的语言单位”区分为两种,一类是代指书面语言“篇章”(text)另一类是代指口头语言的“话语’(discourse)(黄国文,1988:3-4)。虽然目前学界对这两个词语的指代仍有争议(黄国文, 徐珺,2006;黄国文,2007),但总体趋向是将两者划上等号。本文对这两个词语不做区分,统一使用“话语”(discourse)指代书面与口语语言。
    ① “批判性讨论”是“语用—辨证”论辩理论中的重要基础概念,它是发生在两方之间的讨论:一方为正方,即为某一特定立场作辩护的一方;另一方为反方,即挑战这一立场的一方。在讨论中,正方试图使反方相信其立场的可接受性,而反方则试图继续提出质疑或异议(弗兰斯.H.凡.爱默伦、弗兰西斯卡.斯.汉克曼斯,2006:23)。
    ②“单一”与“多重”指的是意见分歧所涉及的命题数(是一个还是多个), “混合型”与“非混合型”指的是双方在所涉命题上的态度(是怀疑还是明确反对)。 “单一非混合型”意见分歧指的是分歧只涉及一个命题,一方对此持肯定或否定立场,另一方则对其观点持怀疑态度; “单一混合型”意见分歧指的是分歧只涉及一个命题,双方对此命题采取截然相反的立场; “多重非混合型”意见分歧指的是分歧涉及多个命题,一方对此持肯定或否定立场,另一方则对其观点持怀疑态度; “多重混合型”意见分歧指的是分歧涉及多个命题,双方对这些命题采取截然相反的立场(Eemeren & Grootendorst,1992).
    ①参见中国商务部部长陈德铭接受凤凰卫视采访实录http://finance.ifeng.com/video/20100127/1761048.sht ml.
    ①参见其致ITC的公开信http://assels.usw.org/testamonies/507696-403716-tanner.pdf; http://assets.usw.org/t estamonies/504137-402087-tim-ryan.pdf; http://assets.usw.org/testamonies/gordon421 letter.pdf; http://assets.us w.org/testamonies/kissel4211etter.pdf; http://assets.usw.org/testamonies/508998-404414-artur-davis.pdf; http:// assets.usw.org/testamonies/5shuster421letter.pdf; http://assets.usw.org/testarnonies/308997-404413-burr.pdf
    ③参见中国商务部发言人姚坚的公开表态:http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/ae/ag/200904/20090406211595. html.
    ①参见USW的官方公告:http://assets.usw.org/China_Trade_Tires/s421_usw-backgrounder-consumer-tire-cas e_042009.pdf.
    ①参见中国橡胶协会2009年7月31日致美国总统奥巴马的公开信:http://www.criia.org.cn/criawebs ite/news/newsinfo.aspx?newsid=1249。
    ②参见美国零售业领导者协会致美国贸易代表Ron Kirk的公开信:http://www.awnianet.org/
    ①参见中国橡胶工业协会2009年9月12日致美国总统奥巴马的抗议信http://www.cria.org.cn/criawebsit e/news/newsinfo.aspx?newsid=1333。
    ②参见美国轮胎产业协会发布的官方评论www.tireindustry.org/.../6-17-09%20-%20USW-Chinese%20Tire% 20Petition.pdf。
    ③变革谋胜利总工会成立于2005年7月,由从美国最大总工会劳联-产联独立出来的服务雇员工会(Service Employees International Union, SEIU)卡车司机工会(International brotherhood of Teamsters, IBT)联合食品和商业工人工会( United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, UFCW)和联合农场工人工会(United Farm Workers of America, UFW)四家工会组成,代表了全美550万工人。具体情况参见:http://www.changetowin.org/about-us.html。
    ④另一总工会为最早成立的美国“劳联-产联”总工会( AFL-CIO——American Federation of Labour-Congress of Industrial Organizations)。
    ③USW在随后发布的公告中将此作为反驳中方立场的一个重要依据:http://assets.usw.org/China_Trade_Ti res/s421_backgrounder-china-tire-myths_usw062909.pdf.ITC在其调查报告中也对这一点进行了批驳(ITC,2009:7)。
    ①参见http://assets.usw.org/China_Trade_Tires/August_8_2009_ITC_Hearing_Testimony/s421_ustr-posthearing usw-summary-china-tire-imports_081909--rev4.pdf。
    ②USW随后发布的公告对此问题进行了抨击,参见http://assets.usw.org/China_Trade_Tires/August_8_2009 ITC Hearing Tesiimony/s421 ustr-posthearing usw-summary-china-tire-imports 081909rev4.pdf。
    ①为渲染ITC的“权威性”,USW还特别强调,ITC是一个“由两党组成、立场中立’(bipartisan, independent)的机构。
    ②“多重非混合型”意见分歧指的是分歧涉及多个命题,一方对此持肯定或否定立场,另一方则对其观点持怀疑态度,而非反对态度(Eemeren & Grootendorst.1992).
    ②该句对应的英文表达是:"Clearly, with Chinese consumer tire exports skyrocketing from 14 million to roughly 48 million this year, there can be no dispute as to the nature of the surge",参见附录二。
    ③ Wikipedia(维基百科)对此的解释是“a type of firework that uses a solid rocket motor to rise quickly into the sky".参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skyrocket.
    ①参见ITC2009年7月发布的“中国输美乘用车及轻型卡车轮胎”特保调查报告:www.usitc.gov/publicati ons/safeguards/pub4085.pdf。
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