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     1.在电压280V,脉冲时间10ms,光斑直径0.6mm焊接参数条件下,激光焊接CoCr-NiCr异种合金时,强度(565.42±60.02 MPa)与延伸率(6.24±0.38%)均可满足义齿正常功能要求。熔焊区显微组织致密、细小,熔焊区与两侧母材呈冶金结合。熔焊区NiCr合金侧发生晶间腐蚀倾向明显,热处理、烤瓷升温有助于降低熔焊区NiCr合金侧晶间腐蚀倾向。CoCr侧组元成分由于原子扩散分布比较均匀,和烤瓷升温相比,热处理后元素分布更加均匀。焊接付耐腐蚀能力较高,电化学腐蚀过程中,CoCr合金对NiCr合金具有阳极保护作用,有助于减少NiCr合金Ni~(2+)离子的释出。体内外实验表明激光焊接齿科CoCr-NiCr合金未见细胞毒性反应,病理组织学反应分级为0级,长期与口腔粘膜组织接触无刺激性,细胞相对增殖度(RGR)93.69%,反应分级为1级,急性全身毒性符合规定。临床应用及随访观察显示CoCr-NiCr合金激光焊接义齿就位顺利,固位良好,焊区未见断裂、开焊、变形及腐蚀变色现象,患者感觉义齿舒适、咀嚼效能高。
In this study, the techniques of laser welding, chemical polishing and surface bioactivating treatment were adopted to process the commonly used dental alloys, including CoCr, NiCr, NiTi and pure titanium. The analyzing methods of XRD, SEM, EDS and AAS were used to investigate the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the samples processed by above technologies. In vivo and in vitro tests, as well as clinical application, were chosen to evaluate biocompatibility and bioactivity of the processed samples. The results are as follows:
     1. The suggested laser welding parameters is electric voltage 280 V, pulse time 10 ms, spot diameter 0.6 mm. Under this condition, the tensile strength (565.42±60.02 MPa) and elongation (6.24±0.38%) of laser-welded CoCr-NiCr alloys could meet common requirements of dental prostheses. The microstructures of the fusion zone were dense and fine. Metallurgical bonding between the fusion zone and both of the parent metals was observed. In the side of NiCr alloy close to the fusion zone, the presence of inter-grain corrosion was found. Heat treatment and heating in porcelain processing led to decreasing this tendency. The atoms of element beside the CoCr alloy in the fusion zone diffused evenly, and heat treatment resulted in more even element distribution, rather than heating in porcelain processing. After laser welding, the joint of dissimilar alloys showed good corrosion resistance. During electrochemical corrosion, CoCr alloy acted as anode and protected NiCr alloy from corrosion, which contributed to reducing the release of Ni~(2+) ion from NiCr alloy. Concerning laser welded CoCr-NiCr dissimilar alloys, both the in vivo and in vitro experiments indicated that, there was no cytotoxicity reaction, the pathohistological reaction was grading zero, there were no histomorphologic changes after long-term contact with oral mucosa, the RGR (relative growth rate) was 93.69%, the reaction degree was grade one, and the acute toxicity of whole body was conform to the regulations. Clinical application and follow-up visit observation demonstrated that there were no signs of crack, deformation, corrosion and discoloration in welding zone of laser welded CoCr-NiCr dissimilar alloys, the dental prostheses could be inserted and taken off smoothly. And the dentures were also felt comfortable with the excellent retention and masticatory efficiency.
     2. The chemical polishing liquid for dental casting pure titanium was developed, which was consisted of hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid and lactic acid in volume ratio of 1:1:3. After 1min of chemical polishing, the Ra value of titanium casting samples was 0.092μm, the weight-lost rate was 2.768%, and the thickness of the superficial oxidized film was about 5μm. Under adequate condition, the chemical polishing technique merely affected the mechanical properties of the alloys, and the size of the polished samples met the clinical precision requirement of the dental prostheses. Clinical application verified that chemical polishing of dental titanium prostheses was simple and convenient, excellent polishing effect could be achieved, the polished surface maintained a lasting luster after a long-term use, and there was no apparent discoloration or getting darkness.
     3. The chemical bioactivating treatment was used to coat the surface of NiTi alloy with biomimetic HA. The composition and structure of NiTi alloy coated with HA were similar to the mineral material within natural bone. The measurement of the crystal grains was at nano level. After long-term (2 years) use of the implant embedded in the thighbone of rabbit, the result showed the complete osseointegration between the implant and the bone. Compared with matched control group without any treatment on the surface, the NiTi alloy coated with biomimetic HA developed more mature bone structures including osseous lamellas and cement line at the bone reconstruction zone, which manifested that good biocompatibility and long term biological safety of NiTi alloy implant could be realized by means of the technique of chemical activating treatment.
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