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Many factors may influence and advance the reform of government financial disclosure, such as the pressure on government finance, the influence of capital market, external accounting principle formulation institution, and the interests of professional accounting groups. On a global scale, one of the major motives for the reform is financial pressure caused by debt risk, and China is experiencing the same kind situation now. Local government debt risk has gradually become the most pressing and significant reason to improve China's government financial information disclosure. The government accounting system is responsible for providing information on government finance, including government debt. Nevertheless, the absence of certain functions of current government accounting system, the lack of thorough analysis and other problems have hindered the birth of a comprehensive, reasonable and effective disclosure of local government debt, and greatly impeded the supervision and control of local government debt risk. Under those circumstances, it has become a significant theoretical and practical concern of Chinese accounting circle to study and strength government financial information disclosure and to develop a sound government accounting system for the purpose of monitoring local government debt risk.
     Under the guidance of Government Functions theory, Public Choice theory, Public Goods theory and other theories, this dissertation investigates related concepts of government financial information disclosure, proposes foundamental framework such as definition, qualitative characteristics, disclosure target, accounting basis, form and content. Employing both normative and empirical analysis, this dissertation examines both the experience and problems of our government's financial information disclosure system and explores the origins of those problems. It also summarizes helpful common practices and beneficial experience by analyzing and comparing practices of representative countries such as United States, United Kingdom and France, and the financial disclosure practices of domestic enterprises as well. Based on those said researches, this dissertation proposes the overall goal and periodical goals of the government financial information disclosure reform, namely, the short-term goal, the mid-term goal and the long-term goal, then it elaborates a step-by-step plan to gradually carry the reform forward, and tries to expound these thoughts and measures:
     Aiming at tackling the most pressing local government debt risk issues, the short-term goal is to provide sound information on government debt. To achieving this goal, it is suggested to promote with cautiousness the transformation of accounting basis of local government debt. This dissertation starts from reforming the government debt accounting method in the budget accounting system by accounting and disclosing debt of government at a certain level through combining accrual basis with cash basis, namely, maintaining those items adopting cash basis while adding some debt items employing accrual basis which have not been appropriately reflected in the current budget accounting system yet have had a strong influence on decision making, thus to satisfy users'needs and disclose information on government debt to a larger extent. Furthermore, this dissertation constructs a government debt risk warning and disclosure mechanism and has its feasibility tested by using public statistics.
     Taking the influence of environment change into consideration, the mid-term goal is to extend the coverage of government financial information disclosure. To accomplish this goal, it is recommended to run pilot projects of government financial report in chosen areas before testing it nationally. Since relevant government financial government accounting system is not in place, this dissertation proposes to collect, arrange and disclose relevant government financial information through switching budget accounting statistics, defines the major content, the main body, the integration scope covered of government financial report, and the said report's relationship with the budget report. It studies and designs a financial information disclosure mechanism with a customized implementation plan for our government.
     The long-term goal is a comprehensive reflection of government accountability responsibility, which requires a sound government accounting system and adequate emphasis of the joint effect of government management accounting, auditing and assurance on government financial information disclosure in China. Therefore, this dissertation proposed a three-railed government accounting system template with Chinese characteristics. The template is composed by independent sub-systems, namely, government financial accounting and budget accounting, and government management (cost) accounting as a supplement. Focusing on the main body, information users, form and content, disclosure target, accounting basis and qualitative characteristics of China's government financial information disclosure system, this dissertation presents its developing strategy. Moreover, this dissertation explores the way to strength China's government financial information disclosure through planning and designing, integrating and improving government financing accounting and budget accounting system, and the method to maximize the synergistic effect of government management accounting, auditing and assurance on the system.
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    94 政府管理会计信息等内容将在后文论述。
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    110 尊重引文作者的原文,此处采用了隐性债务的概念。与后文所述隐性债务的概念有所区别,请注意区分。
    111 Michael P. Dooley. Response to Violatile Capital Flows:Controls, Asset Liability Management and Architecure[C].1999, (4)。
    112 由于现行披露的财务信息中无法获得精算所需信息,只能参照有关模型进行大致估算。
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    114 2011年以来审计署在审计过程中采取了《国务院办公厅关于做好地方政府性债务审计工作的通知》(国办发明电[2011]6号)和《国务院办公厅关于做好全国政府性债务审计工作的通知》(国办发明电[2013]20号)中“地方政府性债务”的概念,包括地方政府负有偿还责任的债务、负有担保责任的债务和可能承担一定救助责任的其他相关债务。其中,地方政府负有偿还责任的债务是指地方政府(含政府部门和机构,下同)、经费补助事业单位、公用事业单位、政府融资平台公司和其他相关单位举借,确定由财政资金偿还的债务。一是地方政府债券、国债转贷、外债转贷、农业综合开发借款、其他财政转贷债务中确定由财政资金偿还的债务。二是政府融资平台公司、政府部门和机构、经费补助事业单位、公用事业单位及其他单位举借、拖欠或以回购(BT)等方式形成的债务中,确定由财政资金(不含车辆通行费、学费等收入)偿还的债务。三是地方政府粮食企业和供销企业政策性挂账。地方政府负有担保责任的债务是指因地方政府提供直接或间接担保,当债务人无法偿还债务时,政府负有连带偿债责任的债务。一是政府融资平台公司、经费补助事业单位、公用事业单位和其他单位举借,确定以债务单位事业收入(含学费、住宿费等教育收费收入)、经营收入(含车辆通行费收入)等非财政资金偿还,且地方政府提供直接或间接担保的债务。二是地方政府举借,以非财政资金偿还的债务,视同政府担保债务。地方政府可能承担一定救助责任的其他相关债务是指政府融资平台公司、经费补助事业单位和公用事业单位为公益性项目举借,由非财政资金偿还,且地方政府未提供担保的债务(不含拖欠其他单位和个人的债务)。政府在法律上对该类债务不承担偿债责任,但当债务人出现债务危机时,政府可能需要承担救助责任。显然,“地方政府性债务”的范围大于学术界关于地方政府债务狭义的概念范围,但小于学术界关于地方政府债务广义的概念范围,如下文将提到的养老金、社会保险等直接隐性债务未包含在“地方政府性债务”范围内。出于学术研究的考虑,本文采用了学术界广义地方政府债务的范围。
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    153 为便于与国际接轨,本文采用了“政府财务报告”的提法,“政府综合财务报告制度”是“政府财务报告”的具体实现形式,可认为二者无实质性区别。
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    177 如《医院会计制度》、《高等学校会计制度》、《科学事业单位会计制度》等。
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