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Energy is essential supplies for the country's economic development and people's living.With the continuous economic social progress, the demand for energy is constantlyincreasing and the global energy crisis looming. In recent years household energyconsumption in our country has increased rapidly and become a key growth point for energyconsumption. China need to improve energy efficiency and ease the contradiction betweenenergy supply and demand urgently. But for a long time pepole focus on the industrial sectorto improve energy efficiency and reduce the energy intensity.The research on residentialenergy consumption is not deep enough. The efficiency of residential energy consumptionnot only directly affect the total amount of energy consumption in China, the growth rate andthe energy structure, and also indirectly affect the industrial structure and industrial energyconsumption.
     Therefore, this paper make the household energy consumption as the research object,calculate and analysis the variation of household direct energy consumption and indirectconsumption,investigate the influence factors on the size of households energyconsumption, and to compare the law of the household energy consumption in the differentregions. Provide the basis for building a sustainable household energy consumption patterns,and provide decision-making reference for the formulation of policies and regulations topromote residents' energy-saving.
     The Chinese household direct energy consumption in the total energy consumptionaccounts for about10%. Calculated by the input-output method, household indirect energyconsumption is more than double the direct energy consumption, and the growth rate is alsohigher than the direct energy consumption. The gap between indirect energy consumption ofurban and rural areas is also increasing. To reduce indirect energy consumption and improvethe living standards, it is essential to improve the energy intensity of the various industries.
     The LMDI decomposition on the household energy consumption show that population,economic level, energy efficiency and energy structure are the impact of factors of thehousehold direct energy consumption. Income factors contribution to the growth of directenergy consumption, and the energy efficiency is the most important factor to reduce it.
     This paper took Kuznets curve into the living energy consumption and found thatChinese residents per capita energy consumption grew with income. But it's relationalgraphics were not inverted U-type cubic curve, the income of urban residents and energyconsumption cubic curve wasn’t inverted U-type also. The household energy consumption ofrural residents still rise with income quickly. Economically developed areas may be the firstto show the trend that the household energy consumption reduce with income rise.
     An empirical analysis on the change regularity and income relations of householdenergy consumption in the provincial regional level has been made. By building dynamicpanel model of household energy consumption and the income change, I analyzed the reasonsof the structural differences in the regional household energy consumption. The resultsdemonstrate that residents' income and past consumption have significantly influence. Toimprove energy efficiency, the bad habits of the household energy consumption must bechanged.
     The theoretical contribution of the dissertation lie in that Kuznets theory is applied andthe EKC curve existence is verified in the area of household energy consumption. Anddistinguish between urban and rural areas were analyzed and compared. The practical valuesare that method as the input-output method, LMDI decomposition analysis, dynamic paneldata model are applied;the variation of the Chinese household energy consumption isexplored.And the policy recommendations to improve energy efficiency and optimize theenergy structure targetly are proposed, thereby reducing the household energy consumption.
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