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Informal employment has been the international research topic recent years. Thedata shows, in developing countries, there are more than half of the nonfarm workersengaged in the informal employment. Also informal employment has been developedrapidly during the process of China's economic transition and structural adjustment.Informal employment is known as a "sponge" to absort employment and become theimportant way to solve the problem of employment during China's economicdevelopment.
     Women are overrepresented in the informal employment which is also to be seen aslow quality of employement. Informal employed workers usually earn less thanformal employed workers, however the gender wage gap in the informal employmentis much higher than that in the formal employment, so informal employed womenworkers earn least in the labor market. Informal employed women workers not onlytake disadvantage in terms of economic income, but also have little or no security ofemployment and lock of social protection and social welfare. The fact that women areoverrepresented in the informal employment will become the constraints for femaleself development, and also means the marginalization of women in the labor market,thus reduces the possibility of upward mobility for women. Women overrepresentedin the informal employment is not only a phenomenon in labor force market, but alsocorrelated with women's issues, poverty, and public welfare. So the study of informalemployment in women is indispensable.
     There are onsiderable research on informal employement since the emergence anddevelopment of informal employment in China, but studies about female informalemployment have not been due attention though informal employed women are alarge group of informal employment, and discussion from the perspective of genderdifferences are lacking. What is the development trend of informal employment forwomen? What are women’s characteristics in informal employment? Why women aremore likely to be informal employed workers? How to measure the gender wage gapin informal employment? Why informal employed women workers have lowcoverage of social protection systems? All these questions are worthy for our in-depthdiscussion, so we can form the relatively perfect system for the study of femaleinformal employment.
     From the perspective of gender differences, this paper investigate female informalemployment by econometric method and economics related theory. Based on macroand micro statistics, this paer first shows the developing process and present situationfor female informal employment in China. Then, on the basis of the empirical analysis,this paper tries to explore the factors affecting the women's informal employmentchoice. Low income and low degree of social security are two important features ofinformal employment, so this paper will use micro econometric methods to explor thedeterminant of income, social security participation. Last, this paper analyses thegender differences in informal employment.
     The main conclusions are as follows:
     Women are over-represented in informal types of employment compared to their male counterparts in China based on both macro and micro data. Personalcharacteristics, family characteristics and household factors can affect whetherwomen engage in informal employment, but if a series of factors are controled, suchas personal characteristics, family characteristics, area etc, the probability of womenworkers engaged in informal employment is still higher than that of male. Thisindicates that women's informal employment choice is also influenced by otherfactors, and these factors may include gender discrimination, etc.
     Women workers are at a disadvantage even within the informal employment. Theoccupational gender segregation exists in the informal employment which formed theso-called "women industry "," women career". The gender segregation will haveinfluence on the income level for women workers.
     The wage differentials between mlae and female in informal employment areobvious and the gender wage gap is widering. On the other hand, the gender wagedisparity can't be completely explained by the gender differences in personalcharacteristics, family characteristics, job characteristics and regional characteristics,which indicates that the phenomenon of unequal pay for men and women exists in theinformal employment.
     The coverage of social security for informal employed women workers is verylow. The institutional factors, such as whether having the urban household registrationis the most important factor if female workers want to participate in social pensionand medical insurance. However, some non-insstitutional factors, such as age, income,occupation, type of informal employment also have influence on women'sparticipation in social insurance. Informal employed women workers have lowpossibility of social security than men, but the gender difference in social security isusually explained by personal characteristics, income level, profession, gendersegregation.
1Chen, Martha. Women in the Informal Sector. SAIS Review,2001,11(1) Winter-Spring:71-82
    2Chen, Martha. Informality and Social Protection: Theories and Realities. IDS Bulletin,2008, Vol.39(2):18-27
    8ILO. Statistical update on employment in the informal economy. Geneva: International Labor office,2011
    9Chen, Martha. Informality and Social Protection: Theories and Realities. IDS Bulletin,2008, Vol.39(2):18-27
    10任远、彭希哲主编.2006中国非正规就业发展报告:劳动力市场的再观察.重庆:重庆出版社,2007:108-115Heintz, James.Globalisation, Economic Policy and Employment: Poverty and Gender implications (Geneva:International Labour Office, Employment Policy Unit,Employment Strategy Department)[Online] Available,2006
    11Hart, K.. Small Scale Entrepreneurs in Ghana and Development Planning. Journal of Development Planning,July,1971.
    19ILO. Women and Men in the Informal Economy: A Statistical Picture. Geneva: International Labor Office,2002
    21ILO. World Employment Report2004-05: Employment, Productivity and Poverty Reduction.Geneva:International Labor Office,2005
    24Chen, Martha. Informality and Social Protection: Theories and Realities. IDS Bulletin,2008, Vol.39(2):18-27
    25ILO, Employment, Incomes and Equality: A Strategy for Increasing Productive Employment in Kenya.Geneva: International Labor office,1972.Hart, Keith. Informal Income Opportunites and Urban Employment in Ghana. Journal of Modern AfricanStudies,1973,11(1):61-89
    26Caroline Moser. Informal Sector or Petty Commodity Production: Dualism or Dependence in UrbanDevelopment? World Development,1978, Vol.6:1041-1064
    27Castells, M. and Protes, A.. World Underneath: The Origins, Dynamics, and Effects of the Informal Economy.In A. Portes et al.(eds). The Informal Economy.London: The Johns Hopkins Press,1989
    28De Soto, Hernando. The Other Path: The Economic Answer to Terrorism, New York: Harper Collins,1989
    29Maloney, William F.. Informality Revisited. World Development,2004,32(7):1159-1178
    30Chen, Martha. Informality and Social Protection: Theories and Realities. IDS Bulletin,2008, Vol.39(2):18-27
    31Perry, GuillermoE; Maloney, WilliamF.; Arias, OmarS.; Fajnzylber,Pablo; Mason,AndrewD.andSaavedra-Chanduvi,Jamie Informality: Exit and Exclusion.World Bank Latin American and CaribbeanStudies,Wanshington DC:World Bank,2007
    35Standing G. Global feminization through flexible labour: a theme revisited. World Development,1999,27(3):583-602
    36Roos, Patricia A. Revisiting Inequality. Contemporary Sociology,1999(1):26-29.
    37Theodore Schultz. Capital Formation by Education. Journal of Political Economy,1960,68(6):571-583
    38Becker, G.S.. The Economics of Discrimination. The University of Chicago Press.1971(Original edition,1957)
    39Lenz E, Myerhoff B. The feminization of America. Los Angeles:Jeremy P. Tarcher,1985.146-187.
    40Hoyman M. Female participation in the informal economy: A neglected issue. The Annals of the AmericanAcademy of Political and Social Science,1987(493):64-82
    41Kathleen McInnis-Dittrich. Women of the Shadows: Appalachian Women's Participation in the InformalEconomy. Affilia,1995(10):398
    43Chen, Martha. Informality and Social Protection: Theories and Realities. IDS Bulletin,2008, Vol.39(2):18-27
    44Martha Alter Chen. Joann Vanek. Marilyn Carr. Mainstreaming Informal Employment and Gender in PovertyReduction. The Commonwealth Secretariat,2004.
    46Heintz, James.Globalisation, Economic Policy and Employment: Poverty and Gender implications (Geneva:International Labour Office, Employment Policy Unit,Employment Strategy Department)[Online] Available,2006
    47ILO. Women and Men in the Informal Economy: A Statistical Picture. Geneva: International Labor Office,2002.
    48任远、彭希哲主编.2006中国非正规就业发展报告:劳动力市场的再观察.重庆:重庆出版社,2007:108-115Heintz, James.Globalisation, Economic Policy and Employment: Poverty and Gender implications (Geneva:International Labour Office, Employment Policy Unit,Employment Strategy Department)[Online] Available,2006
    49Ingeborg Wick. Women Working in the Shadows:The informal economy and export processing zones.workingpaper,2010
    50El-Mahdi, Alia and Mona Amer. Egypt: growing informality,1990-2003. Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, No Jobs: LaborMarkets and Informal Work in Egypt, El Salvador, India,Russia, and South Africa. Economic PolicyInstitute.Washington, D.C.2004
    51Martha Alter Chen. Joann Vanek. Marilyn Carr. Mainstreaming Informal Employment and Gender in PovertyReduction. The Commonwealth Secretariat,2004.
    52Sylvia Chant and Carolyn Pedwell.Women, gender and the informal economy:An assessment of ILO researchand suggested ways forward.Discussion paper,London School of Economics.2008
    53ILO. Statistical update on employment in the informal economy. Geneva: International Labor office,2011
    54Horn. No cushion to fall back on: The global economic crisis and informal workers.Inclusive Citiesproject,2009
    55ADB and ILO, Women and labour markets in Asia:Rebalancing for gender equality, A joint publication of theInternational Labour Organization and Asian Development Bank,2011
    56Hung, S. Lessons not learned? Gender, employment and social protection in Asia’scrisis-affected export sectors.Asia Development Bank.2009
    57Chen, Martha. Women in the Informal Sector. SAIS Review,2001,11(1) Winter-Spring:71-82
    58Martha Alter Chen. Joann Vanek. Marilyn Carr. Mainstreaming Informal Employment and Gender in PovertyReduction. The Commonwealth Secretariat,2004
    59Chen, Martha. Women in the Informal Sector. SAIS Review,2001,11(1) Winter-Spring:71-82
    60Carr, Marilyn and Chen, Martha. Globalization, Social Exclusion and Work with Special Reference to InformalEmployment and Gender. Policy Integration Department. Working Paper No.20(Geneva: InternationalLabour Office),2004
    61ILO and WTO. Globalization and informal jobs in developing countries. A joint study of the InternationalLabour Office and the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization,
    69Fang Lee, Cooke.Informal Employment and Gender Implications in China:the nature of work andemployment relations in the community services sector.Human Resource Management,2006,17(8):1471-1487
    98Dong, Xiao-yuan, Jiangchun Yang, Fenglian Du, and Sai Ding. Women’s Employment and Public-SectorRestructuring: The Case of Urban China. In Grace O. Lee and Malcolm Warner. eds. Unemployment inChina: Economy, Human Resources and Labour Markets, London and New York: Routledge,2006,87-109
    100Summerfield, Gale.. Economic Reform and the Employment of Chinese Women. Journal of EconomicIssues,1994,28(3):715–32
    101Dong, Xiao-yuan, Jiangchun Yang, Fenglian Du, and Sai Ding. Women’s Employment and Public-SectorRestructuring: The Case of Urban China. In Grace O. Lee and Malcolm Warner. eds. Unemployment in China:Economy, Human Resources and Labour Markets, London and New York: Routledge,2006,87-109
    102Fenglian Du, Xiao-yuan Dong. Why do women have longer durations of unemployment than men inpostrestructuring urban China?. Cambridge Journal of Economics,2009,33:233–252
    104Song, Yueping and Xiao-Yuan Dong. Gender and Occupational Mobility in Urban China during theEconomic Transition. Unpublished manuscript,2009.
    105Carr, Marilyn and Chen, Martha. Globalization, Social Exclusion and Work with Special Reference toInformal Employment and Gender. Policy Integration Department. Working Paper No.20(Geneva:International Labour Office),2004
    106ILO and WTO. Globalization and informal jobs in developing countries. A joint study of the InternationalLabour Office and the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization,2009
    109Sylvia Chant and Carolyn Pedwell.Women, gender and the informal economy:An assessment of ILO researchand suggested ways forward.Discussion paper,London School of Economics.2008
    111ILO. Women and Men in the Informal Economy: A Statistical Picture. Geneva: International Labor Office,2002
    112Carr, Marilyn and Chen, Martha. Globalization and the Informal Economy: How Global Trade and InvestmentImpact on the Working Poor, Working Paper on the Informal Economy. Working No.1INTEGRATION(Geneva: International Labour Office),2002
    136ILO and WTO. Globalization and informal jobs in developing countries. A joint study of the InternationalLabour Office and the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization,2009.
    141Mincer, J..Investment in Human Capital and Personal Income Distribution. Journal of Political
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    148Oaxaca,Ronald. Male-Female Wage Differentials in Urban Labor Markets. International Economic Review,1973, Vol.14(3):693-709
    152Becker, G.S.. The Economics of Discrimination. The University of Chicago Press.1971(Original edition,1957)
    155Oaxaca,Ronald. Male-Female Wage Differentials in Urban Labor Markets. International Economic Review,1973, Vol.14(3):693-709
    156Cotton, J. On the Decomposition of Wage Differentials.The Review of Economics and Statistics.1988,Vol.7(2):236-43
    157Neumark.D.. Employers’ Discriminatory Behavior and the Estimation of Wage Discrimination. Journal ofHuman Resources,1988,Vol.23.279-295
    159Dong X. and Zhang L..Economic Transition and Gender Differentials in Wages and Productivity: Evidencefrom Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises. Journal of Development Economics,2009,88(1):144-156
    160Becker, G.S.. The Economics of Discrimination. The University of Chicago Press.1971(Original edition,1957)
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