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     4 MHT问题组与正常组儿童人格不同(P<0.05),父母养育方式不同(P<0.05),家长人格无差异(P>0.05)。不同的父母养育方式、儿童人格是儿童不同心理问题发生的危险或保护因素。母亲的过分干涉使儿童人格典型化。
[ Objectives ]
     With the developing of the economy, flouting population becomes a problem of our livies. Because of our country's base rule, the flouting population children can not get velue from the social medical servivers, that should bring a bad impaction on their health, including physical health and mental health. So we study the differences between floating population and resident population children's physical growth, the common diseases and the effecting factors on them, in order to looking for the key points and helping them. While child behavior problems are taken to a emphasis position today. Child behavior problems have effect on not only their physical development but also their socialization level, even can cause mental disease and bring bad impaction on the family relationship. To find the differences between resident and flouting population children's mental health status and the effecting factors on children's mental health can bring us the ideas to help children growing up healthly.
     Stratified random sampling 1335 children and using MHT questionnaire manual tosurvey them. To check the physical growth and common diseases of 839 resident and flouting population children. Using CBCL questionnaires to investigate 824 flouting and resident population children, and comparing the results of the two groups. Using "Student Mental Health Test (MHT manual)" to screen the mental problems of 433 children, using "Eysenck Personality Questionnaire" to exam children and their parents, and using "Egma Minnen av Bardndosnauppforstran (EMBU) "to exam the children , conducting assessments, then analysing by SEM.
     1 The floating population children's heigth is significant lower than the resident population children's. The male floating population children's weight is significant lower than the resident population children's. The BMI of floating population children is significant lower than the resident population children's.
     2 The flouting population children's malnutrition prevalence rate is significant higher than the resident population children's. The female flouting population children's trachoma prevalence rates is significant higher than the female resident population children's.
     3 The male floating population children's scores on study anxiety, person anxiety, loneliness tendency, blaming oneself tendency , allergic tendency, physical symptoms and total anxiety are significant higher than the resident population children's( P <0.05).The female floating population children's scores on study anxiety, terror tendency and he total anxiety are significant higher than the resident population children's ( P <0.05).
     4 The floating population children's school skills score and mental health status are significant lower than the resident population children's (P<0.05). The male floating population children and female floating population children have different mental problems. Different mental problems have different correlations with the Socio-economic situation of children's family.
     5 The differences between the case group and control group children's personalities are significant (P <0.05). The differences between two group parents' personalities are not significant (P> 0.05).The differences of scores on peranting style between the case group and control group children are significant (P <0.05). Parenting style has effect on children's mental health and personality.
     6 Personality of the parents has effect on children's mental health and parenting style, at the same time has effect on children's personality directly or indirectly. The order of parents' effects on E-personality of children is as follows: P-personality of parents > N-personality of parents > E-personality of parents> Understanding and accepting-strictive and refusing parenting style. E-personality of the parents negatively correlats with N-personality of the children, The order of parents' effects on N-personality of children is as follows: Understanding and accepting-strictive and refusing parenting style >N-personality of parents > E-personality of parents > Excessive interference and protection parenting style.
     [ Conclutions ]
     1 There is still a distance between floating population and the resident population children's physical development status and common diseases, we can improve their physical status through changing their environment, strengthening personal hygiene and providing higher level health services.
     2 The floating population children's mental health is bad than the resident population children's, they need special intervention. Improving the family environment and giving more attention can perhaps improve the mental health of flouting population children. Different mental problems of children require targeting interventions.
     3 Parenting style has a effect on children's personalities, at the same time, directly or indirectly has a effect on children's mental health. Parents' personality has effect on children's mental health and the parenting style, parents' personality and their parenting style have effects on children's personality. Improving children's mental health status needs improving parents' mental health status.
     In summary, It is the first time that we study the relationship between children's physical and mental health through a across-the-board designed study in ShenZhen and from a perspection of Socio-economic situation. Taking the flouting population children as the hot piont and using SEM to canalysis the effecting factors on children mental status are a valuable work.
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