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With the rapid development of China’s industrialization, consuming mineral resources largely became an important feature during China’s rapid economic development at this stage. However, a long time, China’s economic development depends mainly on the mineral resources in the eastern and central region of China. With the time pass, these mineral resources become depleted. But China’s western region is rich in mineral resources. With the promotion and strengthen of geological work. Developing the resources of the western resources substituting area has been on the agenda. While the development of the western resources substituting area need for large investment, attracting external funds for development is a main form beside the national investment. In order to find out the situation of investment environment, make the investment effectively, this paper carried out a comprehensive study of the investment environment on the western resources substituting area.
     Based on a great deal of research on investment environment-related literature, the paper make an overview of investment theory, and take it as the theoretical basis for research papers. The third part of paper introduced the western region’s social development, including the population, society, economy and resources aspect, and then give a summary of the characteristics of it. The fourth part designed the model of the evaluation of investment environment based on the principles of design, and explained the relevant indicators. The fifth part carried out the comprehensive evaluation of the investment environment western areas .it used the principal component analysis method and analytic hierarchy process method, which are two different methods to do the evaluation of investment environment. According to the results based on the evaluation of the data, we made a detailed analysis and categorized the western resources substituting area into four types according with the difference of investment environment. And then, the paper reviewed the investment environment in the overall and point out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of investment environment on western resources substituting region. In the final, the paper proposed the measurements and suggestions to enhance and optimize the investment environment.
     Making a comprehensive evaluation and analysis of investment environment on western resources substituting area is in favor of the optimization of investment environment on these region and can enhance the ability of attracting investment, and also it will help to speed up the resources development and utilization of mineral resources, further more it will meet the needs of national economic construction, to accelerate the economic development of the western region and the country’s economic development. It will be of great significance.
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