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     在第一季盆栽实验的基础上,设五个水平的石灰以保证使土壤中性化,再配施泥炭,研究有机—中性化作用对小白菜生长和元素吸收的影响。石灰(L)、石灰加低量泥炭(LP_1)、石灰加高量泥炭处理(LP_2)显著缓解重金属的毒害,显著改善了小白菜的生长状况,其中对茎叶鲜重的提高作用尤为显著,是对照的3~6倍。茎叶鲜重总体上看LP_1>LP_2>L。L、LP_1、LP_2处理显著抑制小白菜对镉、铅、锌的吸收,对小白菜铁、钾、铜、锰的吸收也有显著抑制作用。L_3~L_5,L_2P_1~L_5P_1处理可使Zn,Pb符合蔬菜卫生标准,L_2P_2~L_5P_2处理可使Zn符合蔬菜卫生标准,L_3P_2~L_5P_2可使Pb符合蔬菜卫生标准。Zn,Cd,Pb在土壤中的有效态含量(pH7.3的DTPA—CaCl_2—TEA提取) 与土壤pH呈极显著的负相关。Cd,Pb在小白菜茎叶的含量与土壤有效Cd,Pb也显著相关。而Zn,Cd,Pb在小白菜茎叶的含量与土壤pH呈极显著的二项式相关,茎叶Zn,Cd,Pb的含量先是随pH的升高而下降,而当pH升到6.7左右以后,茎叫Zn,Cd,Pb的含量又有回升。
Pot experiments were conducted on a Cd-Pb-Zn polluted soil with two seasons of Brassica chinensis to investigate the rehabilitative effects of some modifiers. The effects of lime, peat, calcium magnesium phosphate and Si fertilizer were studied in the first pot experiment. Calcium magnesium phosphate and lime significantly stimulated the growth of the vegetable and depressed the uptake of Cd, Pb and Zn. The poisonous symptom of the heavy metals was eliminated. The absorption of Cu, N, P and Mn was also inhibited. In comparison with lime and calcium magnesium phosphate, peat and Si fertilizer showed much weaker effect on stimulating the growth and inhibiting the uptake of the heavy metals. The enrichment coefficient order was: Cd>Zn>Cu>>Pb. The uptake of Cd, Pb and Zn by Brassica chinensis was significantly correlated with soil pH.
    Five levels of lime (L|-Ls)and two levels of peat (P|, P2) were applied to investigate the effect of organo-neutralization on the growth and element uptake of Brassica chinensis in the second pot experiment., Lime (L), lime and low level of peat( LP|), lime and high level of peat (LP2) all significantly alleviated the poisonous symptom of heavy metals and improved the growth of Brassica chinensis. Fresh weight of stem and leaf is 3-6 times as heavier as that of the control. Overall, the fresh weigh of stem and leaf is in the order of LP| > LP2 > L .The enrichment coefficients of Cd,Zn,Pb in Brassica chinensis were so great that their concentrations were far above the guide value of vegetable (Zn 20mg/kg, Cd 0.05mg/kg , Pb 1 .Omg/kg). The results showed that treatment L, LP1, LP2 significantly inhibited the uptake of Cd, Zn, Pb, Fe, K, Cu, Mn . Treatment L3~L5, L2P1~L5P1 could make the contents of Zn, Pb in Brassica chinensis accord with the guide value, Treatment L2P2桳5P2 could make the content of Zn accord
     with the guide value, Treatment L3P2~L5P2 could make the content of Pb accord with the guide value.
    The available heavy metals of Cd, Zn,Pb in soil were significantly negatively correlated with soil pH .The contents of Cd, Pb,Zn in Brassica chinensis also significantly correlated with their available contents in soil. Significant binomial correlation existed between the contents of Cd,Pb,Zn in Brassica chinensis and the soil pH.
    The above results showed that lime, calcium magnesium phosphate with organic materials can effectively improve the growth of vegetable and inhibit the uptake of heavy metals on Cd-Pb-Zn polluted soil to a great extent. However, the organo-neutralization was not effective enough to depress the Cd uptake for a soil seriously polluted with Cd.
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