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     文章首先应用经济学理论剖析可转换债券的属性和本质,对可转换债券融资在中国的发展历史和现状进行总结,并与发达国家现状进行比较,从宏观角度描述其不足之处,为下文的研究作理论上的铺垫。然后以一个模拟案例定量的分析了上市公司可转换债券融资对公司资本结构的影响,重点为考察其在稀释、税盾和财务负担方面的基本作用过程和与直接股权、债权融资的不同之处,在此基础之上,开展进一步的研究。基于对可转换债券融资原因的深入理解,本文认为公司应用可转换债券融资的内因在于减轻信息不对称状态下的多种融资成本,创造性和系统性的将之分为代理成本、价值低估及财务危机成本和风险不确定性成本三大方面,应用两个模型的论述,辅以已有的实证结果,详细论述了可回购可转换债券融资的相对优势和适用公司特征。最后,结合统计软件SPSS 11.0,文章以我国2000年至今发行可转换债券的上市公司和各年相应行业所属公司为样本,进行了统计分析,得出我国上市公司可转换债券融资的动机、发行公司特征和投资者行为对可转换债券融资决策的影响等等,验证了前文的理论,同时揭示了国内该领域的特征和缺陷,在此基础之上提出了若干改进建议
Convertible bonds (CB) financing is now emerging in Chinese capital market. Public company using this kind of financial instrument can help to resolve the problems of exorbitant equity financing scale, few security types and slow financing innovation in this market. Although some public companies have tried it in practice, and the domestic academia has showed much interest, mostly the focus is affected by security dealers and so, on the theory of CB pricing aiming at arbitrage. A theory about the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of CB financing can hardly be seen. Our research begins with analyzing the economical inbeing of CB, summarizes the history and status in quo of Chinese CB financing. We conclude that CB financing can decrease many types of equity-related and debt-related costs in firm's external financing contrasting with debt and equity financing. We also contrast our experimental evidence in Chinese market with the overseas evidences, and find some characteristics and flaws of domestic issuers.
    Firstly, the thesis analyzes CB's property and inbeing using economics theories, and summarizes the history and status in quo of Chinese CB financing. Then we contrast it with the status in quo of developed countries. It gives a macro-analysis of the flaws of the Chinese CB financing, paving way for next research. Secondly, by using a simulative case, the thesis quantificationally analyzes how CB financing affects a public company's capital structure. In this case, we lay stress on the basic process of its dilution, tax shield and financial distress and the differences with debt or equity financing. Base it, we develop our research. On the basis of deeply comprehending, the thesis considers the internal cause of CB financing is to decrease many types of financing costs in the status of asymmetric information. So, creatively and systematacially, we divide them into agency costs, under-pricing and financial distress costs and risk uncertainty costs. By using two models and existing evidences, the thesis then discusses the relative advantages and appropriate firm's characteristics of CB financing. Finally, using SPSS 11.0, the thesis gives a statistical analysis of samples of domestic CB issues and relative industries' data during the years 2000 through 2003. It finds out the incentives of domestic CB issuers, and also, effects of issuer's characteristics and investor reactions on issue decision. The experimental evidences prove our theories and expose some characteristics and flaws of domestic CB issues. Base on them, the thesis gives some advices in the end.
    This thesis's innovative points include: 1) To the newest extent, it integrally summarizes status of domestic CB financing by public companies. 2) It gives a systemized theory about the internal cause of CB financing. 3) It gives an experimental study of all the representative domestic CB issue samples up to the present facing corporate financing.
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