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Capital structure and financing methods can affect the corporations’
    financial situation, profitability, management efficiency and
    comprehensive competitiveness dramatically. Capital structure also has
    an important position in the theory of business finance. Business
    valuation is the core of business governance. We can say that the study of
    capital structure is concerned with all the aspects of economics.
     Since the reform and opening of China, state-owned enterprises
    make large contributions for national economy. Simultaneously, the deep
    contradiction is emerging in transitional periods. The irrational capital
    structure of state-owned enterprises has become the main obstacle
    threatening one’s exist. On the one hand, the capital structure of
    state-owned enterprises is in the condition of high debt rate. On the other
    hand, listed businesses of state-owned enterprises prefer to find
    investment on stock market though they have a much lower debt rate.
    Therefore, how to optimize capital structure and what is the rational
    liabilities level of enterprise, is ensure of enterprise developing and an
    important task of enterprise reform.
     For capital structure, there are ripe theories in overseas. But, those
    theories are based on free computational market. So, we can’t use the
    classical theories to resolve the problems we are facing directly. We
    should analyze in detail according to the concrete surrounding of China,
    and take into account our marketlization. Our survey should focus on the
    relation between the changing process of capital structure and the
    institutional factors. This is the most important inspiration from the
    classical theories of capital structure.
     This dissertation consists of four chapters:
     In the first chapter, the author explains the concept of capital
    structure, discuss purpose of the survey of capital structure and actions of
    capital structure in enterprise. And analyze factors which determine the
    capital structure of certain company.
    In the second chapter, the author surveys the evolution of the theory of
    capital structure, and explains special institutional meanings to enterprise
    of China.
     In the third chapter, the author describes the condition of capital
    structure of our country, and deeply analyzes factors which cause
    irrational capital structure of state-owned enterprises.
     In the fourth chapter, the author introduces and evaluates the
    measures optimizing capital structure, and analyzes condition of capital
    structure reform. Finally, the author suggests some reform measures to
    improve the irrational condition of capital structure of state-owned
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    [xiv]Aghion P. and Bolton P.,An incomplete contracts' approach to bankruptcy
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    [xv] Myers, Stewart C And Nicholas S. Majuf :Corporate Financing and
    Investment Decisions When Firms Have Information That Investors Do Not
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    [xvi] 参见王玉珍《国有企业资本结构制度分析》P103 北京, 中国经济出
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    [xviii] 参见中国统计年鉴,2001。
    [xix] 参见《上市公司为何偏好股权融资》,顾卫平,《上市公司》,2001 年
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    [xx] Bolton and Freixas, Equity, Bonds and Bank Debt: Capital Structure and
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    [xxiii] Aghion P. and Bolton P.,An incomplete contracts' approach to bankruptcy
    and the optimal financial structure of the firm,mimeo, Harvard University.
    [xxiv] 所谓相机治理,就是根据具体的利益受损状况采取相应的应急措
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