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The development of foreign direct investment and its effects are one of the most active study fields for western scholars after the Second World War, and with the enlarging scale of FDI inflows, the development of FDI and its effects on Chinese economy have also been importer study fields for domestic scholars. Study documents concerning FDI are numerous, but documents studying the time characters and space characters of FDI development, especially from the angle of the unity of time and space are rare. Also, documents concerning the space distribution difference of Chinese FDI are numerous, but documents studying Chinese different regions’different strategies of absorbing FDI according to their development stages of open economy are rare. Now, at the new stage of Chinese open economy, how to improve the sustainable development level of Chinese economy by absorbing and using FDI is a subject worthy of attention,and it is very important to study Chinese different regions’strategy of absorbing FDI on the basis of the further study on the development law of FDI.
     Combining FDI theory, time and space theory, location theory, economy development stage theory and using multiple study methods, this thesis concentrating FDI development law studies from the angle of the time and space, especially from the unity of time and space, and Chinese different regions’strategy of absorbing FDI at present.
     This thesis believes that global FDI development shows long-time growth trend and short-time fluctuation character, and it is the unity of long-time growth and short-time fluctuation. Economic globalization, especially technological progress, system change, policy adjustment and international competition in the world are the major factors that cause the long-time growth trend of FDI. The cyclical changes of global economy and international merger and Acquisition of TNCs are important factors that cause the short-time fluctuation of FDI. The space distribution of FDI is influenced by the changes of international circumstances, the competitive advantages of investment enterprises and the location advantages of host countries, and also influenced by different types and different intentions of FDI. Furthermore, in recent years, the outflow investment of major countries shows relatively stable regions preference, and FDI also shows the character of space agglomeration. The development of FDI has the character of the unity of time and space. One of specific space distribution structure of FDI correspondences one specific time, and as time goes, the space distribution structure changes dynamically. The essence of the changes of FDI geographical space distribution is its pursuit of economic space or profit space.
     By further study, this thesis points out that the development of FDI entering China in recent thirty years also shows obvious stage character and growth trend, and the investment way, the source, the investment industry and itself quality of FDI show degree changes. Just as serious imbalance of the space distribution of global FDI, both absolute difference analysis and relative difference analysis show that the difference degree of the space distribution of FDI entering China is very serious. Chinese area-oriented open policy, the difference of market development, opening degree, market scale, available scale of FDI and infrastructure of different regions are major causes that bring about the imbalance distribution of FDI in Chinese different regions. For whole economy, FDI promotes Chinese capital formation, technology progress, export enlargement, structure improvement of industry and export goods, but at some degree, it also causes market monopoly, gap expansion of regions development, restrain of domestic capital and loss of state profit.
     With regard to Chinese strategy of absorbing FDI, this thesis considers that it is also a problem of the unity of time and space, namely, Chinese different regions should adopt different strategies of absorbing FDI according to their specific development stages of open economy. As a relative backward country, in order to achieve the sustainable development, China needs to go through three tandem stages, namely, scale expansion and structure lifting and factor optimization. Every stage shows distinct stage character. Likewise, as a geographical large country and a populous large country, the development level and opening degree of Chinese different regions presents very large difference. East regions have basically accomplished the stage of scale expansion, and began to change to the stage of structure lifting, but mid and west regions are still in the stage of scale expansion, and the constraints of its further development they faced with are not resource constraints and market constraints and profit constraints caused by excessive scale expansion, but local resources and factors have not been adequately exploited because of shortage of capital. Consequently, Chinese east regions’strategy of absorbing FDI should be adjusted according to the need of structure lifting. The large-scale pattern should be given up, and the emphasis of absorbing FDI should be adjusted to improve the quality and the benefit of FDI and to advance local industry structure. According to Chinese mid and west regions, absorbing FDI and improving local opening level are still their major strategy currently and in the future. Mid and west regions should make full use of the opportunities of east regions’strategy adjustment for absorbing FDI and the transfer of many industries, especially labor-intensive industries, and accelerate the step of absorbing capital, enlarge the degree of introducing capital, strengthen absorbing capacity, take many ways to absorb FDI and domestic capitals discharged from east regions to advance local economic development.
1 UNCTAD.World Investment Report.2006:299-303.
    2 一项研究表明,2000 年包括国家、地区和跨国公司的经济体按 GDP 或年收入的混合排名中,前 100 名最大经济体中,绝大部分已经是跨国公司而非国家或地区。见张幼文.当代国家优势:要素培育与全球规划[M].上海:上海远东出版社,2003:78-80.
    3 UNCTAD.World Investment Report.2006:33.
    1 见 MacDougall, G.D.A., 1960, The Benefits and Costs of Private Investment from Abroad: A Theoretical Approach, Economic Record, 36: 13-35; Chenery, H.B. &A.M. Strout, 1966, Foreign Assistance and Economic Development, The American Economic Review 56(4), Part 1: 679-733; Helleiner,G.K., 1989, Transnational Corporations and Direct Foreign Investment, in H. Chenery and T.N. Srinivasan (eds.), Handbook of Development Economics, vol.II (Amsterdam: North Holland): 1441-1480; Firebaugh, Glen, 1992, Growth Effects of Foreign and Domestic Investment, American Journal of Sociology, 98: 105-130; De Gregorio, 1992, Economic Growth in Latin America, Journal of Development Economics, 39: 59-83; Kawai, H., 1994, International Comparative Analysis of Economic Growth: Trade Liberation and Productivity, Developing Economies, 32: 372-397; Jansen, K., 1995, The Macroeconomic Effects of Direct Foreign Investment: the Case of Thailand, World Development, 23: 193-210; Alfaro, Laura & Chanda, Areendam & Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem & Sayek, Selin, 2004, FDI and Economic Growth: the Role of Local Financial Markets, Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, 64: 89-112.
     1 数据根据中国商务部统计资料计算,其中 2005 年和 2006 年吸收的外资为全口径统计数据(含银行、保险、证券),http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/tongjiziliao/v/200701/20070104307380.html.
    2 中国商务部外国投资管理司统计数据,http://www.fdi.gov.cn/pub/FDI/wztj.
     1 Hymer 的博士论文写成于 1960 年,但出于某些原因,16 年后才得以出版。Hymer, S.H., 1976, The International Operations of National Firms: A Study of Direct Foreign Investment, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    2 国际投资的定义,长期以来一直有狭义和广义之分,狭义的定义仅指国际直接投资,广义的定义则包括各种形式的国际投资。
    1 转引自赵蓓文.WTO 规则与中国外资政策[M].上海:上海远东出版社,2004:3.
    2 UNCTAD.World Investment Report.1998:350.
    3 也就是说,国际直接投资并不一定是经济投资。经济学上的投资是指在既定时期内用于维持或增加经济中资本存量的产量流(杰弗里·萨克斯,费利普·拉雷恩.全球视角的宏观经济学[M].上海:上海三联书店,上海人民出版社,2004:104)。关于直接投资与经济投资关系的具体说明,可另参见 Douglas Greenwald, 1982, Encyclopedia of Economics, MacGraw-Hill Book Company, 422-424.
    2 商务部.中华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则[EB], http://caefi.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/diaoyan/fagsjk/zonghfg/200501/20050100329878.html
     1 张纪康.跨国公司与直接投资[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2004:2.
    2 Dunning, J.H., 1971, The Multinational Enterprise, edited Prager Publishers, New York, 16.
     1 转引自杨大楷等.国际投资学[M].上海:上海财经大学出版社,2003:89-90.
     1 Caves, R.E., 1982, Multinational Enterprise and Economic Analyses, London: Cambridge University Press, Pix..
     1 Hymer, S.H., 1976, The International Operations of National Firms: A Study of Direct Foreign Investment, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; Kindleberger, C.P., 1969, American Business Abroad, New Hanven, Yale University Press.
    2 张纪康.跨国公司与直接投资[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2004:128.
    1 Johnson, H.G., 1970, The Efficiency and Welfare Implications of the International Corporation, in Kindleberger (ed), The International Corporation, Cambridge, MA. MIT Press.
    2 Caves, R.E., 1971, International Corporatioas: The Industrial Economics of Foreign Investment, Journal of International Economics, 38: 1-27.
    3 Aliber, R.Z., 1970, A Theory of Direct Investment, in Kindleberger(ed), The International Corporation, Cambridge, MA. MIT Press.
    1 Buckley P.J., & Casson, M., 1976, The Future of the Multinational Enterprise, Macmillan; Rugman, A.M., 1981, Inside the Multinational: the Economics of Internal Markets, Croom Helm.
    2 李东阳.国际直接投资与经济发展[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2002:56.
    3 Coase, R.H., 1937, The Nature of Firm, Economica, November, 4: 386-405.
    4 结构性市场不完全和交易性市场不完全分别强调了市场不完全的两个重要方面。前者强调市场结构特征方面的市场不完全,而后者则强调市场交易活动存在障碍所导致的市场不完全,基于这两种市场不完全的分析,产生了“垄断优势理论”和“内部化理论”这两个相互竞争的假说,它们都有相应的理论基础,并且均能较好地揭示国际直接投资的发生。尽管都强调市场的不完全,但在揭示跨国公司对外直接投资的收益来源机制方面,“垄断优势理论”和“内部化理论”背道而驰。
    1 有学者(如金芳,1999)指出,区位因素分析在 20 世纪 50 年代就已产生,它先是运用在用数据按重要性等级来区分各国对外来直接投资吸引力的研究之中,后又被集中运用于统计数据分析加拿大和欧洲国家吸引美国投资的主要因素的研究之中,但是,在 20 世纪 70 年代 Dunning 创立国际生产折衷理论前,区位因素始终未作为国际直接投资的动因作系统的研究。见金芳.双赢游戏:外国直接投资激励政策[M].上海:上海社会科学院出版社 1999 年版。本文作者赞同这一观点,但出于理论分析完整性的考虑,此处仍然将其独立出来加以分析。
    2 Vernon, R., 1974, The Location of Economics Enterprise, Allen and Unwin; Parry, T.G., 1975, The International Location of Production: Studies in the Trade and Non-trade Servicing of International Markets by Multinational Manufacturing Enterprise, PHD. Thesis, University of London; Casson, M.C., 1986, General Theories of the Multinational Enterprise: Their Relevance to Business History, in Hertner, P. & Jones, G. (ed), Multinations: Theory and History, Aldershot, Hants, Gower.
    3 Dunning, J.H., 1977, Trade, Location of Economic Activity and the MNE: A Search for an Eclectic Approach, in Ohlin, B. (ed), The International Allocation of Economic Activity, London: Holms & Meier Press; Dunning, J.H., 1998, Location and the Multinational Enterprises: A Neglected Factor? Journal of International Business Studies, 29: 45-67.
    1 应该指出,这里的有利条件是从跨国公司进行 FDI 的角度来说的,并不一定是提高东道国福利水平的因素,例如东道国贸易壁垒等扭曲性的政策有时对跨国公司的直接投资来说是区位优势,但是却会从整体上降低东道国的福利水平。
    2 UNCTAD: World Investment Report. 1998: 91.
     1 OLI 理论虽然是当今最具影响的 FDI 理论,不过也有学者对其提出了质疑。如崔新健就认为,折衷理论中的三大优势之间存在着重叠和冲突,因而主张将该理论简化为 OL 理论,即简化为只有所有权优势和区位优势两个变量,这样就可以将跨国公司与东道国放在一个平等的平台上研究,从而能够弥补传统理论忽略东道国的重要性这一弊端。见崔新健.外商对华直接投资的决定因素[M].北京:中国发展出版社,2001:45-57.
    2 李东阳.国际直接投资与经济发展[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2002:75.
     1 Vernon, R., 1966, International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May: 190-207;Vernon, R., 1974, The Location of Economics Enterprise, Allen and Unwin.
    2 Vernon(1966)通过对美国市场的研究发现,一般国内市场容量大、研发能力和资金多的国家在开发新产品、采用新技术方面居于优势地位,由于战后美国社会生产力发达、资金供给充足、消费市场容量大、变化快,所以众多新产品主要是在美国创新出来。
     1 Kojima K., 1978, Direct Foreign Investment: A Japanese Model of Multinational Business Operations, Croom Helm.
    1 Richardon, J.D., 1971, On “Going Abroad”: The Firm’s Initial Foreign Investment Decision, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, Winter: 7-22.
     1 Knickerbocker, F.T., 1973, Oligopolistic Reaction and the Multinational Enterprise, Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
    2 有学者(金芳,1999)指出,跨国公司的防御性投资可以区分为四种类型的“追随”:(1)同类产品企业间的追随,如日本电器行业在英国的直接投资扩张,以彩电业的成功带动了录像机、微波炉、冰箱等行业的追随而至;(2)同一区域生产基地的扩展,或分支机构的水平多样化追随;(3)向相连市场渗透的辐射性追随,比如美国跨国公司向拉美市场,欧洲跨国公司向撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,日本跨国公司向西欧各国,日、港、台资向东南亚地区的集权状投资;(4)关联企业间的追随,多发生于相关供应商、客户或竞争者之间。参见金芳.双赢游戏:外国直接投资激励政策[M].上海:上海社会科学院出版社,1999:107.
    3 Johanson, J. and F. Wiederheim-Paul, 1975, The internationalization of the firm: Four Swedish cases, Journal of Management Studies, 12: 305-322;Johanson, J. and J. E. Vahlne, 1977, The Internationalization of the Firm: A Model of Knowledge Development and Increasing Foreign Market Commitments, Journal of Business Studies, 8: 23-32.
    1 Cantwell, J. & Tolentino, P., 1987, Technological Accumulation and Third World Multination, in Christos, N. & Roger, S. (ed), The Nature of the Transnational Firm, London, Routledge.
     1 作为一种重要的生产要素,许多研究指出,国际直接投资并不仅限于“资本”一种属性,而是具有多维属性。实际上它是一个“企业包”,是资本、技术、管理、信息、知识、品牌、海外销售网络等多种要素的组合。关于国际直接投资的多维属性的分析可参见 Johnson, H. G., 1972, “Survey of Issues” in Peter Drysdal(eed.), Direct Foreign Investment in Asian Pacific, Toronto: University of Toronto Press;Balasubramanyam, V. N., M. Salisu, and D. Dapsoford, 1996, Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in EP and IS Countries, Economic Journal, 106: 92-105.
    1 Solow, RM. 1957, Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function, Review of Economics and Statistics, 39: 312-320.
    2 Mankiw N.G., Romer D. and Weil D.N., 1992, A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107: 407-437.
    3 Barro, R. and X. Sala-i-Martin. 1995, Economic Growth, New York: McGraw-Hill.
    4 De Gregorio, 1992, Economic Growth in Latin America, Journal of Development Economics, 39: 59-83.
    5 Blomstrom, M. Lipsey, R.E. & Zejan, M. 1994, What Explains Growth in Developing Countries, NBER Discussion Paper No. 1924.
    6 Kawai, H., 1994, International Comparative Analysis of Economic Growth: Trade Liberation and Productivity, Developing Economies, 32: 372-397.
    7 Borensztein, Eduardo, Jose de-Gregorio and Jong-Wha Lee, 1998, How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Economic Growth? Journal of International Economics, 45:115-135.
    8 Alfaro, Laura & Chanda, Areendam & Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem & Sayek, Selin, 2004, FDI and Economic Growth:the Role of Local Financial Markets, Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, 64: 89-112.
    1 De Mello, LR. 1997, Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries and Growth: A Selective Survey, Journal of Development Studies, 34: 1-34.
    2 Hein, S. 1992, Trade Strategy and the Dependency Hypothesis: A Comparison of Policy, Foreign Investment, and Economic Growth in Latin America and East Asia, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 40: 495-521; Balasubramanyam, V. N., M. Salisu, and D. Dapsoford, 1996, Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in EP and IS Countries, Economic Journal, 106: 92-105.
    3 Carkovic, M. and Levine, R. 2002, Does Foreign Direct Investment Accelerate Economic Growth? Working Paper Series, NBER, June.
    4 MacDougall, GDA. 1960, The Benefits and Costs of Private Investment from Abroad: A Theoretical Approach, Economic Record, 36: 13-35.
    5 Caves, R.E., 1974, Multinational Firms, Competition and Productivity in Host-Country Markets, Economica, 41: 176-193.
    6 Globerman, S. 1979, Foreign Direct Investment and Spillover Efficiency Benefit in Canadian Manufacturing Industries, Canadian Journal of Economics, 12: 42—56.
    7 Blomstr?m, M. and H. Persson, 1983, Foreign Investment and Spillover Efficiency in an Underdeveloped Economy: Evidence from the Mexican Manufacturing Industry, World Development, 11: 493-501.
    8 Blomstrom, M. and E. Wolff, 1989, Multinational Corporations and Productivity Convergence in Mexico, NBER Working Paper, No.3141.
    1 Sj?holm, F. 1999, Technology Gap, Competition and Spillovers from Direct Foreign Investment: Evidence from Establishment Data, The Journal of Development Studies, 36: 53-73.
    2 Dimelis, S. and Louri, H. 2002, Foreign Ownership and Production Efficiency: A Quantile Regression Analysis, Oxford Economic Papers, 54: 449-469.
    3 Findlay, R., 1978, Relative Backwardness, Direct Foreign Investment and the Transfer of Technology, A Simple Dynamic Model, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 92: 1-16.
    4 Sj?holm, F. 1999, Technology Gap, Competition and Spillovers from Direct Foreign Investment: Evidence from Establishment Data, The Journal of Development Studies, 36: 53-73.
    5 Kokko, A. 1994, Technology, Market Characteristics, and Spillovers, Journal of Development. Economics, 43: 279-293.
    6 Blomstrom, M. 1986, Foreign Investment and Productive Efficiency: The Case of Mexico, The Journal of Industrial Economics, 1986: 15: 97-110.
    7 Kokko, A. Tansini, R. and Zejan, M. 1996, Local Technological Capability and Productivity pillovers form FDI in the Uruguayan Manufacturing Sector, Journal of Development Studies, 32: 602-611.
    8 Barrios, S. and Strobl, E. 2002, Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Spillovers: Evidence from the Spanish Experience, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 138: 459-481.
    9 Singh, R. 1992, Government Introduced Price Distortion and Growth, Evidence from Twenty Nine Developing Countries, Public Choice, 73: 83-99.
    10 Haddad, M. and A. E. Harrison, 1993, Are There Positive Spillovers from Direct Foreign Investment? Evidence from Panel Data for Morocco, Journal of Development Economics, 42: 51-74.
    1 Kokko, A. Tansini, R. and Zejan, M. 1996, Local Technological Capability and Productivity pillovers form FDI in the Uruguayan Manufacturing Sector, Journal of Development Studies, 32: 602-611.
    2 Aitken, B.J. and A. Harrison, 1999, Do Domestic Firms Benefit from Direct Foreign Investment? Evidence from. Venezuela, American Economic Review, 89: 605- 618.
    3 Barrios, S. 2000, Are There Positive Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment? Evidence from the Spanish Experience (1990-1994), mimeo, University of Manchester.
    4 Driffield, N.L., 2001, The Impact on Domestic Productivity of Inward Investment in the UK, The Manchester School, 69: 103-119.
    5 Konings, J. 2001, The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Domestic Firms: Evidence from Firm Lever Panel Data in Emerging Economies, Economics of Transition, 9: 619-633.
    6 Barrios, S. and Strobl, E. 2002, Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Spillovers: Evidence from the Spanish Experience, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 138: 459-481.
    7 Harrison, A. 1996, Determinants and Effects of Direct Foreign Investment in Cote d'Ivoire, Morocco, and Venezuela, in M. Roberts, and J. Tybout, editors, Industrial Evolution in Developing Countries, Oxford University Press;Aitken, Brian J., Gordon H. Hanson, and Ann E. Harrison, 1997, Spillovers, Foreign Investment, and Export Behavior, Journal of International Economics, 43: 103-132;De Mello, LR. 1997, Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries and Growth: A Selective Survey, Journal of Development Studies, 34: 1-34;Blomstrom, M. and F. Sjoholm 1999, Technology Transfer and Spillovers: Does Local Participation with Multinationals Matter, European Economic Review, 43: 915-923;Djankov, S. and Hoekman, B. 2000, Foreign Investment and Productivity Growth in Czech Enterprises, World Bank Economic Review, 14: 49-64;Kathuria, V., 2000, Productivity Spillovers from Technology Transfer to Indian Manufacturing Firms, Journal of International Development, 12: 343-369;Harris, R and Robinson, C. 2004, Productivity Impacts and Spillovers from Foreign Ownership in the United Kingdom. National Institute Economic Reviews, 187: 58-75.
     1 参见李东阳.外国直接投资与经济发展[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2002:13;张纪康.跨国公司与直接投资[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2004:12.
     1 Dunning, J.H., 1993, Multinational Enterprise and the Global Economy, New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Ltd, 118。
    2 宋则行,樊亢.世界经济史(上卷)[M],北京:经济科学出版社,1995:380.
     1 Dunning, J.H., 1993, Multinational Enterprise and the Global Economy, New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Ltd, 118。
    2 张纪康.跨国公司与直接投资[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2004:94.
    1 世界银行.1985 年世界发展报告(中译本)[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,1985:14.
    2 Dunning, J.H., 1993, Multinational Enterprise and the Global Economy, New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Ltd, 118。
    3 UNCTAD:World Investment Report.1994:419.
    1 仇启华.世界经济学[M].北京:中共中央党校出版社,1989:333.
    2 UNCTAD. World Investment Report. 1994: 415-418.
     1 根据 UNCTAD 发表的 World Investment Report 1994 第 419 页中的数据整理计算。
    2 UNCTAD. World Investment Report. 1994: 409-420.
    3 UNCTAD: World Investment Report 1996, 233; World Investment Report 2001, 296.
     1 此处半对数模型的采用借鉴了达莫达尔·古亚拉提(Damodar N. Gujarati)的计量思想。参见达莫达尔·古亚拉提.经济计量学精要(中译本)[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2000:160-163.
     1 参见达莫达尔·古亚拉提.经济计量学精要(中译本)[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2000:160-163.
    1 Dunning, J.H., 1981, International Production and the Multinational Enterprise, Allen and Unwin.
    2 国际货币基金组织.世界经济展望[M].北京:中国金融出版社,1997:45.
    3 Prakash, A. and Hart, J.A. eds. 1999, Globalization and Governance, Published by Routledge London, 3.
    4 Wagner H., 2000, Globalization and Unemployment, Published by Springer Heidelberg, 19.
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     1 对要素流动是经济全球化最为本质的特征更为详细的分析参见张幼文等.世界经济学——原理与方法[M].上海:上海财经大学出版社,2006:6.
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    2 赵蓓文.WTO 规则与中国外资政策[M].上海:上海远东出版社,2004:87.
     1 UNCTAD: World Investment Report . 2002: 20.
    1 UNCTAD: World Investment Report . 2002: 22.
    2 UNCTAD: World Investment Report . 2002: 13.
    1 UNCTAD: World Investment Report. 2002: 303.
     1 应该说,国际直接投资空间布局并不仅局限于投资国家或地区选择的问题,但它首先表现为投资的具体区位的选择,本文也主要基于区位分布的含义上来探讨国际直接投资的空间特性,除非文中另作说明,为此本文未对空间分布和区位分布作具体区分,两者多数情况下是混合使用的。
    2 贺灿飞.外商直接投资区位:理论分析与实证研究[M].北京:中国经济出版社, 2005:50.
    3 这同时也意味着,许多如中国这样的国内各地区经济发展差距非常大的国家,其国内不同地区也不应采取完全同一的引资战略,而应该根据不同地区的经济发展具体情况特别是所处的不同发展阶段,采取多层次的引资战略。
    1 周阳敏的研究表明,伴随着经济区域一体化的发展,区域间的经济周期协同性减弱、区域内的经济周期协同性增强,这从另一侧面反映了区域内部经济整体性程度的加强的事实。周阳敏.世界经济博弈周期[M].北京:中国经济出版社,2005:28-74.
    2 Dunning, J.H., 1973, The Determinants of International Production, Oxford Economic Papers, 5: 289-236.
    3 Dunning, J.H., 1988, The Eclectic Paradigm of International Production: A Restatement and Some Possible Extensions, Journal of International Business Studies, 19: 1-31.
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    2 Kravis, I., & Lipsey, R., 1982, The Location of Overseas Production and Production for Exports for U.S. Multinational Firms, Journal of International Economics, 12: 201-223.
    3 Clickman, N.J. & Wood, D.P., 1988, The Location of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Patterns and Determinants. International Regional Science Review, 11: 137-154.
    4 Yamawaki, H., 1993, Location Decisions of Japanese Multinational Firms in European Manufacturing Industries. In K. Hughes (Ed.), European competitiveness. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    1 Swedenborg, B., 1979, The Multinational Operations of Swedish Firms, Stockholm Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research.
    2 Dunning, J.H., 1980, Toward an Eclectic Theory of International Production: Some Empirical Tests, Journal of International Business Studies, 11: 9-31.
    3 Caves, R.E., 1971, International Corporatioas: The Industrial Economics of Foreign Investment, Journal of International Economics, 38: 1-27.
    4 Williamson, O., 1985, The Economic Institutions of Capitalism, New York: Free Press; Mariotti, S. & Piscitello, L., 1995, Information Costs and Location of Foreign Direct Investment within the Host Country: Empirical Evidence form Italy, Journal of International Business Studies, 4: 815-836.
    5 Green, R., & Cunningham, W., 1975, The Determinants of U.S. Foreign Investment, Management International areview, 15: 113-120; Kobrin, S.J., 1976, The Environmental Determinants of Foreign Direct Manufacturing Investment: An Export Empirical Analysis, Journal of International Business Studies, 7: 29-42; Dunning, J.H., 1980, Toward an Eclectic Theory of International Production: Some Empirical Tests, Journal of International Business Studies, 11: 9-31; Papanastassiou, M., & Pearce, R., 1990, Host Country Characteristics and the Sourcing Behavior of UK Manufacturing Industry, Discussion Papers in International Investment and Business Studies, Series B, Vol. II, No.140; Schneider, F. & Frey B., 1985, Economic and Political Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment, world Development, 13: 161-175; Hennart, J. & Y. Park, 1994, Location, Governance and Strategic Determinants of Japanese Manufacturing Investment in the United States, Strategic Management Journal, 15: 419-436.
    6 Root, F., & A. Ahmed, 1979, Empirical Determinants of manufacturing Direct Foreign Investment in Developing Countries, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 27: 751-767.
    7 Schneider, F. & Frey B., 1985, Economic and Political Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment, world Development, 13: 161-175.
    8 Gruben William C. & McLeod Darry, 1998, Capital Flows, Savings, and Growth in the 1990s, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, 3: 287-301.
    1 Root, F., & A. Ahmed, 1979, Empirical Determinants of manufacturing Direct Foreign Investment in Developing Countries, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 27: 751-767.
    2 Agodo, O., 1978, The Determinants of U.S. Private manufacturing Investment in Africa, Journal of International Business Studies, 9: 95-107.
    3 Culem, C., 1988, The Locational Determinants of Direct Foreign Investment among Industrialized Countries, European Economic Review, 32: 885-904.
    4 Wheeler David and Ashoka Mody, 1992, International Investment Location Decisions: The Case of U.S. Firms, Journal of International Economics, 33: 57-76.
    5 Clickman, N.J. & Wood, D.P., 1988, The Location of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Patterns and Determinants. International Regional Science Review, 11: 137-154.
    6 Smith, D.F. & R. Florida, 1994, Agglomeration and Industrial Location: An Econometric Analysis of Japanese Affiliated Manufacturing Establishments in Automotive-Related Industries, Journal of Urban Economics, 36: 23-41.
    7 Head, K., J. Reis & D. Swenson, 1995, Agglomeration Benefits and Location Choice: Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing in the United States, Journal of International Economics, 38: 223-247.
    8 Luger, M.I. & S. Shetty, 1985, Determinants of Foreign Plant Start-ups in the United States: Lessons for Policymakers in the Southeast, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Spring: 223-245.
    9 Agodo, O., 1978, The Determinants of U.S. Private manufacturing Investment in Africa, Journal of International Business Studies, 9: 95-107.
    10 Lall, S. and N. S. Siddharthan, 1982, The Monopolistic Advantages of Multinationals: Lessons from Foreign Investment in the U.S Economic Journal, 92: 668-683.
    1 鲁明泓.制度因素与国际直接投资区位分布:一项实证研究[J] .经济研究,1999,(7):57-66.
    2 Waldkirch, A., 2003, The “New Regionalism” and Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Mexico, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Taylor and Francis Journals, 12: 151-184.
    3 Belderbos, R. H. Vandenbussche and R. Veugelers , 2004, Antidumping Duties, Undertakings and Foreign Direct Investment in EU, European Economic Review, 48: 429 -453.
    4 UNCTAD: World Investment Report 1995, 298-299.
    5 Charles Oman, 2000, Policy Competition for Foreign Direct Investment: A Study of Competition among Government to Attract FDI, OECD Development Centre, Paris.
    6 Morisset, J. and Pirnia, N, 1999, How Tax Policy and Incentives Affect Foreign Direct Investment: A Review" (November 30), World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 2509.
    1 葛顺奇.激励措施及其对吸引外资的影响[J] .国际经济评论,2006,(3-4):47-49.
    2 UNCTAD: World Investment Report, 1995: 298-299.
    3 葛顺奇.激励措施及其对吸引外资的影响[J] .国际经济评论,2006,(3-4):47-49.
     1 图形源于江心英、袁树人的论文并经过调整。见江心英,袁树人.国际直接投资地域结构综合动因分析[J].世界地理研究,2003,(3):20-25.
     1 ESP 范式是 Koopman 和 Montias(1971)提出的一种比较经济学的分析模式,Dunning(1981)将这一模式用于国际直接投资研究中的东道国区位优势分析。见 Koopman, K. & Montias, J.M., 1971, On the description and comparison of economic systems. In A. Ekstein, (Ed.), Comparison of economic systems. California: University of California Press;Dunning, J.H., 1981, International Production and the Multinational Enterprise, London: George Allen & Unwin, 43.
     1 张纪康.跨国公司与直接投资[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2004:37-38.
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    2 刘翔峰.欧盟对外直接投资的趋势及对中国的影响[J].经济研究参考,2005,(64):43.
    1 1997—1999 年的数据来源于张纪康.跨国公司与直接投资[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2004:108; 2000—2003 年的数据来源于李理.日本对外直接投资的新变化与前景展望[J] .日本研究,2005,(2):34.
     1 本文提出“国际直接投资空间集聚”在很大程度上受到“要素集聚”概念的启发。“要素集聚”概念及其论证首次发表于张幼文、黄仁伟等著、人民出版社出版的《2006 中国国际地位报告》,该书导论中第二、三节由张幼文撰写,“要素集聚”的进一步研究参见张幼文、梁军的论文(张幼文,梁军.要素集聚与中国在世界经济中的地位[J].学术月刊,2007,(3):74-82)。
    1 贺灿飞.外商直接投资区位:理论分析与实证研究[M].北京:中国经济出版社,2005:43.
    2 Cheng, L.K., and Kwan, Y.K., 2000, What Are the Determinants of the Location of Foreign Direct Investment? The Chinese Experience, Journal of International Economics, 51: 379-400.
    3 Deichmann, J.I., Eshghi, A., Haughton, D.M., Sayek, S., and Teebagy, N.C., 2003, Foreign Direct Investment in the Eurasian Transition States, Eastern European Economics, 41: 5-34.
    4 Agodo, O., 1978, The Determinants of U.S. Private manufacturing Investment in Africa, Journal of International Business Studies, 9: 95-107.
    5 沈坤荣,田源.人力资本与外商直接投资的区位选择[J] .管理世界,2002,(11):27-32.
    6 梁琦.跨国公司海外投资与产业集聚[J] .世界经济,2003,(9):31-39.
    1 鲁明泓.制度因素与国际直接投资区位分布:一项实证研究[J].经济研究,1999,(7):57-66.
    2 贺灿飞,梁进社.中国外商直接投资的区域分布及其变化[J].地理学报,1999,(3):97-105.
    3 Henderson J., 1986, Efficiency of Resource Usage and City Size, Journal of Urban Economics, 19: 47-70.
    1 根据 UNCTAD:World Investment Report 2002 和 2005 中的统计数据计算。
    2 参见王洛林主编的《中国外商投资报告 2000》,中国财政经济出版社 2000 年版,此处转引自杨丹辉.全球竞争:FDI 与中国产业竞争力[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004:209.
    3 杨丹辉.全球竞争:FDI 与中国产业竞争力[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004:209.
    4 王光荣.“中国制造”的崛起,不争的事实[N].光明日报,2002-09-11(8).
    1 根据中国统计年鉴 2005 的统计数据整理。
    2 数据根据中国商务部统计资料计算,见 www.mofcom.gov.cn。
    3 世界经济年鉴编委会.世界经济年鉴(2005/2006)[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2006:328。
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    1 相关研究分析表明,外商对华直接投资发展的时空过程与中国开放政策的时空过程是一致的,随着开放政策在空间上的扩展,外商直接投资区位也相应扩展。魏后凯,贺灿飞,王新.中国外商投资区位决策与公共政策[M].北京:商务印书馆,2002:73-74.
    2 Chen, C., L. Chang and Y. Zhang, 1995, The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in China‘s Post-1978 Economic Development, World Development, 23: 691-703;Chen, C., L. Chang and Y. Zhang, 1995, The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in China‘s Post-1978 Economic Development, World Development, 23: 691-703.
    3 见鲁明泓.外国直接投资区域分布与中国投资环境评估[J].经济研究,1997,(12):38-45;Cheng L. & Kwan Y., 2000, What Are the Determinants of the Location of Foreign Direct Investment? The Chinese Experience, Journal of International Economics 51: 379-400.
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    2 陈净植,刘璐璐.中国的投资环境相当不错[J].政策前瞻,2003,(12):20-21.
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     1 参见郑庆璋,崔世治.相对论与时空[M].太原:山西科学技术出版社,2001:78-80.
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    2 UNCTAD:World Investment Report, 1993: 247.
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     1 UNCTAD: World Investment Report, 2002: 5.
    2 发达国际和发展中国家所占比重之和并不全部等于 1,从 1991 年开始,国家类型除发达国家和发展中国家之外,还包括东南欧和独联体国家等转型国家。
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     1 对滞后一期的世界 GDP 增长率与中国 FDI 增长率的简单回归结果表明,两者存在一定的负相关关系。参见梁军.从 FDI 看世界经济波动对我国经济增长的影响[J].国际贸易问题,2005,(8):64-69.
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    3 现代经济周期理论一般不再严格区分经济波动和经济周期,而把经济周期等同于经济波动,为与上面分析相一致,本文也并不将经济波动和经济周期做严格区分。
    1 数据根据国家统计局的数据计算,http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/qtsj/gjsj/2004/t20060721_402339577.htm。
    2 Dellas H., 1986, A real model of the world business cycle, Journal of International Money and Finance, 5: 381-394.
    3 Aart Kraay & Jaume Ventura, 2000, Product Price and the OECD Cycle, NBER Working Paper No. 7788.
    4 Aart Kraay & Jaume Ventura, 2001, Comparative Advantage and the Cross-section of Business Cycle, NBER Working Paper No. 8104.
    5 Brian A’Hearn & Ulrich Woitek, 2001, More International Evidence on the Historical Properties of Business Cycle, Journal of Monetary economics, 47: 321-346.
    6 周阳敏.世界经济博弈周期[M].北京:中国经济出版社,2005:81.
     1 陶田,李好好.国际投资学[M].太原:山西出版社,2001:21.
     1 Dunning, J.H., 1981, International Production and the Multinational Enterprise, Allen and Unwin.
     1 Dunning, J.H., 1988, Explaining International Production, Boston: Unwin Hyman.
    1 谢康.跨国公司与当代中国[M].上海:立信会计出版社,1997:54.
    2 Dunning, John H., 1981, Explaining Outward Direct Investment of Developing Countries: In Support of the Eclectic Theory of International Production, in Krishna Kumar and Maxwell G. McLeod, Multinationals from Developing Countries, Toronto, Canada: Lexington Books, 6.
    3 谢康.跨国公司与当代中国[M].上海:立信会计出版社,1997:56.
    4 数据来源于 UNCTAD:World Investment Report 1994,411-414。
    5 数据来源于 UNCTAD:World Investment Report 1998,364-370。
     1 需要指出的,根据中国现实经济发展状况所做出的判断反映的是中国直接投资所处发展阶段的“实际状况”,而不是中国直接投资发展阶段“应该达到”的状况或“理想”的状况,进一步分析可参见高敏雪、李颖俊的论文(高敏雪,李颖俊.对外直接投资发展阶段的实证分析[J].管理世界,2004,(1):55-61)。
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    2 张纪.美国对华直接投资影响因素实证分析[J].世界经济研究,2006,(1):55-61.
     1 中国商务年鉴编辑委员会.中国商务年鉴 2005[M].北京:中国商务出版社,2005:149.
     1 中国商务年鉴编辑委员会.中国商务年鉴 2005[M].北京:中国商务出版社,2005:25.
    2 滕家国.外商对华直接投资研究[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,2001:22.
    3 数据根据中国商务部统计资料计算,http://www. mofcom.gov.cn。
    4 中国商务年鉴编辑委员会.中国商务年鉴 2005[M].北京:中国商务出版社,2005:146.
    5 滕家国.外商对华直接投资研究[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,2001:19 -20.
    6 来自发展中国家和地区的外商直接投资绝大部分来自港澳台地区、韩国和东盟等东亚国家和地区。
     1 魏后凯,贺灿飞,王新.中国外商投资区位决策与公共政策[M].北京:商务印书馆,2002:6.
    2 数据来源于中国对外经济贸易年鉴编辑委员会编写的《中国对外经济贸易年鉴》1984—1999 年各期的统计数据并经过整理。
    1 中国商务年鉴编辑委员会.中国商务年鉴 2005[M].北京:中国商务出版社,2005:893.
    2 是相对于国际大型跨国公司来说的,并不表明其对中国内地企业处于低水平。
    3 滕家国.外商对华直接投资研究[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,2001:69.
    4 江小涓.吸引外资对中国技术进步和研发能力提升的影响[J].国际经济评论,2004,(1—2):13-18.
     1 魏后凯,贺灿飞,王新.中国外商投资区位决策与公共政策[M].北京:商务印书馆,2002:8.
    2 中国商务年鉴编辑委员会.中国商务年鉴 2005[M].北京:中国商务出版社,2005:150.
    3 见 Chen, C. H., 1996, Regional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Mainland China, The American Economic Review 56: 679-733;李小建.香港对大陆投资的区位变化与公司空间行为[J].地理学报,1996,(3):213-222;Sun, H., 1996, Direct Foreign Investment and Linkage Effects: the Experience of China, Asian Economics, 25: 5-28;贺灿飞,梁进社.中国外商直接投资的区域分布及其变化[J].地理学报,1999,(3):97-105;魏后凯.外国直接投资对中国区域经济增长的影响[J].经济研究,2002,(4):19-26;武剑.外国直接投资的区域分布及其经济效应[J].经济研究,2002,(4):27-35.
     1 资料来源于国家统计局贸易物资司:《1979—1991 中国对外经济统计大全》,中国统计信息咨询服务中心,1992 年,此处转引自魏后凯,贺灿飞,王新.中国外商投资区位决策与公共政策[M].北京:商务印书馆,2002:14.
     1 Head K. & Ries J., 1996: Inter-city Competition for Foreign Direct Investment: Static and Dynamic Effects of China’s Incentives Areas, Journal of Urban Economics 40: 38-60.
     1 Cheng L. & Kwan Y., 2000, What Are the Determinants of the Location of Foreign Direct Investment? The Chinese Experience, Journal of International Economics 51: 379-400.
    1 Hou J. & Zhang K., 2001, A Locational Analysis of Taiwanese Branch Plants in Mainland China, International Journal of Business, 6: 53-56.
    2 鲁明泓.外国直接投资区域分布与中国投资环境评估[J].经济研究,1997,(12):38-45.
    3 贺灿飞,梁进社.中国外商直接投资的区域分布及其变化[J].地理学报,1999,(3):97-105;
     1 干中学的概念最初是由肯尼斯·阿罗(Kenneth Arrow,1962)阐明的。阿罗确定学习曲线来源于经验,经验来源于“累积生产”,从而解释了促使成本下降的所谓“学习曲线”现象。见 Kenneth Arrow, 1962, The Economic Implications of Leaning by Doing, Review of Economic Studies vol. xxix: 155-173.
    2 魏后凯,贺灿飞,王新.中国外商投资区位决策与公共政策[M].北京:商务印书馆,2002:92-106.
    3 张伟,金玉国,康君.我国国民经济市场化进程的统计评价与实证分析[J].中国软科学,2005,(3):29-41.本
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