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The regional economic integration and the whole world economic integration are twogreat inevitable trends in the global economic development, the constructing ofChina-ASEAN Free Trade Area is the practice of the regional economic integration ofChina-ASEAN nations, it will certainly impel the realization of the East Asian economyintegration. As a result of the establishment of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, Guangxi ofChina is advanced to the front of the regional economic cooperation, and faces in its historythe unprecedented multiple opportunities because of its unique geographical superiority.Thecore and the key of the economical development depend on the promotion of the industrialdevelopment and the industrial structure, Guangxi as an area relatively ranking behind inChina still meets its more deficiency in the industrial development.This article, meltingGuangxi industry development into the great environment and new situation of the regionaleconomic cooperation, will attempt to study some new pathways that can promote Guangxiindustry development as well as a full assurance of the countermeasures in the currentopportunity.
     This article, basic on the system analysis of the industry theory, the free trade areatheory and the theory of the regional economic cooperation, specifically has analyzed theindustry, superiority, the agricultural superiority and the third industry superiority which arealready formed in Guangxi, in view of the present situation and the existence of the mainissues in Guangxi industry development, and unifying the resources superiority in Guangxiindustrial, the geographical superiority, the multiple opportunity superiority and thesuperiority of the preferential benefit policies. On the basic of analyzing the economycompetitiveness and the mutual complement between Guangxi and the ASEAN nations, it isto focus on the study of the influence on Guangxi industrial development caused by the constructing of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area as well as under the frame of which thedevelopment of the Guangxi industry. The paper brings out the major points including,Developing the Guangxi economy, The industry is the key, and Persisting "the industrypromotes Guangxi". It is to stress the multiple developments, and the new opportunity whilepersisting in a fresh science development view, an opening view, a cooperation view and areform view, so as to start a new chapter, of Guangxi industry development. Persist intaking the superiority industry as the main item, the coastal economy as the key point, theBeibuwan Gulf economical circle as the turning point, the Chinese-ASEAN Expro as theplatform, and the Guangxi industrial structure will be advanced comprehensively into itsoptimization and promotion. Guangxi's geographical superiority, the resources superiority,the humanities superiority and so on should promptly transform as the economicalsuperiority, so as to speed up the development of the Guangxi materials-circling industry,and to promote the constructing of international materials-circling center. The Guangxieconomy is thus accelerated to develop with the fresh concept to improve the investmentenvironment and to complete the market mechanism, and by the introducing external forces.
     This paper, instructed by the dialectical and development viewpoint, using thecombining method of the quantitative and qualitative analysis, and the principles of thetheory and practice unification, unifying the demonstration analysis method and the contrastanalytic method, etc., reputs Guangxi's industrial into a new background of regionaleconomic cooperation, and analyzes relatively deep, towards the multiple opportunity inGuangxi industry development, the theory basis, the industrial survey, the existenceissues, the influence analysis, the development countermeasure and so on, and strives tostudy within the countermeasure stratification the issue of Guangxi's industrial developmentunder the frame of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, which thus posses a certain instructionsignificance in reality.
① 古小松主编:《中国-东盟知识读本》,广西师范大学出版社,2004年4月第1版,第210页。
    ① 数据来源于1990、2001、2002、2003、2004、2005年中国海关统计数字。
    ① 杨公朴、夏大慰主编:《产业经济学教程》(修订本),上海财经大学出版社,2002年7月第2版,第1页。
    ② 杨公朴、夏大慰主编:《产业经济学教程》(修订本),上海财经大学出版社,2002年7月第2版,第29页。
    ① 杨公朴、夏大慰主编:《产业经济学教程》(修订本),上海财经大学出版社,2002年7月第2版,第32页。
    ② 来自中国统计局,1985年4月。
    ① 美国波特:《国家竞争优势》1990。
    ① 陆兵:2005年广西《政府工作报告》,2005年1月20日。
    ① 2004年广西人均GDP为7196元人民币,按常住人口计算,折合美元800元左右。
    ② 标准值来源于《广西工业现状》,中国机电数据网/产业研究频道,2006年7月。
    ① 数据取自陈佳贵、黄群慧、钟宏武《中国地区工业化进程的综合评价和特征分析》(《工业经济》2006.9)中整理的“工业化不同阶段标志值”统计表。
    ① 关于广西各类资源的相关数据部份来源于漳州热线信息快报的《广西概况资源优势》,2006.3;另一部份来源于《广西年鉴》2005年。
    ② 关于广西平均水能资源总量和水能理论蕴藏量数据来源于陈泽民著《区域合作通论》,复旦大学出版社,2005年10月第1版,第375页。
    ① 相关数据来源于《中国-东盟自由贸易区知识读本》,广西人民出版社,2004年3月第1版。
    ① “泛珠三角洲经济圈”梯级引自广西信息产业局《发挥广西优势 改善投资环境 迎接“泛珠三角”经济区产业转移》,2006年。
    ② CEPA为《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系安排》协定的简称。
    ① “两廊一圈”三级梯次引自庞革平的《中越“两廊一圈”潜力巨大》2004.11。
    ② 参考东盟研究网《广西与东盟的产业梯次分析》2006。
    ① 引自广西日报《专家访谈北部湾经济圈舞起广西经济龙头》,作者:张东安,2006.7。
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