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Under the circumstances of an increasingly intense competitive market economy, the enterprises are required to not only be active and innovative with their own innovative products and technologies, but also obtain the independant intellectual property right (IIPR) for legal protection of their innovations. Only by this can they gain a competitive advantage in market competition, occupying a good position as well as a commanding height in the market cpmpetition. It turns out that in our current social and economic development, enterprises are becoming the main body of China's technology innovation.
     As a major part of China's enterprises, Science and Technology Small and Medium-sized Enterprise(S&T SMEs), after 20 years of development, have formed a "half" of Chinese economy, playing an irreplaceable role in many aspects such as the research and development of new products, the application of patents, the supply of job opportunities and the stability of the society. They have become a new force, taking an important component in our national economy. S&T SMEs, as technology-intensive, knowledge-intensive, information-intensive entities, are typical IP-based business where the possession and the quality of their IIPR involve not only the fate of the enterprise's development, but also the capability of national and regional innovation as well as their core competitiveness. They also relate to whether our national economy can develop fastly, healthily and continuously or not.
     Although the mechanism of China's S&T SMEs is flexible and innovative with a quick response to new market demands, and easy adjustment of technical renewal and product updates, due to restrictions on the size and conditions, there still exist many problems on the protection and management of IIPR whose condition in enterprises now are unoptimistic because of the lack of the core and critical technologies. As a result, we are often technically "controlled by others" in the process of development, and it has become one of the bottlenecks of the SMEs' Development. Therefore, under the circumstances of deepening the knowledge economy as well as building an innovative country, it becomes very important to pay close attention to the dynamic developing law of IIPR in S&T SMEs, study its growth mechanism, improve its innovation efficiency, shorten the development cycle, help S&T SMEs to improve the growth rate and success probability of IIPR so as to enhance our core competitiveness. It also can provide scientific theoretical support for government to formulate policies that benefit the S&T SMEs and promote the IIPR in S&T SMEs.
     In this dissertation, the research object is the IPR in SMEs. A systematic study has been made about the growth mechanism of IPR in SMEs. It breaks through the current static research on IPR with a comprehensive application of management, complexity science, economics, and theories and methods in law as well.
     This dissertation is divided into seven chapters, organized as follows:
     The first chapter introduces the research background and significance as well as the domestic and overseas research status and literature review. It also illustrates the research methods, content organization and major innovation as well.
     The second chapter elaborates the related concepts and theories, analyzes the concept and characteristics of SME and defines the concept of IIPR. It analyzes the growth process of IIPR from complex theory perspective, and constructs model of its growth mechanism from three aspects such as the self-organization mechanism, dynamic technological innovation and government support.
     From chapter III to V the three mechanisms of the growth of IIPR in S&T SMEs are discussed respectively. The third chapter elaborates the self-organization mechanism, introduces the major research results of the modern theory of self-organization mechanism, discusses the self-organizing features and evolution mechanism of the growth of IIPR in S&T SMEs, and, on this basis, analyzes the application of the growth of IIPR in S&T SMEs.
     Chapter IV discusses the dynamic technological innovation capability of enterprises and growth of IIPR in S&T SMEs, proposes concept of dynamic technological innovation capability with the analysis of technological innovation capability and rigidity, analyzes the association of dynamic technological innovation capability and the IIPR growth mechanism, and points out to improve the dynamic technological innovation capability of our S&T SMEs by constructing a dynamic gradient innovation model. The effective access to technology innovation in intellectual property strategy is mentioned at the end of this chapter..
     The fifth chapter elaborates the relationship between the government support and the IIPR growrh in S&T SMEs, analyzes the theoretical basis of government support from the needs of the provision of public product as well as the maintain of the market order, then discusses the growth process and the role of government support from two aspects:the relationship between the support of government and the growth of IIPR, and the relationship between the support of government and the dynamic technological innovation ability's promotion of IIPR in S&T SMEs.
     The sixth chapter proposes the exploring research to the vulnerability assessment of IIPR in S&T SMEs, defines the concept of vulnerability, analyzes its origin and the appraisal significance, designes the vulnerable evaluating indicator system and constructs the evaluation model through the extension theory.
     Chapter VII is a summary as well as an outlook. It summes up the major findings and innovation of the dessertation, points out the deficiencies and limitations of this study, and based on the above two, gives some directions for further research.
     Innovations and contributions of this thesis are briefly summarized as follows:
     (1) The dissertation breaks through the current static research on IPR, from systematic theory's point of view, a systematic research has been made about the growth mechanism of IPR in SMEs. It constructs model of its growth mechanism from three aspects such as the self-organization mechanism, dynamic technological innovation and government support.
     (2) The dissertation discusses the dynamic technological innovation capability of enterprises and growth of IIPR in S&T SMEs, proposes concept of dynamic technological innovation capability with the analysis of technological innovation capability and rigidity, analyzes the association of dynamic technological innovation capability and the IIPR growth mechanism, and points out to improve the dynamic technological innovation capability of our S&T SMEs by constructing a dynamic gradient innovation model.
     (3) The dissertation proposes the exploring research to the vulnerability assessment of IIPR in S&T SMEs, designes the vulnerable evaluating indicator system and constructs the evaluation model through the extension theory.
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