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New energy industry is related to the development and utilization of new energy, mainly including new energy power generation(including on-grid and off-grid power generation), new energy power generation equipment and manufacturing of parts and components, relevant ancillary services (including system installation, fuel collection, research and development, distribution and consultancy, etc.).New energy industry at present has not only the characteristics of the capital and technology intensive, but aslo some labor-intensive characteristics.New energy industrial cluster is one kind of innovative clusters,which refers to relevant enterprises of new energy development and utilization and related organizations concentrated in a specific geographical location, contact and cooperation, through technical innovation and institutional innovation, to achieve energy security, efficient energy use.economic transformation and upgrading, and to protect ecological environment. Compared with traditional industrial cluster, the essential attribute of new energy industrial cluster is high technique and innovation. New energy industrial cluster not only pays attention to industrial geographic concentration, also emphasizes functional relationship between industries; not only to network economy, more emphasis on the construction of a social network; not only attaches great importance to cooperation by production, study and research, and more emphasis on enterprise interaction and knowledge spillover, especially implicit knowledge spillover.
     At present, cluster development of new energy industry appears in some regions of the country, but is still on the initial stage.At the same time, there is some controversy concerning on whether new energy industry needs cluster development. As a result, new energy industrial cluster development urgently needs theoretical guidance. A thorough analysis of the domestic and foreign literatures indicates that new energy industrial cluster theory research is a new task. Therefore,this paper elaborates on four problems concerning the development of new energy industrial cluster such as "why new energy industry needs cluster development road","what are the crucial factors for the formation of new energy industrial cluster","where new energy industry will form the cluster","how new energy industry will evolve into cluster",So it is of important theoretical and realistic significance.
     From five aspects such as necessary and sufficient conditions, demand conditions, social culture and historical conditions,political conditions of industrial cluster formation,and combined with the characteristics of new energy industry, this paper argues that new energy industry can completely satisfy the five conditions of cluster formation, and cluster development model is the only way for the development of new energy industry. The main conclusions in this paper are as follows:
     (1) New energy industry cluster innovation network evolve by adding new nodes and links, or rewiring of links from one node to another. The main motivation of new energy industrial cluster evolution is to acquire new knowledge and new experience on new energy technology and share the excess profits brought by the knowledge and experience.In this paper, on the basis of predecessors'classification, according to the flows of production factors, new energy industrial cluster innovation network nodes connection will be divided into logistics chain, knowledge chain, capital chain, information chain and talent chain, and use BA model to analyse the formation process of new energy industrial cluster innovation network, it's concluded that new energy industrial cluster is a network of many nonlinear connections between innovation main body system. This paper use knowledge accumulation model to analyze why connection will be established among new energy industrial cluster's innovation main bodies.It's concluded that through the innovation network connection relations, new energy industrial cluster's innovation main bodies can obtain complementary resources from each other and thus improve their innovation ability by mutual learning. In the process of the evolution of new energy industrial cluster, the role of government and market is a key force to promote cluster evolution, and they play a different role in different stages of cluster evolution. The development of new energy industrial cluster is essentially the formation of production network and social relation network at the beginning,through innovation main bodies's geographic neighboring, industry, social interaction, finally formed a mature cluster innovation network, and along the global value chain from low value-added to the development of high value-added.
     (2) According to the identification and evaluation of new energy industrial cluster level,it's concluded that new energy industrial cluster is in initial stage.Take zhejiang province as an example, the paper make integrated use of location quotient,NESS model,analytic hierarchy process and comprehensive evaluation of fuzzy mathematics.Based on location quotient,new energy industrial agglomeration level in Zhejiang province won the first place in China during2006-2010. In Zhejiang province, Wenzhou, Taizhou, Hangzhou and Ningbo have the highest level of new energy industrial cluster. Based on ness model,the new energy industrial cluster in Zhejiang province is in the initial stage according to new energy agglomeration, economic network, social network and service system. Based on analytic hierarchy process and comprehensive evaluation of fuzzy mathematics, nearly sixty percent of experts believe that new energy industrial cluster in Zhejiang province belongs to initial stage, it has not even been formed, even far behind the stage. Comprehensive three identification and evaluation methods, it is thought that new energy industrial cluster in Zhejiang province is still in the initial stage. In the initial stage of cluster development, the government's support and guidance are very important, especially for the cultivation of the innovation environment.
     (3) The influence factors of new energy industrial cluster formation are different from those of traditional industrial clusters, the formation of new energy industry cluster relying more on three main factors, namely industrial elements factor (F1), regional elements factor (F2) and financing elements factor (F3).In this paper, experts who are at multiple levels in administration, production, study and research departments related to domestic new energy industry are selected to make expert interviews and questionnaire survey. This paper use factor analysis for26theoretical hypotheses on the influence factors of new energy industrial cluster formation. And then according to factor analysis method, this paper extracted3main factors, namely industrial elements factor, regional elements factor and financing elements factor and finally establish block diagram model of factors affecting the formation of new energy industrial cluster composed of13factors. From the model,it can be concluded that the formation of new energy industrial cluster has endogenous power.
     (4) The formation of new energy industrial cluster will show obvious characteristics of location selection, and not all regions can form new energy industrial cluster.The government should improve the occasion and fully consider the regional elements factor and financing elements factor.This paper make a quantitative measure for location choice influence factors in the framework of block diagram model of the factors affecting the formation of new energy industrial cluster, and select the appropriate proxy variables, and to form a "short panel" balance panel data samples. Then, using statistical software to make separate regression analysis and the synthesis of regression analysis for three above main factors, namely regional elements, financing elements, industrial elements (only contains "innovative entrepreneurial culture"). For the comprehensive regression empirical analysis, it's concluded that the guarantee power of regional new energy infrastructure, the pulling power of regional technology innovation level, the attraction of new energy resources endowment, the impetus of industrial capital and innovative entrepreneurial culture charisma are the main sources of power on the locational selection of Chinese new energy industrial cluster. Based on analysis and discussion on empirical results and theoretical basis, this paper finally established block diagram model of locational selection of new energy industrial cluster composed of nine factors.
     (5) New energy industry cluster development model is not single, generally a combination of a variety of modes. On the basis of empirical research on formation influencing factors and location choice factors of new energy industrial cluster, combined with the feature of new energy industry, this paper puts forward the early pattern of new energy industrial cluster formation can be divided into two main modes, market leading and the government leading, three cluster modes in development stage can be divided into based on supply chain integration, based on technology innovation and based on institutional innovation.In addition,this paper make analyses on characteristic and applicable condition for each new energy industrial cluster mode, it's argued that cluster will be effected by internal and external factors in the process of cluster development. On the basis of previous studies, and take Baoding new energy and smart grid equipment industry cluster for case study, this paper considers that three influence factors plays an important role in new energy industrial cluster development mode choice such as the characteristics of cluster enterprises, the connection method between cluster enterprises, external environment (including government's policy, labor supply, new energy resources endowment,industrial capital abundance, innovative entrepreneurial culture atmosphere, etc.). Baoding mode's revelation to new energy industrial cluster development in our country mainly include:the government should play the role of guide and promote; play a big enterprise impetus effect; construct production synergy innovation network.
     Based on the above analysis, this paper finally puts forward several countermeasures and suggestions respectively from two periods-cluster formation and development:using porter's diamond model, from the factors of production, market demand, industry scale, industry and government function to design and optimize new energy industrial park (or zone) model led by government in the initial stage of new energy industrial cluster; and put forward some countermeasures and suggestions for new energy industrial cluster development from four main bodies of new energy industrial cluster innovation network,that's new energy enterprises,universities and research institutions,intermediary service institutions and government.
① 陈昌智.全国人民代表大会常务委员会执法检查组关于检查《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》实施情况的报告-2013年8月26日在第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议上。
    ② 浙江省光伏产业形成了以晶体硅太阳能电池为核心产品,包括多晶硅提纯、硅棒制造、切片抛光、太阳能电池与组件生产、太阳能薄膜电池研究与生产、光伏发电系统与应用、相关专业配套设备(材料)制造等在内的较完整的产业链,在组件、电池、装备等领域具有一定优势,形成了一批具有区域竞争力的优势企业,光伏组件产能从2008年0.4GW增长到2011年5GW,产能占全国1/4。嘉兴是浙江省光伏产业发展的重要基地之一。资料来源,浙江省经济和信息化委员会关于促进光伏产业健康发展的指导意见,浙经信资源(2012)361号,2012年6月13日。
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    ② 产业集群的必要条件是图3.1中的基础部分,必须列出;图3.1中的每一台阶代表着一个充分条件,由于充分条件具有可加性,因而有可能跳跃式地跨过几个台阶。例如,如果某个产业产品差异化不大,但只要它依赖于创新网络,依赖于较长的价值链,那么产业集群还是有可能形成的;但若生产过程的可分割性、产品或服务的可运输性只要有一个必要条件不满足,则产业集群就不大可能形成。
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    ① 根据国民经济行业分类标准(GB/T4754-2011),通用设备制造业包括风能原动设备制造(指风能发电设备及其他风能原动设备制造)等门类行业,电气机械和器材制造业包括光伏设备及元器件制造(指太阳能组件(太阳能电池)、控制设备及其他太阳能设备和元器件制造;不包括太阳能用蓄电池制造)等门类行业,由于新能源产业产值的统计数据不易获得,本文参考了李士忠等(2011)的做法,将通用设备制造业、电气机械及器材制造业两个行业的工业总产值作为新能源产业的总产值,实际上这样做扩大了统计范围。李士忠,张朝,张素芳.保定新能源产业园集聚效应的实证分析[J].产业与科技论坛,2011(9):34-35.
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