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The theories of work safety regulation are analyzed and summarized, and the category and types of the regulation are put forward, with the theories of system safety and social regulation being applied. The evolution, development and the contents, methods and sanction measures, operation model of work safety regulation of China are summarized systemically. The rule of safety performance and the associated relations among safety investment, safety index are pointed out, on the basis that the economic function, characteristic of work safety are summarized and analyzed systemically. Beginning with three layer classes of the chain of work safety regulation, the regulations of accident responsibility and safety supervising are economically analyzed to study everyone's behaviours choice in regulations and its influence on regulation effects with cost-benefit, utility theory, agent model and gambling being used. The influent factors of work safety regulation effects are summarized and analyzed, and the methods of effects assessment of work safety regulation are probed into. The quantitative model of general effects assessment of work safety regulation is constructed in virtue of fuzzy theory and analytic hierarchy process, and the calculation result is in accordance with actual circumstance. The prove models of work safety regulation are established by using the regression method of econometrics, and taking example for coal mine and enterprises of certain area, quantitative calculation and empirical analysis are carried on to find out the mechanism how the relative factors out of regulation influence regulation effects. In the end, the countermeasures and proposals to improve and perfect work safety regulation of China are put forward.
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