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The regulation for transportation must be done through adjusting the major market parameters that affect decision-making of enterprises in market economy. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to find regulation strategies for enhancing the competitiveness of transportation in the market.
     When the capital is not strongly specialized in its uses and the uncertainty of transaction is high, the small increase of the comprehensive transportation cost is often offset. Accordingly, the enterprises can neither implement integration of essential transport business, nor adopt marketing trade as the basic transaction governance structure. This is the reason why the transportation efficiency is rather low in China. Compared with its source demand, the demand of transportation possesses the features of derivation, low price elasticity and obvious public welfare. In the economic regulation, market mechanism should be used to stimulate enterprises to try their best to lower the transportation cost and enhance the increase of the public welfares. Under such circumstances, even when there is a lower pass of vehicles, the tolled fee from expressway will not lower economic efficiency, and when the administers do not directly interfere with the enterprises, the economic regulation is still applicable to expressway.
     On the basis of the Neoclassic Economics and its derivational disciplines, this paper analyzes the purposes, targets and strategies of policy supply within logically unanimous theoretical system. To be precise, this paper has investigated the elasticity of price demand, public welfare of transportation and feasible aim of social equality based on Marshall’s Derivation Demand Theory. It has also established the model of industrial relevance structure with the ideas of the related theory of industrial economics. The paper has explored transaction governance structure based on Williamson’s transaction cost theory. From the analysis above, this paper studies network economy of transportation in combination with external scale economic theory and discusses the basic regulation strategies of highway transportation with the competition theory and efficient competition theory.
     The result of this paper, including the establishment of model of industrial relevance structure, the model of network economy and the mechanism of transaction regulation, is applicable to the whole transportation industry. Besides, this study has contributed new explanations to quite a lot of problems in transportation economy. The paper presents a new method to investigate systematically economic regulation of highway transportation with the help of Neoclassic Economics, and provides a new approach to study transportation economy from the angle of industrial relevance structure and transaction governance structure.
     With its inherent limitation, the economic regulation of highway transportation can play its role only by combining the social management with the construction of legal system. It is suggested that in the future the standardized study of the regional transportation and transportation economy should be paid more attention to in this field.
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