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Enterprise is the microeconomic foundation of our economy and society, and enterprise boundary is the foundation problem of the modern enterprise theory. The research of the nature, the goals and boundary about enterprise, has been throughout the development process of Western Economics Theory. To make a comprehensive survey of the boundary of enterprise, as transaction, production and resource capacity, researchers all look the enterprise as a microeconomic unit, and investigate enterprise boundary mostly from micro viewpoint with research scope limitation in the scale boundary, organization boundary and ability boundary of enterpris. In fact, in view of the enterprise nature different explanation and multi-goals understanding, that the enterprise boundary is not single but with multiple boundary.
     It is limited to analyze the influential factors of enterpris boundaries only from micro viewpoint. The changes of enterprise boundary are the integrated result of external factors and internal factors, the macro factors and micro factor. Economics theory has studied enterprise boundary from the transaction cost, contract costs, input and output, resource ability factors,ect. But these factors are still micro. From the viewpoint of the industry which enterprise in, technological progress, social division, and the industrial policy are all the factors which influence the enterprise boundary through industrial organizations evolution, and traditional economics theories of these influence factors is obviously not enough.
     Although economics theory paid more attention on the different characteristics of the enterprise affect the enterprise boundary decisions, and tries to understand different enterprise nature through contract arrangements, team production, resource capacity, it is still undeniable that different characteristics of the enterprise of research, its starting point is still the economic gain maximization. In the final analysis, it is the manager who make decision of enterprise, and modern economics development has revealed that the decision-making is different from the hypothesis of totally rational.Therefore, manager will likely to bind personal goals with the enterprise boundary decision.
     In the past, Western Enterprise Theory paid less attention to state-owned enterprises. State-owned enterprises are different from the of enterprise with the general sense in the ownership structure, enterprise nature, objectives, managers' personal goals, behavior preferences and non-economic limitations, which can lead to the difference boundary between State-owned enterprises and others. Looking the enterprise boundary as an economic decision, boundary of the state-owned enterprises and the non-state-owned enterprises, has different features. Meanwhile, under the environment of economic reform, the advancement of industrial and industrial organization evolution, the state-owned enterprise boundary and non-state-owned enterprises boundary, are also present different dynamic evolution characteristics.
     The mainpoint of this paper is that state-owned enterprise is a kind of special enterprise.We can analyse its boundary from two perspectives:one is to study the nature, objectives, and non-economic constraint of state-owned enterprises, and to present the influence to the boundary of the state-owned enterprises.The other is to put state-owned enterprise boundary research under China's economic reforms and industrial developments, and to identify the factors which influet industry organization evolution, and review how these factors can effect the different dynamic evolution path of boundary between state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned ones.
     The factors to enterprise boundary include nature, target, constraint, industrial organization evolution, managers' decision-making behavior and collective decision-making behavior, etc. This paper elaborates the influence of various factors with the length of three chapters. At the same time, because enterprise boundary is multi-dimensional, it is not realistic and feasibleis to put all factors into one. Therefore, this paper establishes three models.The first one is from microcosmic viewpoint, combinding transaction attribute (contract) and production attributes (resources) into unified model, and gradually adding constraint conditions, examining the different influence of state-owned enterprise boundary and non-state-owned enterprises boundary. The second one is from colletive decision-maker's behavior, with the state-owned enterprise as a small group relative to the industry large group, to investigate the characteristics of decision-maker's behavior of small group, and to find how to affect large group by group of macro-performance to influence the border. The third one is from macroscopic viewpoint of industry, examining effects of the industrial division and the industrial system to the boundary of state-owned enterprise and the others, and laying out dynamic evolution path of these two different nature enterprise boundaries for the first time.
     The whole paper is divided into seven chapters:
     Chapter 1, as a introduction, briefly explains the research significance, objects and the main concept,and also introduces the main contents,the paper's frame structure, and the main novelty.
     Chapter 2 is the literature review. Based on the theory of Western Enterprise, this chapter analyzes the enterprise's character and boundary theoretical contexts.then, summarizes the research of state-owned enterprises' properties and their boundary. This chapter also analyses industry organization evolution relevant concepts, the theoretical research, the economic constraints and the connotation of non-economic constraints.
     Chapter 3, combined with the actual situation of state-owned enterprises in China, further elaborates the difference between state-owned enterprises' boundary and the the general enterprises for further research. This chapter then provides research model for later foundation. Meanwhile, by choosing the actual economic life data and case discussion, explain the state-owned enterprise boundary expansion is actually exists as an economic phenomenon.
     Chapter 4 puts forward the non-economic constraints of state-owned enterprises, facing the the comprehensive target system and internal characters of them.From microcosmic angle, analysises enterprise's border in an common sense, and reaseaches state-owned enterprises' boundary by introducing the difference of factors between state-owned enterprises and the others,then investigates and compares the boundary of two different ownership enterprises.
     Chapter 5 introduces the psychology and behavior of state-owned enterprise managers.Given that the psychological factors will also affect the decision-maker's behavior.Continuing to ring and large group of different behavior characteristics of large state-owned enterprise as industry will be introduced group of internal group, the concept of public products, industrial analysis of state-owned enterprise will provide industry with their own resources of public product and then influence of boundary.
     Chapter 6 combines the state-owned enterprises'boundary research with the reforming of China's market economy. Firstly, this chapter analyzes the influence factors of industrial organization evolution and the factors that influence of boundary changes in enterprise. Secondly, this chapter explains the relationship between the enterprise and industrs from two angles.By establishing models, answers the state-owned enterprise system boundary decision process and dynamic evolution.
     Chapter 7, as a summary of the whole paper, baseing on the theoretical analysis and models, is to summarize the boudnary of state-owned enterprise and the differences with non-state-owned enterprises.According to evolutionary process which influence the optimal boundary state-owned enterprises, the specific factors of policy proposals and the direction of further research are put forward.
     In the end of the paper, the main conclusion is put forward:between the contract boundary and resources boundary, there exists a transition zone in which there are many new forms of industrial organization between market and enterprises. The state-owned enterprises take the resource preference perfect but cannot fully and effectively use it, and diversified boundary is obvious. The relationship between the government and the state-owned enterprise influences greatly the state-owned enterprise boundary and results in the rigid boundary, which deviated widely from the optimal boundary of the state-owned enterprise probably because of the path dependency,
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