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After joined WTO, with China's economic transition furtherly and facing with the global competition, Chinese enterprises need to integrate the domestic market in order to promote its international competitiveness. However, the institutional factors and the dual characteristics of the market which caused by institutional factors seriously constraints managerial patterns of horizontal integration in Chinese enterprises. The existing theories about managerial pattern of horizontal integration in enterprises are respectively based on the two opposite hypotheses. The one is the unification of the market, and the other is the fragment of the market. Facing the dual characteristics of the market which is both unified and fragmented, the existing theories can neither supply effective theoretical explanations nor provide a valid practical guidance for the managerial pattern of horizontal integration in enterprises. On the basis of the previous researches, in the IBV (Institution-Based View), MBV (Market-Based View), RBV(Resource-Based View) and enterprise cognitive view, the paper deeply introspects the managerial patterns of horizontal integration in Chinese special situations. This paper thinks: (1) the institutional factors and the dual characteristics of the market which caused by institutional factors in the economic transition, objectively make the Chinese enterprises adopt the institutional base view to choice the patterns of horizontal integration in the primary consideration; (2) objectively make enterprises pursue market resources for market advantages, and the Resource-based View still generally influences the choice of managerial pattern of horizontal integration; (3) because of the institutional factors and the dual characteristics of the market which caused by institutional factors, enterprise cognition has a important medium role when enterprises choice the managerial patterns of horizontal integration, and the match between industry/market characteristics and enterprises’characteristics also need this cognition to intermediate.
     Given the particularity of this problem, on the detailed analysis for various factors which affect the managerial patterns of horizontal integration, the research thoughts of this paper including: (1) for the consensus that there is a two-way decisive relation between the strategy and its managerial patterns, this paper no longer researches how the strategy affects the managerial patterns. But in the essential match view of both which is also the hypothesis, this paper researches the choice of managerial patterns of horizontal integration when the strategy is decided; (2) focusing on the mismatch or the inconsistent between the horizontal integration strategy and its managerial patterns, this paper explores how the particular institutional circumstance and market characteristics in China influence the managerial patterns and the result of horizontal integration. Based on this, this paper establishes the framework of the research.
     For the particularity and the explority of the research problem, this paper adopts case study approach. The six case enterprises were selected by theory sampling and the methodology is guaranteed by the credibility of information, the matching extent of patterns, the rationality of hypotheses, the stringency of the research process and the reliability of testing. The research materials and data were obtained through various ways, including deep interviews, reports, historical data and literatures. The credibility of the data is ensured by triangulation verification. The data are tested through construction of validity, internal validity and reliability.
     By the thorough analysis and discuss of the managerial patterns of horizontal integration in six case enterprises, the following conclusions were obtained: (1)in the China's economic transformation, Chinese enterprises have paid much attention to the importance of integrating domestic market, but the managerial patterns of intergrating have been doubly restricted by the institutional factors and the market factors. (2)the successful or failure experience of enterprises, its managerial traditions and its insititutional status in the history of economic transition have a substantial influence on the managerial patterns of horizontal integration. The enterprise’s managerial tradition is proved to be effective, and the managerial pattern of horizontal integration in it has the path dependence chacteristics; the enterprise’s managerial tradition is proved to be invalid, and the managerial pattern of horizontal integration in it has the path revision chacteristics. (3) the industry/market characteristics which is the proxy variable of the institutional and market factors has important influence on the managerial patterns of horizontal integration; the stronger the integrating potential in the industry is, the more the enterprise is inclined to adopt the highly integrated managerial pattern; (4)The degree of influenc of industry/market characteristics on the managerial patterns of horizontal integration is stronger than the degree of influence of enterprise’s own characteristics on the managerial patterns of horizontal integration, which reflects that the mandatary characteristic of institutional factors and the induced characteristic of market facors have an affect on managerial pattern of horizontal integration. (5)Enterprise cognition has a moderate influence on the relationship between enterprises own characteristics with industry/market characteristics and the managerial patterns of horizontal integration. If industry/market characteristics is inconsistent with enterprise cognition, the managerial pattern of horizontal integration will depart from industry/market characteristics, and tend to be consistent with enterprise cognition; (6)The effective match between enterprise own characteristics with its cognition and industry/market characteristics with enterprise’s cognition on it can promote the enterprise to integrate domestic market effectively.
     The results show that the industry/market characteristics which is a proxy variable of the institutional and market factors has a remarkable influence on the choice of the managerial patterns of horizontal integration in enterprises, and promotes enterprises to do effective alternative for the industry/market characteristics through enterprise cognition which is a mediator variable; The managerial traditions and institutional status in enterprise own characteristics also have a remarkable influence on the choice of the managerial patterns of horizontal integration, and adjust the strategic conductions of enterprise through enterprise cognition which is mediator variable; By the enterprise cognition which is a proxy variable, the match between industry/market characteristics and enterprise own characteristics effects the choice of the managerial patterns of horizontal integration.
     The results reveal that in the economic transition the choice of managerial patterns of horizontal integration in Chinese enterprises shows its speciality: Though the mediation of enterprise cognition, enterprise own characteristics and industry/market characteristics sitimulate enterprise to make perticular choices on the managerial patterns of horizontal integration. Considering the industry/market characteristics in Chinese economic transition and based on its managerial tradition and institutional status, Chinese enterprises make a Context-Embededness alternative, and the enterprise cognitions of industry/market characteristics and its own characteristics have a remarkable moderating affect on the alternative modes. Because of the recognization of the managerial patterns of horizontal integration in Chinese enterprises, the conclusions can provide both the theoretical guidance for the choice of managerial patterns of horizontal integration in Chinese enterprises and the theoric proposals for the further economic transition in China.
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