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With the development of technology and improvement of life level, environmental pollution is getting more and more serious. With the economical development and energy drying up, environmental pollution and ecology destroying are becoming more and more serious. The problem of environmental pollution is becoming one of the problems cared by all the countries. The research about environmental pollution pays more attention to EKC, persistent developmemt, environmental calculating, the relationship between enviromemt and enengy, but pays less attention to environmental appraisal in the field of Macro view, Medium view and Micro view. The literatures using economical and technological methods to analyze and test the influence factors to the change of environmental quality are very few.
     So, the paper does some research to discuss problems as below based on chapter one and chapter two.
     Chapter Three:Environmental quality situation and problems. The paper embodies the whole present environmental quality situation by using the developing trend of three types of wastes emission,the emission quatity trend of waste gas, especialy the main gas pollutions and the trend of industry solid waste productivity and emission quatity in different phrase after defining the concept of environmental quality. The paper compares the environmental qulity in different regions by using the indexes of three types of wastes emission, especialy the indexes of COD and SO2. The paper analyzes the environmental quality development caused by industry structure and heavy industry development and defines the high emission industries. The paper compares the environmental quality in the field of East region, Midland, West region and the Northeast region in 2007 using the index of pollution emission unit GDP and finds the more waste emission of single Province is the main reason that reduces the drop of environmental quality in the whole region.
     Chapter Four:The appraisal and comparison to environmental quality in China. Many methods are put forward in this chapter. The paper uses AHP method to build environmental quality index-evaluation system to appraise the environmental quality between the year 1997 and 2008. The result shows that the environmental quality has large distance among different years and the environmental quality represented by three three types of wastes emission is always deteriorating.The paper uses Factor Analysis method and Hierarchical Cluster method to analyze and appraise the environmental quality of thirty-one provinces (cities). The result shows that the environmental quality is well in East region and the environmental pressure is low, the environmental quality is unbalance in Midland and the environmental qulity is not well, three types of wastes emission in West region are all serious, the emission intensity is higer and the environmental quality is bad. At the same time, the paper uses AHP method and Hierarchical Cluster method to divide the thirty-one cities by five categories and finds the pollution reason of every category of city.
     Chapter Five:The positive research on the influence factor of Chinese environmental quality. The paper does positive research to the factors influencing environmental quality change with the econometrics and I-O method.
     Building six single variable models to embody the influence of economy on environmental. The research results show that the inverse function curve can describe the relation between total waste emission and per capita GDP between the year 1985 and 2008. The regression relation between the total industrial waste gas emission unit GDP and per capita GDP, the regression relation between the total industry waste solid emission unit GDP and per capita GDP, the regression relation between total industrial SO2 emission unit GDP and per capita GDP can be described by different cubic curve in different phrase. The regression relation between total dust emission unit GDP and per capita GDP, the regression relation between total powder emission unit GDP and per capita GDP can be described by different cubic curve with AR (1) term in different phrase.
     Building six multivariable models to embody the influence of many factors on environmenl. The research results show that the influence of GDP on total waste emission is positive, the influence of economy structure on industrial waste water is in the period of increasing, industrial energy consumption increases waste solid production, the influence of industrial added value and industrial energy consumption on SO2 emission is nonlinear, increasing investment is the effective method to decrease dust emission, energy saving and increasing investment is the effective method to decrease podwer emission.
     Using I-O method to analyze the influence factors on SO2 emission change, dust emission change and powder emission change. The research results show that the influence degree of emission intensity and production technology on SO2 emission is large and the influence degree of production technology is larger than emission intensity. The influence degree of emission intensity, expenditure structure of the final demand and the total final demand on SO2 emission is almost same and the influence degree of production technology is the largest. The influence degree of expenditure structure of the final demand and the total final demand on powder is relative larger and the influence degree of the total final demand on powder exceeds the influence degree of emission intensity and expenditure structure of the final demand on powder.
     Chapter Six:the designment of policy to improve environmental quality. The paper puts forward many detail policies to optimize and improve the environmental quality based on the positive ananlysis result. Those policies are enhancing governmental responsibility, changing the way of economical increasement, promoting the change of consumption way, building green SAN to promote tha change of economical increasement way, enhancing environmental law, playing the important role of biological purification, improving disaster consciousness of all citizens to environment.
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