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The dissertation focuses on the price risk formative mechanism and management of fresh agricultural products supply chain. The basic train of thought of the research is as follows:by studying precursors'research and China's producing, circulating and consuming reality of fresh agricultural products, this dissertation systematically constructs the theory frame of the price risk management based on the management of whole supply chain. Led by the frame, this dissertation makes the comparison between the domestic and overseas price risk management of supply chain, revealing the existing problems as well as the characteristics of these problems. Basing on the positive analysis of the root of the existing problems and the main influence factors of the price risk of fresh agricultural products, this dissertation further studies the management mechanism, adjusting and controlling pattern and policy measures for the price risk of fresh agricultural products supply chain.
     Contents of the Dissertation
     This dissertation is structurally composed of five parts:theory study, problem analysis, generation and governance mechanism researches and policy application.
     1. Theory study. Basing on Price Theory, Transaction Costs Theory, Supply Chain Management Theory, Supply Chain Risk Management Theory, Supply Chain Finance Theory and Decision Theory, this dissertation designs the theory frame for the price risk management of fresh agricultural products supply chain.
     2. Problem analysis. Through the international comparison and reviewing the history course of the price risk management, this dissertation uses statistics to analyze the presentation form of the existing problems.
     3. Generation mechanism research. By quantitatively analyzing the main influential factors and the conduction effects of the price risk, this dissertation studies the generation mechanism of the price risk.
     4. Governance mechanism study. According to the results of the prior studies, this dissertation constructs a pattern of the price risk management to optimize the supply chain structure, designs a governance mechanism companying with supply chain finance.
     5. Policy application. Basing on the research conclusions, this dissertation puts forward some policy recommendations on macroscopic, meso and microscopic levels.
     Conclusion of the Dissertation
     1. China's fresh agricultural products supply chain is facing greater price risk. And the governance problems of price risk are very prominent. The most prominent problems include wholesale market's failing in playing the due function; the breach of the order contract; difficulty in controlling price's intense fluctuation; the increasing circulation expense and the unfairness in allocating supply chain profit.
     2. The positive analysis shows that with the degree of about40%, transaction cost is the most influential factor in fresh agricultural products supply chain.
     3. The three district threshold co-integration analysis of the fluctuation conduction effects between Producer Price Index and Retail Price Index shows that, the double marginalization and the bullwhip effect, caused by the omission of the core tache in supply chain and the insufficiency of rational institutional arrangement, are the roots of high transaction cost.
     4. China's national condition calls for the construction of the fresh agricultural products electronic wholesale market with national welfare, taking it as the core tache of the supply chain. It can not only optimize the supply chain structure, but also govern the price risk caused by the overall supply and demand equilibrium and the partial supply and demand imbalance of fresh agricultural products.
     5. Basing on the fresh agricultural products electronic wholesale market with national welfare, the long-term spot contract embedded with option can not only replace the current various order contracts, but also effectively disperse and evade the price risk of fresh agricultural products.
     6. The supply chain finance system for fresh agricultural products, taking the electronic wholesale market as organizer and collaborative administrator, can enhance the collaborative risk management capability and further highlight the synergy effect of supply chain.
     Innovation of the Dissertation
     1. This dissertation enriches and perfects the theory analyzing frame for the generation and governance of price risk of fresh agricultural products supply chain.
     2. The positive analysis shows that the main reason for high price risk for fresh agricultural products supply chain lies in the high transaction cost caused by the omission of the core tache in supply chain and the insufficiency of rational institutional arrangement.
     3. This dissertation puts forward a collaborative governance mechanism for the price risk of supply chain--taking the fresh agricultural products electronic wholesale market with national welfare as the core tache of the supply chain, the innovative long-term spot contract embedded with option as tool, and the supply chain finance system for fresh agricultural products as a guarantee.
     Policy Recommendations of the Dissertation
     1. Policy recommendations on macroscopic level
     1) to set up financial supporting policy to guarantee the basic and supporting facilities for the public circulation of fresh agricultural products;
     2) to establish and perfect the subsidy, tax and insurance system for the production and circulation of fresh agricultural products;
     3) to improve the relevant laws and regulations for fresh agricultural products.
     2. Policy recommendations on meso level
     1) to establish and perfect the quality safety standard system of agricultural products and market access mechanism;
     2) to improve the monitoring and early-warning system for market condition.
     3. Policy recommendations on microscopic level
     1) to enhance the training of professional farmers;
     2) to improve and promote the development of the farmer cooperative organizations.
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