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As a basic industry of agriculture and the national economy is undergoing a transformation of traditional to modern agriculture, the China place“three agriculture”on the economic and social development of China; and is never strong agricultural recession, continued to emerge the fundamental development of basic industries, From 2004 to 2010, the central file for seven years at the central goal of Live“three agriculture”. 2010 One file again clear: to increase agricultural production and management level of organization. Promote the use of technology in the family business to the direction of change and means of production, and promote the development of farmers to co-operating unity and cooperation, the formation of a diversified, multi-level, multi-service system for operating the direction of change; to provide farmers with convenient, quality and cheap a variety of professional services. Supporting leading enterprises to improve their driving ability of radiation to increase the special fund for agricultural industrialization, support the construction of standardized production base, the establishment of agricultural industrialization demonstration area.
     Agricultural listed companies 18 years of growth, success is obvious to all significant, welcome, play a process of agricultural industrialization leading leading role, but should not be overlooked is Chinese agricultural growth of the listed serious shortages, there is growing“natural trouble”: not regulate corporate governance, disclosure of poor quality, agricultural operations and restructuring of agricultural investment back problems. Growth of listed companies for the study of agricultural problems, first of all listed companies in agriculture as a senior agricultural business organization, Chinese agricultural modernization and internationalization of agricultural competition placed the growth of agricultural listed companies, by market-sensitive antennae: information technology, diversification , horizontal and depth to lead the development of agriculture, the market demand information feedback to the breeding industry, exciting and stimulating the production enthusiasm of farmers, and because of abundant raw material to stimulate the processing industry, professional development of large-scale farmers market this will be up. Second, with the full liberalization after WTO, globalization, international development trend of modern business growth requirements, listed companies for the development of agriculture becomes extremely urgent. The last is in the process of agricultural industrialization, the basic feature is a market-oriented“company + farmer”; as the organizational form of industrial organization as industrial business model, industry leading enterprise technology needs of modern enterprise management mode of operation of the entity, Agricultural Listed Companies from the overall development of agriculture and the soil poor stand out, as the agricultural productivity of the advanced stage of business organization representatives, in the traditional agriculture to modern long-term agricultural evolution process, responsible for the practice of agriculture and industrial policy, science and technology agriculture, flags exemplary pacesetters. At the same time the development of good and bad agricultural listed companies, directly reflects the development of agriculture in China, China determines the direction of future development of agricultural industrialization.
     This study aimed to standardize and empirical research on the impact of agricultural growth factors listed company to make principal component extraction and determination, and firm growth theory, based on the life-cycle theory, the agricultural life as listed company organisms, analysis of the characteristics of the various stages, to achieve coordinated growth and decline of the evolution of choice in the hope that listed companies trying to fight for strong agricultural growth force.
     This study ideas from the current situation of agricultural companies, analysis of business size, number and capital status, to identify listed companies in the agricultural growth of the more general problem: the insufficient number of overall plate, multiple business growth, the core competitiveness is weak, excessive dependence on government subsidies,“back agriculture”; serious, serious shortage of science and technology innovation and corporate governance are not standard. And select specific industries: real estate industry, financial industry, IT industry and compare the characteristics of the telecommunications industry to analyze the reasons for these high-growth areas, competition in the industry advantages and strive to find similar or comparable agricultural industry characteristics, such as industry associated with high, industry barriers to control access to government subsidies, dig out the advantage of agricultural listed companies or affect weakness, to find out“agricultural”; forward momentum, firm "agricultural”; banner directions, and explore the path of agricultural growth of listed companies and methods. Further growth in business theory and research results have been analyzed based on the impact of agricultural growth factors listed companies: the government’s macro policies, technical factors, management factors, and capital factors. For the study of agriculture and growth of the listed financial data, using principal component analysis, multiple correlation and regression and other statistical tools, agricultural growth of the listed Jinxing evidence determined to find out factors affecting the performance of forms, such as scale factor, flow factor. In solving the development problems of agricultural public company, the life cycle in order theory, the agricultural listed companies is a living organism as, life cycle of the define, looking out at all stages synergistic growth recession growth during the transformation. At different life stages have different life characteristics, taken at different stages by different pathways and growth mode, and strive to achieve the synergy of various stages of growth, through the transformation, the life cycle of enterprises link up one by one, across the life cycle of the agricultural market company to achieve strong growth.
     The innovation of this paper is: First, the agricultural industry and other industries more typical characteristics of the industry because of its listed companies in order to identify the agricultural growth of the fundamental causes, the industry in which there anything in the industrial structure, especially in industries under comparison is entirely beneficial to the agricultural public companies. Research literature in the industrial structure, more on the industry, but certainly no more industry-specific features. Second, listed companies on the agricultural stage of life cycle stages and characteristics of collaborative research, research on the business life cycle and enterprise growth factors have a theory of collaborative research, but the combination of the two re-integration into the industry of agricultural listed companies grow, and the achievement of transformation, and it is this strive for innovation.
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