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The past decade since the “9·11” is a very special period that witnessed bothenormous transformations of U.S. security strategy and fundamental changes in theinternational system. The two (anti-terrorism) wars and one (financial) crisis haveprofoundly transformed the grand strategy of U.S. for its foreign relations, and reshapedthe scenarios of global geopolitics. All the researches over international relations of thispast decade cannot be effectively conducted without taking adequate and appropriatecontemplations on this historic thesis: how could coexistence be successfully achievedbetween a declining U.S. and a rising China in a changing international order?
     A proper handling of China and other potential big powers was once regarded as atop priority of U.S. national security strategy by George W. Bush administration duringits1stterm, but the sudden terrorist attack shifted the focus of U.S. grand strategy.However, China manifests itself again on the radar screen of Washington, this time as arising big power. The George W. Bush administration in its2ndterm and the Obamaadministration have become increasingly concentrated on the “tactical fault” of U.S.during the high tide of its anti-terrorism warfare, arguing that much importance shouldbe attached to their failure to effectively tackle the challenges posed by the rise of Chinaas a big power during that period, which should have been given grave concerns.Therefore, while terminating the previous stage of anti-terrorism warfare, Obamaadministration declares that it plans to make an overall shift of its strategic focus to theAsia-Pacific region. In this way,“the rising China” now lies in the center of thestrategic spectrum of U.S.
     Nevertheless, current China-U.S. relation is an outcome of a long term evolution, soits present condition is not similar to that of1990s, nor does it resemble the one of the“era of anti-terrorism” at the beginning of this new century. From George W. Bush toObama, the mainstream of U.S. strategic planners guided by a rational and positivementality accept the rise of China gradually, so their China policy reflects a kind ofconsistency and entirety throughout the whole decade after the “9·11”, no matter whichschool of thought is adopted as a guiding ideology of diplomacy for these consecutive presidencies. Bush administration’s policy of “hedge against all possibilities of China”and Obama administration’s policy of “overall balance” can be both classified into thecategory of “pragmatic realism”, which contains some active and positive initiativestranscending previous considerations, but is still strongly shaped by a majorcontradiction between a rising power and a hegemonic power advocating the status quo.In order to effectively handle its relation with China in the future, U.S. might integrateits China policy with a broader framework consisting of a variety of regional securityalliances, economic networks, and social links, and attempt to check China’s rise withthe international standards and the concept of big power’s responsibility. The majorfocuses of its China policy in the next5-10years might be put on the measures tooperate a competition against China in terms of both soft and hard power, includingsuch five categories: the consolidation of its military presence in Asia-Pacific region,the dominance in the agenda-setting of Asia-Pacific economy, the restoration to valuediplomacy, and the further arrangement for the rivalry of soft power.
     In the post-“9·11” era, the U.S. government once again emphasizes its presence inthe Asia-Pacific region although its defense expenditure has been largely reducedbecause of the shrinking American economy, demonstrating that it still regards theconsolidation of U.S. leadership as a leading objective of its foreign security strategy.Under such circumstances, the China-U.S. relation, a unique bilateral relation betweentwo major powers of the world, is attracting more and more attention. This dissertationargues that the western theory of power shift, which aims to explain the mechanism ofthe rise of big powers, cannot clarify all the features of China-U.S. relation in spite of itsnewly-opened windows of theoretic innovations, and that China and U.S. can jointlyconstruct a win-win pattern in the bilateral, regional, and global levels through adynamic mutual construction. Now what this bilateral relation really lacks is not someinnovative minds, but a mechanism of strategic stabilizer in the real sense. As a newtype of special big power relation to which very few historic references can be found,the China-U.S. relation is characterized by an extensive and outstanding set ofcooperative and competitive areas, as well as a rare coexistence of structuralcooperation and competition.(Scholars of international studies employ some specialterms, such as “complex interdependence” and “mutually assured destruction”, todescribe this special relation.) Both China and U.S. have strong wills to stabilize andexpand their bilateral relation, but fail to establish an overall strategic framework that isable to cover the interests of these two countries and realign their competitive relation. Theoretically speaking, the basic elements of an ideal framework for these twocountries shall include a mutual strategic trust, a mechanism of bilateral coordination,and a regime of international cooperation. Consisting of these three elements, such aframework might develop into a dynamic system of benign and mature interaction,which may evolve into a highly institutionalized and idealized model of China-U.S.relation.
     Combining theoretic elaboration with policy analysis, this dissertation conducts avertical review and a horizontal comparison over the China policy of the twoconsecutive U.S. presidencies since the breaking-out of “9·11”, and explores theinteractive structure of this bilateral relation through an observation of the patternchanges of power distribution in the regional and international system during this pastdecade, with a specification over the characteristics of the new type of cooperative andcompetitive China-U.S. relation on the bilateral, regional, and global levels. The authorargues that the China-U.S. bilateral relation has broken through the “quadrant ofconflict” and evolved to the stage of “coexistence”, which deserves a joint effort toestablish a win-win pattern. For the purpose of further improving the China-U.S.relation in the21stcentury, the author offers the following advice: reinforcement onbasic shaft of the China-U.S. strategic mutual trust, re-definition of the areas of interestsoverlapped by cooperation and competition, replenishing the connotation of themechanism of bilateral coordination with a strengthening of its resilience, as well as anjoint effort to reshape the system of international order that can accommodate this newtype of complex China-U.S. relation containing both cooperation and competition.
     In this dissertation, the author constructs several groups of mutually compared andcontrasted theoretic perspectives, from which the author not only surveys the wholeprocess of the making and implementation of U.S. China policy, but also clarifies thepositioning of U.S. strategy towards China in the overall framework of its grandstrategy in this post-“9·11” era. The author aims to illustrate the phenomena,characteristics, and trends of China-U.S. relation in the21stcentury, which is generallyviewed as a unique big power relation structured by both cooperation and competition,and to elaborate the mutually constructed endogenous connections between the complexChina-U.S. relation and the fluid international system after the “9·11”. As theinternational order is incrementally changing and another historic shift of the focus ofU.S. grand strategy is being conducted by Obama Administration, it is necessary to takean accurate understanding over the general mentality of U.S. for its diplomacy and the long term trends of its China policy, so that proper responding strategies, tactics, orpolicies can be made by Chinese policy makers for the purpose of creating andmaintaining a benign international environment for the rise of China.
①David Shambaugh,“China EngagesAsia: Reshaping the Regional Order”, International Security, Vol.29,No.3,(Winter2004/2005), p.99.
    ①Stephen Brooks and William Wohlforth,“American Primacy in Perspective”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.81, No.4(July/August,2002), pp.20-33.的争论”,《当代亚太》2011年第1期,第94-96页。
    ①Fareed Zakaria,“The Future of American Power: How America Can Survive the Rise of the Rest?” Foreign Affairs,Vol.87, No.3(May/June2008).持“美国衰弱论”的还有戴维·梅森的《美国世界的终结》,中译本于2009年由上海辞书出版社出版。
    ②Joseph S. Nye, Jr., The Paradox of American Power: Why the World’s Only Superpower Can’t Go It Alone (NewYork: Oxford University Press,2002); Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics (New York: Public Affairs,2004); The Powers to Lead (NewYork: Oxford University Press,2008); The Future of Power (NewYork: PublicAffairs,2011).
    ③讨论如何维系美国优势地位的有:Michael Cox,“Is the United States in Decline Again?” International Affairs,Vol.83, No.4,2007, pp.643-653; Robert Lieber,“Persistent Primacy and the Future of theAmerican Era”,AmericanPolitical ScienceAssociation Annual Meeting Paper,2007; Robert Singh,“The Exceptional Empire:Why the UnitedStates Will not DeclineAgain?” International Politics, Vol.45, No.5,2008, pp.571-593; etc.
    ④Joseph S. Nye, Jr., The Future of Power, pp.231-233.
    ⑤David Lague,“Coming to Terms with China’sAscent”, The International Herald Tribune, November8,2005.
    ⑥Michael Elliott,“The Chinese Century”, Time, January11,2007.(http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,1576831,00.html.)
    ⑦Cover:What's Next, Who’s Next: China, Newsweek, December23,2007.(http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20071223/NYSU001.)
    ③Lyle J. Goldstein and Andrew Erickson (eds.),“China’s Nuclear Force Modernization”, Naval War CollegeNewport Papers, No.22,2005; Drew Thompson,“Think Again: China's Military”, Foreign Policy, March/April2010;Roger Cliff (et al.), Entering the Dragon's Lair: Chinese Anti-access Strategies and Their Implications for the UnitedStates (RAND Corporation,2007); Roger Cliff, Anti-Access Measures in ChineseDefenseStrategy (RANDCorporation,2011); Eric V. Larson (et al.), Assuring Access in Key Strategic Regions: Toward a Long-Term Strategy
    (RAND Corporation,2004); Stephen J. Flanagan and Michael E. Marti (eds.), The People’s Liberation Army andChina in Transition (Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press,2003), etc.
    ④Susan L. Shirk, China Fragile Superpower: How China's Internal Politics Could Derail Its Peaceful Rise (Oxford:Oxford University Press,2007).
    ⑤David M. Lampton, The Three Faces of Chinese Power: Might, Money, and Minds (Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press,2007).
    ⑥Oded Shenkar,“The Chinese Century:The Rising Chinese Economy and Its Impact on the Global Economy”, inThe Balance of Power, andYour Job (NJ:Wharton School Publishing,2005); Mark Roden,“US-China Relations inthe Contemporary Era:An International Political Economy Perspective”, Politics, Vol.23, Issue3(September2003),pp.192-200.
    ⑧Jean-Philippe Béja,“The Fly in the Ointment? Chinese Dissent and US-China Relations”, Pacific Review, August2003.
    ①Robert G. Sutter, China’s Rise: Implications for U.S. Leadership in Asia (Washington, D.C.:The East-West Center,2006);“China’s Rise inAsia—Are US Interests in Jeopardy?” American Asian Review, Vol.21, Issue2(Summer2003), pp.1-22.
    ②Robert W. Radtke,“China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’Overshadowing US Influence inAsia?” Christian Science Monitor,December8,2003, Vol.96, Issue9, p.9; David Shambaugh,“China Engages Asia”, International Security, Vol.29,No.3(Winter2004/05), pp.70-91; etc.
    ③Alastair Iain Johnston,“Is China a St atus Quo Power?” International Security, Vol.27, No.4(Spring2003). pp.5-56; Denny Roy,“Rising China and US Interests: Inevitable VS. Contingent Hazards”, Orbis, Winter2003.
    ④David C. Kang, China Rising: Peace, Power, and Order in East Asia (Columbia: Columbia University Press,2007).
    ⑤Evan S. Medeiros (et al),“The Responses of U. S.Allies and Security Partners in EastAsia to China’s Rise”,(http://www. rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG736/.); Michael Swaine,Alan Romberg, Douglas H. Paal,“U.S. PolicyToward Taiwan, Time for Change?”(http://www.carnegieendowment.org/events/?fa=eventDetai&lid=1108&zoom_highlight=Taiwan.); etc.
    ⑥参见:Stephen Fidler andAndrew Batson,“Beijing Exercises Its Global Leverage”, Wall Street Journal,April6,2009; Jing-dong Yuan,“China GetsAssertive as US Ties Grow”, Asia Times,April7,2009;Alan Wheatley,“AChinathat Says ‘No’Casts Economic Shadows”, Reuters, January18,2010; John Pomfret,“China’s Strident Tone RaisesConcerns among Western Governments”, The Washington Post, January31,2010; Robert J. Samuelson,“The DangerBehind China’s ‘Me First’Worldview”, The Washington Post, February15,2010; David Shambaugh,“The ChineseTiger Shows Its Claws”, Financial Times, February17,2010; Andrew Small,“Dealing with AMore Assertive China”,February18,2010.(http://www.forbes.com); Rana Foroohar and Melinda Liu,“It’s China’s World, We’re Just Livingin It”, Newsweek, March12,2010; John Pomfret,“Newly Powerful China Defies Western Nations with Remarks”,The Washington Post, March15,2010.
    ①William H. Overholt, Asia, America, and the Transformation of Geopolitics (NewYork: Cambridge UniversityPress,2008), pp. xxxvii-xxxix.
    ②Chika Yamamoto,“The US Response to China's Multilateral Approach Toward East Asia”, Journal of US-ChinaPublic Administration, Vol.8, Issue8(August2011), pp.890-905.
    ③Alastair Iain Johnston, Social State: China in International Institutions,1980-2000(Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press,2008).
    ④John J. Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power (W. W. Norton&Company,2001);“China’s Unpeaceful Rise”,Current History, Vol.105, No.690(April2006).
    ⑤G.. John Ikenberry, Liberal Order and Imperial Ambition (Cambridge: Polity Press,2006);“The Rise of China andthe Future of the West”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.87, Issue1(Jan/Feb2008).
    ⑥Richard N. Haass,“China: Don’t Isolate, Integrate”, Newsweek, November29,2008.(http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2008/11/28/china-don-t-isolate-integrate.html.)
    ⑦Nina Hachigian, Winny Chen and Christopher Beddor,“China’s New Engagement in the International System”,Center for American Progress, November2009.
    ①G.. John Ikenberry and Michael Mastaduno (eds.), International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific (NewYork:Columbia University Press,2003); Kevin J. Cooney and Yoichiro Sato (eds.), The Rise of China and InternationalSecurity: America and Asia Respond (New York: Routledge,2008); Lyle J. Goldstein,“Resetting the US-ChinaSecurity Relationship”, Survival, Vol.53, No.2(February-March2011).
    ②Dan Blumenthal,“Sea Change in Pacific”, The American, March25,2009; Malou Innocent,“China: Peace Partneror Warmonger?” The Cato Institute, February27,2009; etc.
    ③Robert D. Kaplan,“China’s Two-Ocean Strategy”, in Abraham Denmark and Nirav Patel (eds.),“China’sArrival:AStrategic Framework for a Global Relationship”, Center for a NewAmerican Security, September2009.
    ⑥Charles A. Kupchan (et al), Power in Transition: The Peaceful Change of International Order (Tokyo: UnitedNation University Press,2001).
    ⑦Vlado Vivoda,“China Challenges Global Capitalism”, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol.63, Issue1(March2009).
    pp.5-36;“Culture and International Society”, International Relations, Vol.86, No.1,2010, pp.1-25.
    ③Kenneth N. Waltz, Man, the state, and War: A Theoretical Analysis (NewYork: Columbia University Press,1959).
    ④James A. Caporaso,“Across the Great Divide: Integrating Compatative and International Politics”, InternationalStudies Quarterly, Vol.41, No.4(December1997), p.564.
    ①主要成果有:Ronald Rogowski, Commerce and Coalitoons: How Trade Affects Domestic Poltical Alignments
    (Princeton: Princeton University Press,1989; JeffryA. Frieden, Debt, Development and Democracy: Modern PolticalEconomy and Lation America,1865-1985((Princeton: Princeton University Press,1991); David A. Lake,“The StatesandAmerican Trade Strategy in Pre-Hegemonic Era”, International Organization, Vol.42, No.1(Winter1988), pp.33-58; Michael Mastanduno.“Trade as a Strategic Weapon:American andAlliance Export Control Policy in theEarly Postwar Period”, International Organization, Vol.42, No.1(Winter1988). pp.121-150.
    ②以跨层次分析为特色的研究成果包括:Robert O. Keohane, Joseph S. Nye, and Stanley Hoffmann (eds.), Afterthe Cold War: International Institutions and State Strategies in Europe,1989-1991(Cambridge, Mass.: HarvardUniversity Press,1993); Robert O. Keohane and Helen Milner (eds.), Internationalization and Domestic Politics
    (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1996), etc.
    ③1998年,美国学者吉登·罗斯(Gideon Rose)发表“新古典现实主义和对外政策理论”一文,对相关研究成果进行归纳总结,首次提出“新古典现实主义”(Neoclassical Realism)说法,并为学界接受。Gideon Rose,“Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy”, World Politics, Vol.51, No.1(October1998).
    ⑤Fareed Zakaria, From Wealth to Power: the Unusual Origins of America’s World Role (Princeton, N.J: PrincetonUniversity Press,1998.), pp.93,127,133-146.
    ⑥Thomas J. Christensen, Useful Adversaries Grand Strategy, Domestic Mobilisation, and Sino-American Conflict:1947-1958(New Jersey, Princton: Princton University Press,1996), pp.32-76.
    ①Randall L. Scweller, Unanswered Threats Political Constraints on the Balance of Power (Princton, N. J.: PrinctonUniversity Press,2006), pp.4-8.
    ②Steven E. Lobell, Norrin M. Ripsman and JefferyW. Taliaferro (eds.), Neoclassical Realism, the State, and ForeignPolicy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2009.)
    ⑤Michael W. Doyle, Ways of War and Peace: Realism, Liberalism and Socialism (NewYork and London: WW.Norton and Company Inc.,1997), pp.322-323.
    ①Scott Burcill andAndrew Linklater, Theories of International Relations (London Macmillan Press Ltd.,1996), p.135.
    ⑥Gabriele Wight and Brian Porter (eds), International Theory: the Three Traditons (Leicester and London LeicesterUniversity Press,1991); Michael W. Doyle, Ways of War and Peace: Realism, Liberalism and Socialism (New Yorkand London W.W. Norton&Company,1997).转引自陆昕,白云真,“试概述马克思主义国际关系理论”,第46页。
    ②Kenneth Waltz, Theory of International Politics (Peking University Press,2004), pp.19-20.
    ⑤Fredric Jameson, The Policital Unconscious Narrative as A Socially Synbolic Act (Cornell University Press,1981),p.10.
    ①Kenneth N. Waltz, Man, the state, and War: A Theoretical Analysis(NewYork: Columbia University Press,1959).
    ②John David Singer,“International Conflict:Three Levels ofAnalysis”, World Politics, Vol.12, No.3(1960), pp.453-461; and “The Level-of-analysis Problem in International Relations”, World Politics, Vol.14, No.1(1961), pp.77-92.
    ③James Rosenau,“Pre-Theories and Theories of Foreign Policy”, in Barry Farrel (ed.), Approaches to Comparativeand International Politics (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press,1966), pp.29-92; and James Rosenan, TheScientific Study of Foreign Policy (London: Frances Printer,1980), pp.115-169.
    ④Bruce Russett and Harvey Starr, World Politics: AMenu for Choice (NewYork:W.H. Freeman,1992), pp.11-17.
    ①Barry Buzan,“The Level ofAnalysis Problem in International Relations Reconsidered”, in Ken Booth and SteveSmith (eds.), International Relations Theory Today (Cambridge:Dolity Press,1995), pp.198-217.
    ②对国际关系中层次分析法的论述还可参见:K. J. Holsti, International Politics: A Framework for Analysis (NewJersey: Engle Wood Cliffs),3thEdition,1977.
    ③沃尔兹认为国际政治理论最忌淹没在单元层次的琐碎行为中,一个好的理论,必须是高度简约的理论,即用越少的自变量来解释越多的因变量,由此提出体系层次的理论分析最具间接性与科学性,其核心假设是体系结构决定单元互动。参见:Kenneth N. Waltz, Theory of Internaitonal Politics (NewYork: McGraw-Hill,1979),pp.66-80.
    ⑥Alexander Wendt,“Anarchy is What States Make of It: the Social Construction of Power Politics,” InternationalOrganization, Vol.46, No.2(1992), pp.391-425.转引自宋学文,“层次分析对国际关系研究的重要性及模型建构”,第172页。
    ③Kenneth N. Waltz,“Reflections on Theory of International Poltics:AResponse to My Critics”, in Robert Keohane(ed.), Neorealism and its Critics (NewYork Columbia University Press,1986), pp.339-440; Kenneth N. Waltz,“International Politics is Not Foreign Policy”, Security Studies, Vol.6, No.1(Autumn1996), pp.52-57.
    ④参见:Harald Muller and Thomas Risse-Kappen,“From the Outside In and From the Insideout: InternationalRelations, Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy”, in Valerie Hudson and David Skidmore (eds.), The Limits of StateAutonomy: SocietalGroups and Foreign Policy Formation (Boulder, CO: Westview,1993), pp.25-48;
    ⑤Robert Pahre and Paul Papayoanou,“Using Game Theory to Link Domestic and Internaitonal Politics”, Jounal ofConflict Resolution, Vol.41, No.1(February1997), p.4.
    ⑥Charles Hermann,“Changing Course: When Governments Choose to Redirect Foreign Policy”, InternationalStudies Quarterly, Vol.34, No.1(1990), pp.3-21.
    ⑦James Rosenau,“Toward the Study of National-International Linkage”, in James Rosenau (ed.), Linkage Politics:Essays on the Convergence of National and International Systems (New York: Free Press,1969), pp.44-63.
    ⑧Peter Katzenstein,“International Relations and Domestic Structures: Foreign Economic Policies of AdvancedIndustrialStates”, International Organization, Vo.l30, No.1(1976); and, Peter Katzenstein,“Domestic andInternational Forces and Strategies of Foreign Economic Policy”, International Organization, Vo.l31, No.4(1977).
    ①Robert Putnam,“Diplomacy and Domestic Politics:The Logic of Two-Level Games”, International Organization(Summer1998), Vol.42, No.3, pp.427-460.
    ②Peter B. Evans et al.(eds), Double-edged Diplomacy: Internaitoanl Bargaining and Domestic Politics (Berkeley:University of California Press,1993); Jeffrey W. Knopf,“Beyond Two-Level Games: Domestic-InternationalInteraction in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Negotiations”, International Organization, Vol.47, No.4
    (1994), pp.599-628; Helen Milner, Interests, Institutions, and Information: Domestic Politics and InternationalRelation(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,1997), pp.67-98; Michael Mastanduno (et al),“Toward aRealist Theory of State Action”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol.33, No.4(December1989), pp.457-474.
    ①Charles W. Kegley, Jr. and Eugene R. Wirrkopf, American Foreign Policy: Pattern and Press (NewYork: St.Martin’s Press,1996), p.
    ②Fareed Zakaria, From Wealth to Power: The Unusual Origins of America’s World Role (Princeton, NJ: PrincetonUniversity,1998), p.28.
    ③Aaron Friedberg, The Weary Titan: Britain and the Experience of Relative Decline:1895-1905(Princeton:Princeton University Press,1998), p.13.
    ①Gideon Rose,“Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy”, World Politics, Vol.51, No.1(October1998), pp.151-152.
    ③参见:Randall L. Schweller, Deadly Imbalance: Tripolarity and Hitler’s Strategy of World Conquest (NewYorkColumbia University Press,1998), pp.218-220.
    ④Alexander L. George,“Case Studies and Theory Development:The Method of Structured, Focused Comparison”,in Paul Gordon Lauren (ed), Diplomacy: New Approaches in History, Theory and Policy (NewYork: Free Press,1979).
    ①Colin Elman,“Horses for Courses:Why Not Neorealist of Foreign Policy?”Security Studies, Vol.6, No.1(Autumn1996), pp.18-22.
    ②Stephen M. Walt,“The Enduring Relevance of the Realist Tradition”, in Ira Katznelson and Helen V. Milner (eds.),Political Science: The State of the Disciplion (NewYork: Norton,2002), p.211.
    ③Thomas J. Christensen, Useful Adversaries Grand Strategy, Domestic Mobilisation, and Sino-American Conflict:1947-1958, p.16.
    ①William C. Wohlforth,“Realism and the End of the Cold War”, in Michael E. Brown et al (eds), The Perils ofAnarcy: Contemporary Realism and International Security (Cambridge MIT Press,1995), p.19.
    ②Immanuel Wallerstein, The Politics of World Economy: the States, the Movement and the Civilizations (CambridgeUniversity Press,1984), p.38.
    ⑤Katleen Thelen and Sven Steinmo,“Historical Institutionalismin Comparative Politics”, in Sven Steinmo et al.(eds.), Structuring Politics Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Analysis (Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1992), p.11.
    ⑥Randall L. Scweller, Unanswered Threats Political Constraints on the Balance of Power, pp.46-48.
    ①Peter J. Katzenstein (ed.), Between Power and Plenty: Foreign Economic Politics of Advanced Industrial States(Madison: University of Wisconsin Press,1978); Peter Gourevitch,“The Second ImageReversed: TheInternationalSources of Domestic Politics”, International Organization, Vol.32, No.4(Autumn1978), pp.881-912.
    ②George T. Crane andAblaAmawi (eds.), The Theoretical Evolution of International Poltical Economy: A Reader(NewYork: Oxford University Press,1997), p.4.
    ②William Wallace, Foreign Policy and the Political Process (London: Macmillan,1971), p.11.
    ③Richard C. Snyder, H. W. Bruck and Burton Sapin, Foreign Policy Decision-Making (NewYork: Free Press,1962),p.57.
    ⑤Richard C. Snyder, H. W. Bruck and Burton Sapin,“Decision-Making as an Approach to the Study of InternationalPolitics”, Foreign Policy Analysis (Princeton University), No.3,1954.
    ④John W. Kingdon, Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies (New York: Harper Collins College Publishers,1995),2ndEdition.
    ⑦Steven J. Brams, Rational Politics (Washington D.C.: CQ Press,1985), Preface, p. VI.
    ④Graham T.Allison, Essence of Decision, Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis (Boston: Little Brown Company,1971), pp.32-33.
    ①Graham T.Allison, Essence of Decision, p.67.
    ③JerelA. Rosati,“Developing a Systematic Decision-Making Framework: Bureaucratic Politics in Perspective,”World Politics, Vol.33, No.2(January,1981), pp.237-238;杰里尔·A·罗赛蒂:《美国对外政策的政治学》,第253页。
    ④Robert Jervis, Perception and Misperception in International Politics (Princeton:Princeton University Press),1976.
    ⑥Robert J.Art, Robert Jervis (eds.), International Politics: Anarchy, Force, Political Economy and Decision-Making(Boston: Little, Brown and Company,1985), the2ndedition, p.437.
    ①Tan Qingshan, The Making of U.S. China Policy: From Normalization to the Post-Cold War Era (Lynne RiennerPublisher: Bouler&London,1992), p.10.
    ②Roger Hilsman, To Move a Nation: The Politics of Foreign Policy in the Administration of John F. Kennedy (NewYork: Doubleday,1967), pp.541-544.
    ①Howard J. Wiarda, Foreign Policy Without Illusion: How Foreign Policy-Making Works and Fails to Work in theUnited States (NewYork: Scott,1990), pp.38-39.
    ②Charles W. Jr. Kegley and Eugene R. Wittkopf (eds.), American Foreign Policy: Pattern and Process,5thEdition(NewYork: St. Martin’s Press,1996).
    ③James M. McCormick, American Foreign Policy and Process, p.356.
    ②The United States National Security Act of1947, Title I, Section101(a).
    ④Stanley L. Falk,“The National Security Council Under Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy”, Political ScienceQuarterly, Vol.79, No.3(September,1964), p.434.
    ②Rodrigue Tremblay, The Five Pillars of the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex.(http://www.thenewamericanempire.com/author.html.)
    ①David Wise and Thomas Ross, The Invisible Government(NewYork: Random House,1974), p.132.
    ⑤Krasner Chaberski and Jones, America Government, Structure and Process (New York: Macmilan,1977), p.8.
    ⑥RobertA. Pastor, Congress and the Politics of U.S. Foreign Economics:1929-1976(Berkeley, Los Angeles andLondon: University of California Press,1980), p.53.
    ④Ramdall B. Ripley and James M. Lindsay (eds.), Congress Resurgent: Foreign and Defense Policy on Capitol Hill
    (The University of Michigan Press,1993), pp.18~22; Walt Vanderbush and Patrick J. Haney,“Clinton, Congress andCuba Policy Between Two Codifications:The Changing Executive-Legislative Relationship in Foreign PolicyMaking,” Congress&the Presidency, Vol.29, No.2(Autumn2002), pp.171-194.
    ①William Schneider,“From Foreign Policy to ‘Politics as Usual’,” in DavidA. Deese (ed.), The New Politics ofAmerican Foreign Policy (St. Martin’s Press Inc.,1994), Introduction, p. X.
    ②Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (AlfredA. Knopf, Inc.,1956), p.1836.
    ③Roger Hilsman, To Govern America (Harper&Row: Publishers,1979), p.263; Denise L Baer, DavidABositis,Politics and Linkage in a Democratic Society (N. J. Pretice-Hall Inc.,1993), p.24; Mark P Petracca (ed.), The politicsof Interests: Interest Groups Transformed (Boulder:Westview Press,1992), p.3.
    ④Arthur Bentley, The Process of Government: A Study of Social Pressures (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press ofHarvard University Press,1967), pp.205-208.
    ⑤David B Truman, The Government Process(N.Y.:Alfred Knopf,1951), pp.368,523.
    ①Bruce C. Wolpe and Bertram J. Levine, Lobbying Congress: How the System Works (Congressional Quarterly Inc.,1996),2ndEdition, p.78.
    ③一译“思想库”。英文Think Tank原意是美国第二次大战期间为国防科学家和军事参谋提供的一种能够让他们在一起讨论作战计划和其它战略问题的安全保险的房间或环境,后用来指代从事政策分析研究的组织和机构。见Donald E.Abelson, American Think-Tanks and their Role in U.S. Foreign Policy (London and NewYork:Macmillan and St. Martin's Press,1996); Donald E.Abelson, Do Think Tanks Matter? Assessing the Impact of PublicPolicy Institutes (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press,2009),2ndEdition.
    ①据James McGann所做的“2008年全球智库指数”统计,截至2008年底全球共有5500家智库,其中美国1777家,约占全球总数的1/3。见James McGann,“The Think Tank Index,” Foreign Policy(January/February,2009),p.82.2011年1月25日James McGann又发表新统计,全美有广义上智库1816家。见James McGann,“The Global‘GO-TO Think Tanks’:The Leading Public Policy Research Organizations in the World”, The Think Tanks and CivilSocieties Program, University of Pennsylvania, January2011.
    ③James G. McGann, Comparative Think Tanks, Politics and Public Policy (Northampton: Edward Elgar PublishingLimited,2005), p.12.
    ④Richard N. Haass,“Think Tanks and U.S. Foreign Policy:APolicy-Maker’s Perspective”, An Electronic Journal ofthe U.S. Department of State, Vol.7, No.3(November2002), pp.6-8.
    ⑤Donald E.Abelson, American Think-Tanks and Their Role in US Foreign Policy (ST. Martin’s Press, INC.,1996),p.71.
    ②V. O. Key, Public Opinion and American Democracy (NewYork:Alfred. A. Knopf,1961), p.552.
    ③Walter Lippmann, The Phantom Public (New Brunswick and London :Transaction Publishers,1993), p.4.
    ⑤Thomas A. Bailey, The Men in the Street (NewYork: Macmillan,1948), p.1.
    ⑥Samuel Popkin, The Reasoning Voter: Communication and Persuasion in Presidential Campaigns (Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1991), p.106.
    ②David L. Paletz, Media in American Polities (Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc,2002),2ndEdition,pp.344-345.
    ③Thomas W. Graham, The Politics of Failure: Strategic Arms Control, Public Opinion and Domestic Politics in theUnited States,1945~1980(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology,1989), p.78.转引自王鸣鸣,“公众舆论与美国对外政策”,《世界政治与经济》,2002年第5期,第80页。
    ④Freedom of Information Act(FOIA),1966.
    ⑤Philip Powlick,“The Attitudinal Bases for Responsiveness to Public Opinion amongAmerican Foreign PolicyOfficials”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, No.35,1991, pp.612~613.
    ①Erik Eckholm,“The Cold War Left No Maps For This Face-Off,” New York Times,April8,2001.
    ②Doris Graber, Mass Media and American Politics (Washington: CQ Press,1997), p.375.
    ①James M. Lindsay, Congress and the Politics of U.S. Foreign Policy (Baltimore, MD:The Johns HopkinsUniversity Press,1994), p. VII.
    ③John G. Tower,“Congress VS the President:The Formulation and Implementation ofAmerican Foreign Policy”,Foreign Affairs (Winter1981), p.2.
    ④Matthew D. McCubbins (ed.),“Congressional Oversight Overlooked: Police Patrols versus Fire Alarms”,American Journal of Political Science, February1984, No.28.
    ③I.M. Destler,“The Rise of the National Security Assistant,” in Charles W. Jr. Kegley and Eugene R. Wittkopf (eds.),Perspectives on American Foreign Policy: Selected Readings (NewYork: St. Martin’s1983), p.262.
    ②G. D. Gerson, Group Theories of Politics (Sage Publications, Inc.,1978), p.207.有关多元精英主义的阐述可参见:Anne N. Costain andAndrew S. McFarland (eds.), Social Movement and American Political Institutions (Lanham,Rowman&Littlefield Publishers, Inc.,1998); H. R.Mahood, Interest Groups Politics in America: a New Intensity
    (Pr-entice-Hall Inc.,1990.); David K Ryden, Representation in Crisis: The Constitution, Interest Groups and PoliticalParties (Albany: State University of New York Press,1996), etc.
    ③GabrielA. BrahamAlmond, The American People and Foreign Policy (NewYork: Praeger,1965).
    ①Bernard Cohen, The Press and Foreign Policy (Princeton N.J.: Princeton University Press,1963), p.13.
    ②David M. Ricci, The Transformation of American Politics: the new Washington and the Rise of Think Tanks (NewHaven&London:Yale University Press.1997), p.16.
    ③C. Wright Mills, The Power Elites (London: Oxford University Press,1956), p.22.
    ①Arthur M. Schlesinger, The Imperial Presidency (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company),1973.
    ②Cecil VCrab Jr., The Doctrines of American Foreign Policy: Their Meaning, Role and Future (Louisiana StateUniversity Press,1982), p.67.
    ①David Baldwin,“Concept of Security”, Review of International Studies, Vol.23,1997, pp.5-26.
    ②参见英国战略家哈特(Liddell Hart)对大战略的定义:指导一个国家调动本国甚至盟国的所有军事、政治、经济和精神资源来达到其政治目标的最高战略。Liddell Hart, Strategy (NewYork: Frederick A. Praeger,1967), pp.335-336.
    ③Charles A. Kupchan, The End of the American Era: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Geopolitics of the21stCentury(Alfred A. Knopf,2002), p.26.
    ①Doug Bandow,“Keeping the Troops and the Money at Home”, Current History, Vol.93, No.579(January1994), p.8.
    ②Thomas Paine, Common Sense (NewYork: Penguin Books,1986), p.86; George Washington,“Farewell Address”,(http://www.ushistory.org/documents/farewelladdress.htm.)
    ①互惠理论用以解决国际多边合作中的合作稀缺性,提出用“一报还一报”(tit-for-tat)、“强互惠”(strongreciprocity)和“利他性惩罚”(altruistic punishment)等策略来处理在缺乏中央权威的情况下,利己主义者如何摆脱囚徒困境从而实现合作的根本问题。相关研究见:RobertAxelord, Robert Keohane,“Achieving Cooperationunder Anarchy: Strategy and Institutions”, in Kenneth Oye (ed.), Cooperation under Anarchy (Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press,1986); Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis,“The Evolution of Strong Reciprocity: Cooperation inHeterogeneous Population”, Theoretical Population Biology, No.1,2004; Herbert Gintis,“Strong Reciprocity andHuman Sociality”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.206, No.2,2000, etc.
    ②Colin Dueck, Reluctant Crusaders: Power, Culture and Changing in American Grand Strategy (Princeton andOxford: Princeton University,2006), p.26.
    ③Condoleezza Rice,“ABalance of Power that Favors Freedom”, in the International Information ProgramElectronic Journal:“U.S. National Security Strategy:ANew Era”, December2002.(http://usgovinfo.about.com/library/weekly/-aarice.htm.)
    ④Condoleezza Rice,“Rethinking the National Interest:American Realism for a New World”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.87,No.4(July/August,2008)(http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/64445/condoleezza-rice/rethinking-the-national-interest.)
    ①Andrew J. Bacevich,“What’s Isolationism?” Los Angels Times, February2,2006, p. B11.
    ②Barry Posen andAndrew Ross,“Competing Visions for U.S. Grand Strategy”, International Security, Vol.21, No.3,(Winter1996/1997), pp.5-53; Robert J.Art, Grand Strategy for America (Ithaca: Cornell University Press,2003),p.82; RobertArt,“Geopolitics Updated:The Strategy of Selective Engagement”, International Security, Vol.23, No.3(Winter1998/1999), pp.79-113; RobertArt,“ADefensible Defense:Americas’Grand Strategy after the Cold War”,International Security, Vol.15, No.4(Spring1991), pp.5-53.
    ②George F. Kennan, Around the Cragged Hill: A Personal and Political Philosophy (New York: W. W. Norton,1993), p.180; Norman Ornstein,“Foreign Policy and the1992Elections”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.71, No.3(Summer1992), pp.3~4.
    ③Samuel P. Huntington,“The Lonely Superpower”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.78, No.2(March/April,1999).
    ④参见James Lindsay,“The NewApathy”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.79, No.5(September/October,2000), pp.2-3.
    ⑤James M. Lindsay,“The NewApathy: How an Uninterested Public is Reshaping Foreign Policy,” Foreign Affairs,September/October2000.(http://www.brook.edu/dybdocroot/views/articles/lindsay/2000sept_FA.htm.)
    ⑥George W. Bush, Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People, Office of the Press Secretary,September20,2001.(http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/09/20010920-8.html.)
    ①George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, Office of the Press Secretary, January29,2002.(http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/01/20020129-11.html.)
    ②George W. Bush, President Out lines War Effort, Office of the Press Secretary, April17,2002.(http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/04/20020417-1.html.)
    ③即“打击恐怖主义国家战略”(National Strategy for Combating Terrorism)。
    ④George W. Bush, President Sworn-Into Second Term, Office of the Press Secretary, January20,2005.(http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2005/01/20050120-1.html.)
    ⑤The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, March2006, p.3.(http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/nsc/2006/nss2006.pdf.)
    ⑦US Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review Report, September30,2001.(http://www.defenselink.mil.)
    ②Richard N. Haass,“Reflections AYear after September11”, Remarks to International Institute for Strategic Studies,September13,2002.(http://www.state.gov/s/p/rem/.)
    ③George W. Bush, Commencement Address at the United States Military Academy in West Point, June1,2002.(http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=62730#axzz1UQ4ED4Hz.)
    ④Donald Henry Rumsfeld, Annual Defense Report2002.(http://www.defense.gov/adr/.)
    ⑤Office of the President, The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, September2002, pp.15-16.(http://usinfo.state.gov/topical/pol/terror/secstrat.htm.)
    ①George W. Bush,“ADistinctly American Internationalism”, Speech at Ronald Regan Library (November19,1999.)(http://www.newamericancentury.org/Iss11%20Nov29%20editorial.pdf.)
    ②Charles Krauthammer,“The Unipolar Moment”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.70, No.1(Winter1990/1991), pp.23-33;Dan Blumenthal,“Why It’s Still a Unipolar Era”, The Journal of American Enterprise Institute, March22,2011.(http://www.american.com/archive/2011/march/why-its-still-a-unipolar-era.)
    ③Joseph Nye, The Paradox of American Power: Why the World’s Only Superpower Can’t Go It Alone?(New York:Oxford University Press,2002), p.155.
    ④Ivo H. Daalder and James M. Lindsay, America Unbound: the Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy (WashingtonD.C.: Brookings Institution Press,2003), p.199.
    ⑤Michael J. Kelly,“The Bush Foreign Policy2001-2003: Unilateralist Theory in a Multilateral World”,(http://law.wustl.edu/Publications/WUGSLR/IssueArchive/Volume_2_1/Kelly_book_pages.pdf.); Thom Shanker,“White House Says the US is Not a Loner, Just Chooser”, New York Times, July31,2001.
    ①Sebastian Mallaby,“The Reluctant Imperialist:Terrorism, Failed States and the Case for American Empire”,Foreign Affairs, Vol.81, No.2(March/April,2002), pp.2-7.
    ②Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Cycles of American History (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company,1986),pp.128-129.
    ④比较有代表性的著述有:James Kurth,“Confronting the Unipolar Moment: theAmerican Empire and IslamicTerrorism”, Current History, Vol.101, No.659(December2002), p.403; John Bellamy Foster,“The Rediscovery ofImperialism”, Review of the Month, Vol.54, No.6(November2002); G. John Ikenberry,“America’s ImperialAmbition”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.81, No.5(September./October,2002); Martin Walker,“America’s Virtual Empire”,World Policy Journal (Summer2002).Andrew J. Bacevich, The American Empire (Harvard University Press,2002).
    ⑤G. John Ikenberry,“Liberalism and Empire: Logics of Order in theAmerican UnipolarAge”, Review ofInternational Studies, Vol.30, No.4,2004.
    ⑥Stephen Peter Rosen,“An Empire, if You can Keep it”, The National Interest, Spring2003, p.61.
    ⑦Bill Emmott,“Present at the Creation”, The Economist, June29,2002, p.10.
    ⑧George W. Bush,“Remarks by the president at the United StatesAir Force Academy Graduation”, White HousePress, June2,2004. in Robert Jervis (ed.), American Foreign Policy in a New Era (London: Routledge,2005), p.80.
    ⑨Robert G. Kaufman, In Defense of the Bush Doctrine (the University Press of Kentucky,2007), p.87.
    ①The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, September2002, p.3.
    ④David C. Hendrickson,“Toward Universal Empire:The Dangerous Quest for Absolute Security”, World PolicyJournal, Fall2002, p.7.
    ⑤Kenneth N. Waltz,“American as a Model for the World?AForeign Policy Perspective,” Political Science andPolitics,Vol.24, No.4(December1991), pp.667-670.
    ⑥“War With Iraq is NOT inAmerica’s National Interest”, anAdvertisement from the op-ed page of the New YorkTimes, September26,2002, signed by33scholars of international relations.(http://www.bear-left.com/archive/2002/0926oped.html.)
    ⑦John J. Mearsheimer,“Hearts and Minds”, The National Interest, Vol.69(Fall2002), pp.13-16.
    ⑧John Lewis Gaddis,“Grand Strategy in the Second Term”, Foreign Affairs (January/February,2005), p.2.
    ①ABC/Washington Post, February12-16,2003; USAToday/CNN/Gallup Poll, January7-9,2005.
    ②Madeleine K. Albright,“Bridges, Bombs, or Bluster?” Foreign Affairs (September/October,2003), p.8.
    ③Ivan Krastev,“TheAnti-American Century”, Journal of Democracy, Vol.15, No.2(April,2004), pp.5-16.
    ④Melvyn P. Leffler,“9/11and the Past and Future of American Foreign Policy”, International Affairs, Vol.79, No.5,2003, pp.1050-1051.
    ⑤Chuck Hagel,“A Republican Foreign Policy”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.64, No.2(July/August,2004), p.65.
    ①全球化和全球主义的“稀薄”(thin)、“浓厚”(thick)之说出自:Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye Jr.,“Globalization:What’s New? What’s Not?(And So What?)” Foreign Policy (Spring2000), pp.109-110.
    ②Daniel Yergin,“Globalization: the Inside Story of Our New Interconnected World”, Social Education (NationalCouncil for the Social Studies), Vol.66,2002.
    ④IMF, World Economic Outlook2009(Washington DC: International Monetary Fund,2009), pp.169-176.
    ⑤World Bank, Total GDP2000:World Development Indicators Database,April2002; World Bank, Gross DomesticProduct2009:World Development Indicators Database, July1,2010.转引自韦宗友:“新兴大国群体性崛起与全球治理变革”,《国际论坛》,2011年第2期,第8页。
    ⑥因巴西(Brazil)、俄罗斯(Russia)、印度(India)、中国(China)这四个国家首字母的缩写BRIC发音类似英文单词中的“brick”(砖块),故名“金砖四国”。Jim O’Neill,“Building Better Global Economic, BRICs”, in Goldman Sachs:Global Economics Paper, No.66, December30,2001, p.1-3.统计数据另见:Goldman Sachs,“BRICs by theNumbers”, December2009.(http://www.goldmansachs.co.nz/ideas/brics/bricsat8/index.html.)
    ⑦Dominic Wilson and Roopa Purushothaman,“Dreaming with BRICs: the Path to2050”, in Goldman Sachs: GlobalEconomics Paper, No.99, October1,2003, p.1.
    ⑧包括印尼、菲律宾、孟加拉国、越南、伊朗、韩国、墨西哥、埃及、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦和土耳其。见:“TheNext11”, December12,2005.(http://www.amazines.com/Next_Eleven_related.html.); Jim O’Neill and AnnaStupnytska,“The Long-term Outlook for the BRICs and N11Post Crisis”, in Goldman Sachs: Global EconomicsPaper, No.192, December4,2009.
    ②IMF, World Economic Outlook, October2008.(http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2008/02/.)
    ⑤Dodd Randall and Paul Mills,“Outbreak: US Subprime Contagion”, Finance&Development (IMF), June2008,p.14.
    ③OECD, Main Economic Indicators: Sources and Definitions, June2000, p.263.(http://browse.oecdbookshop.org/oecd/pdfs/free/3100131e.pdf.)
    ④Peter J. Katzenstein, A World of Region: Asia and Europe in the American Imperium (Ithaca, New York: CornellUniversity Press,2005);ASurvey ofAmerica’s World Role, The Economist, June29,2002, p.4.
    ⑥Joel Bainerman,“How Much Will the War in Iraq Cost the U.S. Taxpayer?” The Middle East, Issue364(February,2006), pp.16-17.事实上,美国在伊拉克战场花费的确切数字至今难以统计,外界的估算在4万亿美元左右。
    ⑦Fred Bergsten,“The Dollar and the Deficits: How Washington can Prevent the Next Crisis”, Foreign Affairs(November/December,2009).
    ①U.S. National Intelligence Council, Global Trends2025: A Transformed World (Washington DC: US GovernmentPrinting Office,2008), pp.1-14.
    ②Tony Haipin,“Brazil, Russia India and China Form Bloc to Challenge US Dominance”, Times, June17,2009.(http://www.timesonline.co.hk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article6514737.ece.); Sheldon Fliger,“BRIC SummitEnd of Dominance of U.S. Dollar”, Huffington Post, June17,2009.(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sheldon-fliger.)
    ③U.S. National Intelligence Council, Global Trends2025: A Transformed World, p.28.
    ⑤汤因比(Arnold Toynbee)、沃勒斯坦、戈登斯坦(Joshua Goldstein)和莫德尔斯基(George Modelski)等学者认为国际体系转型当中存在“以一个世纪”或者“一百年多一点”的战争和平周期,其间反复出现大国争夺国际体系主导权的战争,如16世纪的西班牙和葡萄牙、17世界的荷兰、18世纪的法国和19世纪的英国、20世纪的美国等等。具体论述参见:Immanuel Wallerstein, The Politics of the World Economy (Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1984), pp.40-45; George Modelski, Long Cycles in World Politics (Hampshire and London:Macmillan Press,1987), pp.40-41; Joshua S. Goldstein,“Kondratieff Waves as War Cycles”, International StudiesQuarterly, No.4,1985, pp.413-416.
    ②Fareed Zakaria, The Post-American World (New York: Norton,2008), pp.32-35,44,210.
    ③The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, March2006.
    ②Condoleezza Rice,“Rethinking the National Interest:American Realism for a New World”, Foreign Affairs(July/August2008).
    ⑤Javier Solana,“The Transatlantic Rift US Leadership After September11”, Harvard International Review, Issue4(Winter2002), p. XXIV.
    ⑥Steven Everts and Daniel Keohane,“The European Convention and EU Foreign Policy: Learn from Failure”,Survival, Vol.45, No.3(Autumn2003), p.177.
    ⑦有关新保守主义的论点与研究参见:Robert Kagan and William Kristol (eds.), Present Dangers: Crisis andOpportunity in American Foreign and Defense Policy (San Francisco: Encounter Books,2000); John Ehrman, TheRise of Neoconservatism: Intellectuals and Foreign Affairs (New Haven and London: Yale University Press,1995);Gary Dorrien, The Neoconservative Mind: Politics, Culture, and the War of Ideology (Philadelphia: TempleUniversity Press,1993); Peter Steinfels, The Neoconservatives: The Men Who Are Changing Americans Politics(New York: Simon and Schuster,1979); Irving Kristol,“American Conservatism1945-1995”, The Public Interest,Fall1995, pp.80-91; Norman Podhoretz,“Neoconservatism: A Eulogy”, Commentary, March1996, pp.19-27;William Kristol and Robert Kagan,“Toward a Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy”, Foreign Affairs, July/August1996;Irving Kristol,“Foreign Policy in an Age of Ideology”, The National Interest, Fall1985, etc.
    ①Charles Krauthammer,“The Unipolar Moment”, pp.24,29,33.
    ②Irving Kristol,“The Neoconservative Persuasion: What It Was, and What It Is”, The Weekly Standard, August25,2003, pp.24-25.
    ④如国防部副部长保罗·沃尔福威茨(Paul Wolfowitz),负责国防部政策事务的副部长道格拉斯·菲斯(DouglasFeith),副总统办公室主任兼副总统国家安全顾问刘易斯·利比(Lewis Libby),国务院负责军控和国际安全事务的副国务卿约翰·博尔顿(John Bolton),负责全球事务的助理国务卿保拉·多布里扬斯基(Paula Dobriansky),国防政策委员会主席理查德·珀尔(Richard Perle)等。除了这些政府公职人员,美国还有一批新保守主义分子活跃在媒体和智库,主要有《国家利益》(National Interest)主编欧文·克里斯托(Irving Kristol)和他的儿子、《旗帜周刊》(Weekly Standard)主编威廉·克里斯托、《华盛顿邮报》专栏作家查尔斯·克劳塞默(CharlesKrauthammer)、新闻记者罗伯特·卡普兰(Robert Kaplan)、卡内基国际和平基金会的罗伯特·卡根、“新美国世纪计划”副主任汤姆·唐纳利(Tom Donnally)和耶鲁大学教授唐纳德·卡根(Donald Kagan)等人。
    ⑧Alan Beattie,“US Economy Contracts6.2%”, Financial Times, February7,2009.
    ②Joseph S. Nye,“Testing Obama’s Foreign Policy”.(http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/nye77.)
    ③Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama:“ANew Strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan”, Washington, D.C.,March27,2009.
    ⑤Joe Biden’s Remarks at Munich Global Defense Conference (February7,2009), The Washington File, February9,2009.
    ⑧约瑟夫·奈于2003年发明该词,但普遍认为最先将这一概念引入公共政策研究的是美国前驻联合国代表苏珊娜·诺赛尔(Suzanne Nossel),她在2004年春的《外交》杂志上发表了题为“巧实力”的文章。Suzanne Nossel,
    “Smart Power”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.83, Issue2(March/April2004).
    ①Joseph S. Nye Jr.,“The U.S. Can Reclaim ‘Smart Power’”, Los Angeles Times, January21,2009.
    ③Dennis Blair, Annual Threat Assessment of the Intelligence Community for the Senate Committee on Intelligence,February12,2009.
    ①Office of the President, The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, September2002, p.1.
    ②The White House,“The National Security Strategy”, May2010.
    ④Immanuel Wallerstein, The Decline of American Power: The U.S. in a Chaotic World (W. W. Norton&Company,2006),p.503.
    ⑥James Der Derian,“9/11”事件及其对国际关系学科的影响”,《世界经济与政治》,2006年第5期。另参见:
    ①Immanuel Wallerstein,“The Eagle Has Crash Landed”, Foreign Policy, July/August,2002.
    ②Bob Woodward, Bush at War (NewYork: Simon&Schuster,2002),1stEdition, p.33.
    ③George W. Bush tellsABC News’Charles Gibson about His First100Days in Office in Good Morning,America”,ABC News, April25,2001.(http://abcnews.go.com/WN/Politics/story.)
    ①Bob Woodward, State of Denial: Bush at WarⅢ(NewYork: Simon&Schuster,2005), p.33.
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    ⑤James Allen Smith, The Idea Brokers: Think Tanks and the Rise of the New Policy Elite (New York: The Free Press,1990), p.206.
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    ①David Lampton,“Paradigm Lost:The Demise of ‘Weak China’”, The National Interest, No.81(Fall2005),pp.73-81.
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    ③Nina Hachigian, Winny Chen and Christopher Beddor, China’s New Engagement in the International System,November2009.(http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2009/11/pdf/chinas_new_engagement.pdf.)
    ⑤Nirav Patel,“The Strategic Environment of U.S-Sino Relations”, in Abraham Denmark and Nirav Patel (eds.),China’s Arrival: A Strategic Framework for a Global Relationship, September2009.
    ⑥Philip Bowring,“Who Needs Whom More?” New York Times, February3,2010.
    ⑦Suan L. Shirk, China: Fragile Superpower, p.109.
    ⑧David Shambaugh,“China Through the Looking Glass”, The National Interest, February29,2008.
    ⑨John-Mare F. Blanchard and Sujian Guo (eds.),“Harmonious World” and China’s New Foreign Policy (Lanham:Rowman and Littlefield-Lexington,2008), pp.3-4.
    ①Warren I. Cohen,“China and the West in Historical Perspective”, The Newsletter of Watchman Center of ForeignPolicy Research Institute, Vol.13, No.6,April2008.
    ②Kenneth D. Johnson,“China’s Strategic Culture: a Perspective for the United States”, Strategic Studies Institute,U.S.Army War College,2009.(http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB924.pdf.)
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    ⑤Christopher J. Pehrson, String of Pearls: Meeting the Challenge of China’s Rising PowerAcross theAsian Littoral(Carlisle:ArmyWar College,2006), pp.2-3.
    ⑥Dan Blumenthal,“Sea Change in Pacific”, The American, March25,2009.(http://american.com/archive/2009/march-2009/sea-change-in-the-pacific.)
    ⑦Joe Studwell, The China Dream: The Elusive Quest for the Greatest Untapped Market on Earth (London: ProfileBooks,2002).
    ⑧Mark Leonard,“The Battle for China’s Future”.(http://markleonard.net/journalism/chinaft/.)
    ①David M. Lampton, The Three Faces of Chinese Power: Might, Money and Minds, p.274.
    ②Ralph Cossa, Brad Gloserman, Michael McDevitt (eds.),“The United States and the Asia-Pacific Region: SecurityStrategy for the Obama Administration”, CSIS Pacific Forum, February2009.
    ③Defense Strategic Guidance (DSG) of U.S.A., January5,2012.(http://www.defense.gov/news/Defense_Strategic_Guidance.pdf.)
    ④Christopher Layne,“Offshore Balancing Revisited”, The Washington Quarterly, Vo.25, No.2(Spring2002), p.235.
    ①John J. Mearsheimer,“The Future of the American Pacifier”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.80, No.5(September/October,2001), pp.48-50; Christopher Layne,“China’s Challenge to U.S. Hegemony”, Current History, January2008, p.15.
    ②Christopher Layne,“China’s Challenge to U.S. Hegemony”, p.15.
    ③Evan S. Medeiros,“Strategic Hedging and the Future of Asia-Pacific Stability”, The Washington Quarterly, Vol.29,No.1(Winter2005-2006), pp.145~167.
    ④Richard N. Haass,“The World thatAwaits”.(http://www.newsweek.com/id/165648/page/1.)
    ⑤Abraham M. Denmark,“China’sArrival:AFramework for a Global Relationship”, inAbraham M. Denmark andNirav Patel (eds.), China’s Arrival: a Strategic Framework for a Global Relationship, p.169.
    ②Charles Krauthammer,“WhyWe Must Contain China”, Time, July31,1995, pp.75-76.
    ①William Kristol,“Democracy in China: How About Promoting Democracy Instead of Engaging with Dictators?”Weekly Standard, June25,2001, p.11.
    ②Paul Wolfowitz, Statesmanship in the New Century (San Francisco, California: Present Dangers, Encounter Books,2002), p.324.
    ③George W. Bush, A Charge to Keep (Willian Morrow and Company Inc.,2004), pp.135-138.
    ④Stephen Mansfield, The Faith of George W. Bush (Penguin Group, Inc.,2004), p.59.
    ⑥Walter Russell Mead,“The Carter Syndrome”, Foreign Policy (January/February,2010), p.58.
    ①Barack Obama Inaugural Address, January20,2009.(http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/inaugural-address/.)
    ②Zbigniew Brzezinski,“From Hope to Audacity: Appraising Obama’s Foreign Policy”, Foreign Affairs(January/February,2010), p.18.
    ③Pew Research Center,“U.S. Image”.(http://pewglobal.org/database/?indicator=1&country=233.)
    ④Nicholas Kristof,“Make Diplomacy, Not War”, New York Times,August9,2008.
    ⑤Kenneth Bacon,“Letter to the Candidates: End the Militarization of Foreign Aid”, March13,2008.
    ⑦Dana Priest, The Mission: Waging War and Keeping Peace with America's Military (New York:W. W. Norton&Company,2003),1stEdition, p.14.
    ①Robert Gates,“ABalanced Strategy: Reprogramming the Pentagon for ANew Age”, Foreign Affairs(January/February,2009), p.27.
    ②Speech byAdmiral Mullen on U.S.-China Relations, July11,2011.
    ③Hillary Rodham Clinton,“National Security&Foreign Policy Priorities in the FY2013InternationalAffairsBudget”, Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, D.C., February28,2012.(http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2012/02/184847.htm)
    ①Albert Weinberg, Manifest Destiny: A Study of Nationalist Expansionismin American History (Chicago:Quadrangle Books,1963), pp.74-75.
    ③David Gelernter, Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion (Washington D.C.: Doubleday,2007), p.4.
    ④Abraham Denmark and Nirav Patel (eds.),“China’s Arrival:AStrategic Framework for a Global Relationship”,Chapter6.
    ⑤The White House, The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, May2010, p.39.
    ⑥Financial SummaryTables: Fiscal Year2008; Financial SummaryTables: Fiscal Year2009; Financial SummaryTables: Fiscal Year2010.(http://www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget.)
    ①Robert S. Ross,“Myth in Here Be Dragons: Is China a Military Threat?” The National Interest, September/October,2009, p.31.
    ②Statement of Leon Panetta before the Senate Armed Service Committee (Washington, D.C.), June11,2011.(http://armed-services.senate.gov/Transcripts/2011/06%20June/11-47%20-%206-9-11.pdf.)
    ③Bob Woodward, Obama’s War (New York: Simon&Schuster,2010), pp.138-139,198-199,289,241,370.
    ①U.S. Department of Defense,“Quadrennial Defense Review Report2010”, pp.28-29.
    ②U.S. Department of Defense,“Annual Report to Congress:The Military Power of the P.R.C,2011”.(http://www. defense.gov/pubs/pdfs/China_Military_Power_Report_2011.pdf.)
    ③Office of the Director of National Intelligence,“The National Intelligence Strategy of the USA”.(http://www.dni.gov/reports/2009_NIS.pdf.)
    ⑤U.S. Department of Defense,“Annual Report to Congress:The Military Power of the P.R.C2009”, p. I.(http://www. defense.gov/pubs/pdfs/China_Military_Power_Report_2009.pdf.)
    ⑥Robert M. Gates,“ABalanced Strategy: Reprogramming the Pentagon for ANewAge”, p.33.
    ⑧U.S. Department of Defense,“Quadrennial Defense Review Report2010”, pp.31-34.
    ⑨Joint Statement of William J. Perry and Stephen J. Hadley before the HouseArmed Services Committee Hearingon “Quadrennial Defense Review Independent Panel”(Washington, D.C.) July29,2010.
    ⑩U.S. Department of Defense, National Security Space Strategy, February4,2011.(http://www.defense.gov/home/features/2011/0111_nsss/.)
    ③Fred Bergsten,“Correcting the Chinese Exchange Rate:An Action Plan”, Statement Before the Committee onWays and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, March24,2010.
    ④Niall Ferguson,“The End of Chimerica:Amicable Divorce or Current War?” Statement Before the Committee onWays and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, March24,2010; also see: Niall Ferguson and Moritz Schularick,“The End of Chimerica”, Harvard Business School Working Paper10-037, October2009.
    ⑤Paul Krugman,“Chinese NewYear”, New York Times, December31,2009.(http://nytimes.com/2010/01/01/opinion/01krugman.html.)
    ⑦Robert Scott,“Unfair China Trade Costs Local Jobs”, Economic Policy Institute Briefing Paper, March23,2010, p.1.
    ⑧“Economic Report of the President”, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington2010, p.25.
    ⑨Hillary Clinton and Timothy Geithner,“ANew U.S. Dialogue with China”, The Wall Street Journal, July27,2009,p.A15.
    ⑩The White House, Office of Press Secretary,“Remarks by the President at the Export-Import Bank’sAnnualConference”, March11,2010.(http://www.whitehousr.gov/the-press-office/remarks-president-export-import-banks-annual-conference.)
    ①Barack Obama,“Exporting our Way to Stability”, New York Times, November5,2010.(http://www.nytimes.com.)
    ②Remarks by the President Obama in State of Union Address, January25,2012.
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    ②这一波人事调整包括:国务院负责管理、资源的副国务卿雅各布·卢(Jacob Lew)接替彼得·欧尔萨格(PeterOrszag)任白宫行政管理和预算局局长,摩根大通银行中西部总裁威廉·戴利(William Daley)接替吉布斯
    (Robert Gibbs)任白宫办公厅主任,基尼·斯珀林(Gene Sperling)接替萨默斯(Larry Summers)任国家经济委员会主任和总统首席经济顾问,等。
    ③Testimony of Treasury SecretaryTimothy F. Geithner,“China’s Currency Policies and the U.S.-China EconomicRelationship Before the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs and House Ways and Means Committees”.(http://www. treasury.gov/press/releases/tg858.htm.)
    ①Rebecca K.C. Hersman, Friends and Foes: How Congress and the President Really Make Foreign Policy(Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press,2000), p.2.
    ②罗伯特·沙特(Robert Sutter)先后在国会研究处、中央情报局、美国国务院等部门任东亚事务分析员,离开政府后任教于乔治城大学,2011年转入乔治·华盛顿大学。
    ④Joseph J. Schatz,“Duet With the Dragon”, CQ Weekly, June15,2009, p.1373.
    ⑤Howard J.Wiarda,“Foreign Policy without Illusion: How Foreign Policy-making Works in the United States”, inHoward J. Wiarda (ed.), On the Agenda: Current Issues and Conflicts in U.S. Foreign Policy (Little, Brown HigherEducation,1990), p.177.
    ①参见:Susan Webb Hammond, Congressional Caucus in National Policy Making (Baltimore: The Johns HopkinsUniversity Press,1998), p.116.
    ②U.S. Department of Defense,“Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving theP.R.C.,2010”.(http://www.defense.gov/pubs/pdfs/2010_CMPR_Final.pdf.); U.S. Department of Defense,“AnnualReport to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the P.R.C.,2011”.(http://www.defense.gov/pubs/pdfs/2011_cmpr_final.pdf.)
    ③The Final Report of the Quadrennial Defense Review Independent Panel,“The QDR in Perspective: MeetingAmerica’s National Security Needs in the21st Century”, Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace,2010, pp.26,51-60.(http://www.usip.org/files/qdr/qdrreport.pdf.)
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    ①Nelson Report, July22,2011.
    ⑥Jr. Richard Fenno, Congressmen in Committee (Boston: Little, Brown and Company,1973), p.1.
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    ②“Bipartisan Group of Senators Unveils New Legislations to Crack Down on Unfair Currency Manipulation byCountries Like China”.(http://schumer.senate.gov/New_Website/Record.CEM?ID=323135.)
    ②Jim O’Neill,“Tough Talk on China Ignores Economic Reality”.(http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001032051/en.);Dan Newman and Frank Newman,“Hands off the Yuan”.(http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/03/16/hands_off_the_yuan.)
    ④Congressional Record, H5219, June18,1987.Cease Engaging inActs of Cultural, Linguistic, and Religious Suppression DirectedAgainst the Uyghur People”,May21,2009.
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    ④Nelson Report, March3,2010.
    ⑤Miroslav Nincic,Democracy and Foreign Policy: The Fallacy of Political Realism (NewYork: ColumbiaUniversity Press,1992), pp.71-72.
    ⑥George Koo,“When Congress Demonizes China, Free Enterprise Suffers”, Chinese American Forum, Vol. XXI,No.1,2005, pp.39-40.
    ①John Evans,“HaveAmericansAttitudes Become More Polarized?An Update”, Social Science Quarterly, Vol.84,No.1,2003, p.73.
    ②Barbara Sinclair, Party Wars: Polarization and the Politics of National Policy Making (Norman, OK: University ofOklahoma Press,2006), p.3.
    ③Guide to Congress (Congressional Quarterly Inc.,1982),3rdEdition, p.90.
    ①Robert C. Grady: Restoring Real Representation (Chicago: University of Illinois Press,1993), p.163.
    ②Anne N. Costain and Andrew S. McFarland (eds.), Social Movement and American Political Institutions (Laham,Rowsman&Littlefield Publishers, Inc.,1993), pp.6-7.
    ③Bruce I. Newman, The Marketing of the Presidency: Political Marketing as Campaign Strategy (California: SagePublications,1994), p.12.
    ①Nelson Report, February17,2010.
    ②Dwight D. Eisenhower,“Military-Industrial Complex Speech”, January17,1961.(http://www.yele.edu/lawweb/avalon/presiden/speeches/eisenhower001.html.)
    ③Rodrigue Tremblay,“The Five Pillars of the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex”, September25,2006.(http://www.thenewamericanempire.com/author.html.)
    ④Richard F. Grimmett,“CRS Report for Congress: Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations,2000-2007”, October23,2008.
    ⑥John Bellamy Foster, Hannah Holleman and Robert McChesney,“The U.S. Imperial Triangle and MilitarySpending”, Monthly Review, October10,2008.(http://monthlyreview.org/081001fooster-hol-leman-mcchesncy.php#volume.)
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    ⑧Bob Cox,“For Lockheed Martin’s F16, a Dwindling List of Likely Buyers,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram,May29,2011.(http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2011/05/29/114949/for-lockheed-martins-f16-a-dwindling.html.)
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    ②Mark P. Petracca (ed.): The Politics of Interests: Interest Groups Transformed (Boulder:Westview Press,1992), p.67.
    ③Amanda Bennett:“American Reporters in China: Romantics and Cynics”, in C.C. Lee (ed.), Voices of China: TheInterplay of Politics and Journalism(New York: Guilford Press,1990), p.266.
    ②The Chicago Council on GlobalAffairs,“Asia Soft Power Survey”.(http://www.thechicagocouncil.org/dynamic_page.php?id=75.)
    ④The Chicago Council on GlobalAffairs,“Constrained Internationalism:Adapting to New Realities, Results of a2010National Survey ofAmerican Public Opinion”(Chicago:The Chicago Council on Global Affairs,2010), pp.50-51.
    ⑥Lydia Saad,“U.S. Surpasses China in Forecast for Economic Powerhouse: Economic Confidence in U.S. SurgesAmong Democrats”, February16,2009(http://www.gallup.com/poll/114658/Surpasses-China-Forecast-Economic-Powerhouse.aspx.)
    ⑦ABC News/Washington Post Poll, February4-8,2010. See: John Pomfret and Jon Cohen,“Poll Shows Concernabout American Influence Waning as China’s Grows”, Washington Post, February25,2010, p. A11.
    ⑧U.S. Seen as Less Important, China as More Powerful, December3,2009.(http://people-press.org/report/569/americas-place-in-the-world.)转引自袁征:“美国民众如何看待当今中国”,《和平与发展》,2010年第6期,第42页。
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    ①The Chicago Council on GlobalAffairs,“Constrained Internationalism,2010”, p.52.
    ②CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll, November13-15,2009.(http://www.pollingreport.com/china/htm.)
    ③CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll, June26-28,2009.(http://www.pollingreport.com/china.htm.)
    ④The Chicago Council on GlobalAffairs,“Constrained Internationalism,2010”, pp.30-31; CNN/Opinion ResearchCorporation Poll, November13-15,2009; CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll, February12-15,2010.
    ⑤GabrielA. Almond, The American People and Foreign Policy (New York: Harcourt, Brace,1950), p.55.
    ⑥The Chicago Council on GlobalAffairs,“Constrained Internationalism,2010”, p.17.
    ⑦CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll, February12-15,2010;The Chicago Council on GlobalAffairs,“Constrained Internationalism,2010”, p.52.
    ③约翰·伊肯伯里认为,冷战后美国外交政策体现为两大战略支柱:现实主义的政治安全战略和自由主义的经贸安全战略。John Ikenberry,“America’s Imperial Ambition”, Foreign Affairs(September/October2002).
    ①Huang Jing,“The USA’s Asia-Pacific Strategy and the PolicyToward China Elution”, New Thinking, No.7,2007,p.47.
    ③Ashley J. Tellis,Andrew Marble and Travis Tanner (eds.), Asia’s Rising Powers and America’s Continued Purpose,10thAnniversary Edition (Seattle, WA, and Washington, D.C.:The National Bureau ofAsian Research,2010), p.61.
    ④James Przystup,“Asia-Pacific Region: National Interests and Strategic Imperatives”, Strategic Forum (Institute forNational Strategic Studies, National Defense University), No.239,April2009, pp.1-2.
    ⑤Peter Brookes,“Meeting the21stCentury Security Challenges inAsia”.(http://www.heritage.org.research/asiaandpacific/h193.cfm.)
    ③U.S. Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review, September30,2001, p.4.
    ①Zalmay Khalilzad (et.al), The United States and Asia: Toward a New U.S. Strategies and Force Posture (SantaMonica: RAND Cooperation,2001).
    ③Carlyle Thayer,“SoutheastAsia: Patterns of Security Cooperation”, ASPI Strategy,September2010(Australian:Strategic Policy Institute, p.36.
    ④Ralph A. Cossa,“Security Implications of Conflict in the South China Sea: Exploring Potential Triggers ofConflict”,APacific Forum CSIS Special Report, p.14.
    ⑤Oran Young,“Political Leadership and Regime Formation: on the Development of Institutions in InternationalSociety”,International Organizations, Vol.45, No.3(Summer1991), pp.281-308.
    ①Speech by Secretary Powell to U.S.Asia Pacific Council Symposium, April24,2003.(http://www.usembassy.it/file2003_04/alia/A3042409.htm.)
    ②Dennis C. Blair, and John T. Hanley Jr.,“From Wheels to Webs: ReconstructingAsia-Pacific SecurityArrangements”, The Washington Quarterly, Vol.24, No.1(Winter2001), p.11.
    ③Ralph A. Cossa,“The Major Powers in NortheastAsian Security”, McNair Paper51(Washington, DC: InstituteFor National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, August1996), p.54.
    ④Phillip P. Pan,“Rumsfeld Chides China for ‘Mixed Signals’”, Washington Post, October20,2005, pp. A16&A18.
    ⑤John D. Negroponte speech,“U.S. Policy in Asia: Meeting Opportunities and Challenges”, The BrookingsInstitution, July28,2008.
    ①James A. Kelly,“George W. Bush and Asia: An Assessment”, in Robert M. Hathaway and Wilson Lee (eds.),George W. Bush and East Asia: A First Term Assessment (Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Centerfor Scholars,2005), pp.15-30.
    ②U.S. Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review, February6,2006.
    ③Office of the Secretary of Defense,“Annual Report to Congress: Military Power of the People s Republic of China2006”.(http://www.defeselink.mil/pdfs/china_military_Report_06.pdf.)
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    ②Christopher B. Whitney and David Shambaugh,“Soft Power inAsia: Results of a2008Multinational Survey ofPublic Opinion (The Chicago Council on GlobalAffairs,2009), p.24; The Chicago Council on GlobalAffairs,“Anxious Americans Seek a New Direction in U.S. Foreign Policy Results of a2008Survey of Public Opinion”(TheChicago Council on Global Affairs,2009), pp.28-29.
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    ⑤International Crisis Group Report,“North Korea:Where Next for the Nuclear Talk?” Asia Report, No.87,November15,2004, Seoul/Brussels, p.14; Christopher Marquis,“Absent from the Korea Talks: Bush’s Hard-Liner”,New York Times, September2,2003.
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    ④John Mearsheimer,“The Future of the American Pacifier”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.80, No.5(July/August2001), pp.46-61.
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    ⑦Michael Mastanduno,“Incomplete Hegemony: The United States and Security Order in Asia”, in MuthiahAlagappa (ed.), Managing Security in Asia (Stanford University Press,2002), pp.151-157; Thomas Christensen,“China, the U.S.-Japan Alliance, and the Security Dilemma in East Asia”, International Security, Vol.23, No.4, pp.49-80.
    ①David C. Kang,“Getting Asia Wrong: The Need for New Analytical Frameworks”, International Security, Vol.27,No.4(Spring2003), pp.57-85.
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    ⑦Alan Dupont,“Living with the Dragon:WhyAustralia Needs a China Strategy”, p.9.
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    ⑨Susan Shirk,“Asia-Pacific Regional Security: Balance of Power or Concert of Power?” In David Lake and PatrickMorgan (eds.), Regional Order: Building Security in a New World (University Park: Penn State University Press,1997), pp.245-270.
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    ③Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Understanding International Conflicts (NewYork: Longman,2000),3rdEditions, p.219.
    ④Remarks of Senator Barack Obama to the Chicago Council on GlobalAffairs April23,2007.(http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/fpccga/.)
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    ②“伙伴能力建设”最早出现在小布什时期的2006年“四年防务评估”报告中,但主要局限于军事领域,在单边主义和扩张主义思潮下也没有得到充分重视。奥巴马上台后,把“伙伴能力建设”作为美国外交战略的新方向,帮助重要盟友和地区伙伴建设军事和安全力量是美国领导战略的柱石。参见:Robert M. Gates,“Helping OthersDefend Themselves:The Future of U.S. SecurityAssistance”, Foreign Affairs (May/June2010), pp.2-6.
    ③Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Remarks on the National Security Strategy, The Brookings Institute (Washington, DC.),May27,2010.(http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/05/142312.htm.)
    ④美国学者扎卡里亚认为,中国的崛起走了一条不同于西方的务实的现代化道路,既没有挑战也没有拒绝现行国际秩序,而是在融入的同时按照自己的利益诉求重塑(reshape)这一体系。Fareed Zakaria, ThePost-American World,pp.36,88-89.
    ②Antony Lake and George Shultz,“The Princeton Project on National Security: Forging a World of Liberty UnderLaw—U.S. National Security on the21stCentury”, The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and InternationalAffairs,Princeton University, September27,2006, pp.9-10;Abraham Denmark and Nirav Patel (eds.), China’s Arrival: AStrategic Framework for a Global Relationship, Center for a NewAmerican Security, September2009.
    ③“Post-midterms, Obama to Focus on Foreign Policy in Four-nation Asian Trip”, Washington Post, November4,2010.
    ⑤David McLean,“American Nationalism the China Myth, and the Truman Doctrine:The Question ofAccommodation with Peking <1949-1950>”, Diplomatic History, Vol.10, No.1, p.26.
    ⑦Robert Sutter,“Assessing China’s Rise and US leadership in Asia: Growing Maturity and Balance”, Journal ofContemporary China, Vol.19, Issue65(June2010), pp.591-604.
    ⑧Michael Green,“Constructing a Successful China Strategy, Promote Balance and Democratic Ideals in Asia”.(http://www.brookings.edu/~media/Files/Projects/Opportunity08/Factsheet_China.pdf.)
    ②Carola McGiffert (ed.),“Chinese Soft Power and Its Implications for the United States: Competition andCooperation in Developing World”,AReport of the CSIS Smart Power Initiative, March2009, pp. V-VI.(http://www.csis.org/files/meida/csispubs/090305_mcgiffert_chinesesoftpower_eb/pdf.)
    ③Sheng Ding,“To Build ‘a Harmonious World’: China’s Soft Power Wielding in the Global South”, Journal ofChinese Political Science, Vol.13, No.2(Spring2008), p.198.
    ④Carlyle Thayer,“Southeast Asia: Patterns of Security Cooperation”, ASPI Strategy (Australian: Strategic PolicyInstitute), September2010, p.3.
    ⑤Joseph S. Nye, Jr.,“The Rise of China’s Soft Power”, The Wall Street Journal Asia, December29,2005; DavidShambaugh,“Beijing Charms its Neighbors”, International Herald Tribune, May14,2005; Edward Friedman,“China’s Rise, Asia’s Future”, Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol.6, Issue2(May-August2006); Bates Gill andYanzhong Huang,“Sources and Limits of Chinese Soft Power,”Survival, Vol.48, No.2(Summer2006); JoshuaKurlantzick, Charm Offensive: How China’s Soft Power in Transforming the World (Yale University Press,2007),etc.另外,美国国会研究处也有几份专题报告:“China’s Foreign Policy and ‘Soft Power’ in South America, Asiaand Africa, March2008; Mark E. Manyin (et al),“U.S. Accession to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC)”, Congressional Research Service, July13,2009, etc.
    ⑦奥巴马政府提出要纠正亚太政策中亚洲部分与太平洋部分不平衡的做法,加强对后者的投入,为此开设“太平洋岛国论坛”,讨论美国与太平洋岛国伙伴在应对气候变化、流行疾病和环境退化等问题上的合作,并重新开设了美国国际开发署(USAID)办事处来落实合作和援助计划。参见:Hillary Rodham Clinton,“America'sPacific Century”, Remarks at East-West Center (Honolulu, HI), November10,2011.
    ①Daniel Ten Kate,“U.S. Strengthens SoutheastAsia Ties, Playing Catch-up to China”, July23,2009.(http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601080&sid=aHDOIOLNMPM.)
    ②“Soft Power inAsia: China Still Lags the United States in Soft Power inAsia”, Results of a2008MultinationalSurvey of Public Opinion.(http://www.thechicagocouncil.org/UserFiles/File/POS_Topline%20Reports/Asia%20Soft%20Power%202008/Chicago%20Counci%l20Soft%20Power%20Report-%20Fina%l206-11-08.pdf.)
    ③David Shambaugh and Thomas Wright,“Asia Still LikesAmerica”, International Herald Tribune, February17,2009.
    ④Jacob J. Lew,“Positioning the State Department toAchieve the ObamaAdministration’s Foreign Policy Goal”, TheAmbassadors Review, Spring2009, pp.10-11.
    ⑤Michelle Levi,“Gates Calls TwitterAHuge StrategicAsset”, CBS News, June18,2009.(http://oaktree.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/06/18/politics/politicalhotsheet/entry5096183.shtml.); Jason Liebman,“Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Are Tools For Diplomacy”, The Huffington Post, January8,2010
    ⑧Hillary Rodham Clinton,“Remarks on Internet Freedom”, The Newseum, Washington, D.C., January21,2010.(http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/01/135519.htm.)
    ①Craig S. Cohen, Introduction,“Capacity and Resolve: Foreign Assessments of U.S. Power”, CSIS, April2011, p.XI.
    ②这里借用约瑟夫·奈划分力量格局的“三维棋盘”概念:最上层也就是第一维度是军事实力,第二维是经济实力,第三维是比较分散的软实力和其它跨国关系和非政府力量。参见:Joseph S. Nye,“RecoveringAmericanLeadership”, Survival, Vol.50, Issue1(February/March2008), p.59.
    ③Irving Kristol,“The Map of the World Has Changed”, The Wall Street Journal, January3,1990; Irving Kristol,“InSearch of Our National Interest”, Wall Street Journal, June7,1990.
    ④Anne-Marie Slaughter, Preface, in “ANational Strategic Narrative”, The Woodrow Wilson International Center forScholars, April2011, p.3.(http://www.wilsoncenter.org/events/docs/A%20National%20Strategic%20Narrative.pdf.)
    ①A. F. K. Organski, World Politics (New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1968),2ndEdition, p.343; Charles F. Doran andWes Parsons,“War and the Cycle of Relative Power”, The American Political Science Review, No.4,1980, p.948.
    ②A. F. K. Organski, World Politics, p.123;A. F. K. Organsky and Jacek Kugler, The War Ledger (NewYork:AlfredA. Knopf,1980), pp.42-45.
    ④Organsky and J Kugler, The War Ledger, pp.50-52.
    ⑤A. F. K. Organski, World Politics, pp.313-320; Organski and Kugler, The War Ledger, pp.19,23; Woosang Kimand James D. Morrow,“When Do Power Shifts Lead to War?” American Journal of Political Science, Vol.36, No.4
    (November1992), pp.896-922; Douglas Lemke and Jacek Kugler,“The Evolution of the Power TransitionPerspective”, in Jecek Kugler and David Lemke (eds.), Parity and War: Evaluations and Extensions of “The WarLedger”(Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,1996), p.21.
    ⑥Jack S. Levy,“Declining Power and the Preventive Motivation for War”, World Politics, Vol.40, No.1(October1987),pp.82-107.
    ⑦Glenn H. Snyder,“Process Variables in Neorealist Theory”, Security Studies, Vol.5, No.1(Spring1996), pp.167-192.
    ⑧Paul Diesing and Snyder Glenn, Conflict Among Nations: Bargaining, Decision Making, and System Structure inInternational Crisis (Princeton, NY: Princeton University Press,1977).转引自朱锋,“‘权力转移’理论:霸权性现实主义?”第40页。
    ①Alexander George,“From Conflict to Peace: Stages along the Road”, United States Institute of Peace Journal, Vol.5,No.6(December1992).
    ②Charles Kupchan (et al), Power in Transition: The Peaceful Change of International Order (New York:The UnitedNations University,2001), pp.8-9.
    ③Ronald L. Tammen (et al.), Power Transitions: Strategies for the21st Century (New York: Chatham HousePublishers,2000), p.31.
    ④James Mann,“Behold China”, The New Republic,April8,2010; Melinda Liu,“U.S. of Who?” Newsweek,February15,2010, p.25; Joseph Nye,“China Seems to Have Made Wrong Call on Its Relations with US,” May17,2010.(http://news. scotsman.com/comment/Joseph-Nye-China-seems-to.6157294.jp.)
    ⑤Yan Xuetong,“The Instability of China-US Relations”, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol.3, No.3,2010, pp.263-292.
    ①Stapleton Roy,“An Overview of Potential for U.S.-China Strategic Cooperation and How to Manage theDifferences”, in in Donald S. Zagoria (ed.), Sweet and Sour I: Candid Talks to Improve U.S.-China Relations, p.3.(http://ncafp.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/SweetandSour.pdf.)
    ②有关区域层次的权力转移论述请见:Douglas Lemke and Suzanne Werner,“Power Parity, Commitment toChange, and War”; Douglas Lemke and Jacek Kugler,“The Evolution of the Power Transition Perspective”, in JacekKugler and Douglas Lemke (eds.), Parity and War: Evaluations and Extensions of “The War Ledger”, pp.3-12,25-33.
    ③Bonnie Glaser,“Shifting Balance: ChineseAssessments of U.S. Power”, in “Capacity and Resolve: ForeignAssessments of U.S. Power”, Special Report, CSIS, April2011, pp.3,14-16.
    ④Edward H. Carr, Twenty Years Crisis,1919-1939: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations (NewYork: Harperand Row,1964),2ndedition, pp.215-218.
    ⑤权力转移理论中,有一种“民主世系”(democratic lineage)观点认为民主国家之间的权力转移可以避免战争,比如19世纪末的英国之于美国,但中国不在其列,故其崛起的前景仍是不确定的。参见:William R. Thompson,Great Power Rivalries (Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press,1999), pp.216-217; RobertKagan,“The Illusion of ‘Managing’ China”, Washington Post, May15,2005, p. B07.
    ①Joseph S. Nye, Jr., The Future of Power (NewYork: PublicAffairs,2011), pp.203-204.
    ②科学的研究理论一般需具备硬核(hard core)、保护带(protective belt)、正面启发(positive heuristic)和负面启发(negative heuristic)四个核心要素,硬核就是理论的内核,由理论的基本假定、核心概念以及对因果关系的解释构成,保护带(protective belt)则由一些辅助性的假设组成。参见:[英]伊姆雷·拉卡托斯:《科学研究纲领方法论》,兰征译,上海:上海译文出版社,2005年,第56-58页。
    ③Edward Carr,“The Dangers of a Rising China”, The Economist, December2010, p.A14.
    ④Robert Cox,“State, Social Force and World Order”, in Robert Keohane (ed.), Neorealism and Its Critics(Columbia: Columbia University Press,1986), pp.212-213.
    ①James E. Goodby and Kenneth Wesbrode,“Bush Should Seize His Chance to Recast U.S. Ties with China”,International Herald Tribune, September21,2001.
    ②G. John Ikenberry,“The Rise of China and the Future of the West: Can the Liberal System Survive?” ForeignAffairs, Volume87, No.1(January/February2008), pp.27-30.
    ③Robert Dahl,“The Concept of Power”, Behavioral Science, Vol.2, No.3(July1957), p.203.
    ⑤Fareed Zakaria,“The Future ofAmerican Power: How America Can Survive the Rise of the Rest”, Foreign Affairs,Vol.87, No.3,2008, p.43.
    ⑥US Vice-President Joe Biden Speaks on U.S.-China Relations, Sichuan University, August22,2011.(http://www.whitehouse.gov/photos-and-video/video/2011/08/22/vice-president-joe-biden-speaks-us-china-relations.)
    ⑦Michael Wesley,“Critical Thinking Needed to Bolster Ties with Asia”, The Australian,April30,2007.
    ①U.S. Ambassador to China Gary Locke Address to Students and Faculty Beijing Foreign Studies University,September9,2011.(http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/texttrans/2011/09/20110909104329su0.3182751.html.)
    ④Robert Kagan and Dan Blumenthal,“‘Strategic reassurance’ that isn’t”, Washington Post, November10,2009.(http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/09/AR2009110902793.html); Willy Lam,“Reassurance or Appeasement”, Far Eastern Economic Review, Vol.172, No.9(November2009), pp.12-15.
    ⑤Kelly Currie,“The Doctrine of “Strategic Reassurance’”, Wall Street Journal Asia, October22,2009.(http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704224004574488292885761628.html.)
    ⑥Ruth Marcus,“President Obama Is Making Nobody Happy”, Washington Post, April3,2010.
    ①James Steinberg,“The United States and China:Visions of Global Order”, Remarks to the8th IISS GlobalStrategic Review Conference “Global security governance and the emerging distribution of power”, Geneva,September11,2010.(http://www.iiss.org/conferences/global-strategic-review/global-strategic-review-2010/plenary-sessions-and-speeches-2010/first-plenary-session/james-b-steinberg/.)
    ③这一关系的特点是国家间交往渠道多样化、军事力量作用下降和缺乏主导性议题(经济、军事、政治因素没有一个能主导中美关系的全局)。在复合相互依赖中,共同利益和利益冲突同样突出,和谐不是相互依赖的产物,合作与冲突并存才是相互依赖的结果。参见:Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Ney, Power andInterdependence: World Politics in Transition (Little, Brown and Company,1977), pp.8-9;牛新春,“中美关系:依赖性与脆弱性”,《中国外交》,2009年第12期,第46-47页。
    ④Ian Bremmer,“Fight of the Century: Worse Than the Cold War?” Prospect, April2010, p.39; Jim Hoagland,“TheLukewarm War with China”, Washington Post, April16,2006, p. B07.
    ⑤Philip Bowring,“Who Needs Whom More?”, The International Herald Tribune, February5,2011.(http://yalegobal.yale.edu/content/who-needs-whom-more); Derek Scissors,“Misconceptions on China’s Role in Financing the US Deficit”,March24,2010.(http://www.heritage.org/Research/Commentary/2010/03/Misconception-on-Chinas-Role-in-Financing-the-US-
    ⑥Fu-Kuo Liu,“The Structural Change in the United States and China Relations: Security Implication for the AsiaPacific Region”, East Asian Review, Vol.14,2011, p.54.
    ②“2010:The Year of Decision”, Remarks by Jon Huntsman,(Former) U.S.Ambassador to the People’s Republic ofChina,at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, March18,2010.(http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/031810amb.html.)
    ⑤战略互信根据信任的强度可分为强信任(strong form trust)、次信任(semi-strong form trust)和弱信任(weakform trust)。“强信任”指信任主体间在政治、经济制度和意识形态、文化传统、宗教信仰、对外战略等方面拥有高度的同质性;“次信任”指信任主体间虽然在政治制度、意识形态等方面不同,但在对外战略上拥有较一致的观点,互不把对方视为威胁;“弱信任”指信任主体间不但在政治制度、意识形态、文化传统等方面迥异,而且存在战略猜疑,但是为了降低彼此冲突的风险,双方达成在部分问题领域开展合作的基本共识。参见:Jay B. Barney and Mark H. Hansen,“Trustworthiness as a Source of Competitive Advantage Strategic”, ManagementJournal,1994, pp.177-181;刘庆,“战略互信”概念辨析”,《国际论坛》2008年第1期,第42-43页。
    ①Robert Keohane, After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the Political Economy, pp.85-101.
    ②Testimony of Harry Harding Presented to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, May15,2008.(http://foreign.senate/gov/testimony/2008/HardingTestimony080515p.pdf.)
    ③Evan S. Medeiros,“Is Beijing Ready for Global Leadership?” Current History, September,2009, p.256.
    ④Michael Mastanduno,“Still Liberal Leader? U.S. Power, Purpose, and the World Economy”, paper presented toMacAutherAsia Security Initiative Workshop2011, Beijing, June10-12, p.220.
    ⑤Kenneth Lieberthal,“The China-U.S. Relationship Goes Global”, Current History, September,2009, pp.243-244.
    ⑦Zbignew Brezinsiki and John J. Mearsheimer,“Clash of the Titans”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.146(January/February
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