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At present, there are mainly vibration analyses and oil analysis for mechanicalequipment fault diagnosis. They have one thing in common that system energy loss change isoften associated with equipment fault both in equipment fault diagnosis based on vibrationanalysis and based on oil analysis (wear) of equipment fault diagnosis.In view of energy lossalways changes with mechanical equipment fault, mechanical equipment fault diagnosistheory and method based on the energy loss was put forward. This method is that the relativityof energy loss information was studied by getting tribology system energy loss information,the characteristics of energy loss information was extracted for fault pattern recognition, toestablish fault rules based on energy loss.
     First of all, a new fault diagnosis method based on energy loss was presented in thispaper. Tribology system energy loss theory and energy loss information flow from the processof friction and wear were studied. The characteristics of input energy loss, friction andvibration energy loss information were analyzed. Relative scale and cumulative relative scaleof energy loss information were presented. Input energy loss was used by the input power orfuel loss characteristics, vibration energy loss was used by vibration velocity signal timedomain and vibration acceleration mean square value of kurtosis index, wear energy loss wasused by spectral elements and iron spectrum to establish energy loss information feature set toestablish the correlation of energy loss information of fault diagnosis model.
     Second, the feasibility of mechanical equipment fault diagnosis method based on theenergy loss was proved. Gear fault imitate fault experiments show that input powerattenuation volatility characteristics different kind of faults, such as gear pitting and spalling,broken teeth. Abrasion wear quantity and severe wear index of energy loss information meanfailure intensity. Energy distribution of vibration signal frequency band was extracted bywavelet packet analysis. Gear fatigue fault diagnosis correlation studies show that the inputpower loss has strong correlation with wear characteristics information and vibrationcharacteristics. Diesel engine piston liner fatigue experimental research show that theinstantaneous fuel consumption as the piston fault increase with the increase of the degree ofwear and tear, abrasion and serious energy loss wear abrasion index has been increasing.Thereis an increasing of vibration energy along with the degree of fault change. The results showthat input energy loss information, wear information and vibration information have highcorrelation of the tribological system fault diagnosis, which indicates that the proposed theory and methods based on energy loss in this thesis are feasible.
     Then, feature extraction and pattern recognition of energy loss information based onmanifold learning combining support vector machine method was proposed. Locally linearembedding and local tangent space alignment were studied and were modified. With theimproved manifold learning algorithm for energy loss data dimension reduction, the effect ofpattern recognition to determined through the recognition rate from classifier.Simulation andexperiment studies show that manifold learning is a kind of effective nonlinear featureextraction method, improvement of algorithm keeps good neighborhood the surface data ofthe original corresponding relation, keeps well the difference between the sample information,and maintain the similarity information between the similar samples, extractes the categoryinformation for samples. Manifold learning recognition rate is higher than the recognition rateof principal component analysis and kernel methods. So, the fault pattern recognitionmanifold learning combined support vector machine method was effective method for faultfeature extraction and pattern recognition.
     Next, fault rules based on energy loss was set. Rough set and fuzzy theory were studiedfor fault rules which using the indiscernibility relation divide discourse equivalence class,generate the relations between approximation and lower approximation of gear energy lossinformation rough set relationship, and attribute reduction are derived through the analysis ofthe attribute importance decision making fault knowledge and the classification fault rules,solve the fault diagnosis system in the discretization of continuous attribute value. Gear faultrules based on energy loss was established by analyzing attribute importance and attributereduction. The method of fuzzy theory and neural networks was study for diesel engine faultrules which was established by adaptive newwork-based fuzzy inference system.
     Finally, structure of the energy loss information monitoring and diagnosis system wasstudied using virtual instrument technology. Energy loss information monitoring anddiagnosis system was designed based on virtual instrument. Energy loss information onlinemonitoring fault diagnosis system is developed by using LabVIEW which is by virtualgraphics paraphrase icon to create the application of computer programming language,including the data acquisition system and signal processing technology, so energy lossmonitoring and diagnosis system was established primarily.
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