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This study through a questionnaire survey, correlation analysis, analysis ofvariance, regression analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis,cross-group comparison of statistical methods, measurement and empirical total of560teachers in six secondary schools in Harbin and Qiqihar Citythe relationshipbetween research, clear teacher achievement goal orientation, teacher efficacy andteachers in state anxiety. Specifically, this study obtained the following empiricalfindings:
     (1) Middle school teachers' achievement goal orientation each dimension, theteacher self-efficacy and state anxiety exist demography variable of the differences. Inthis regard, state anxiety as the teacher in charge, whether in age and title significantdifferences. Middle school teacher teachers in ethnic self-efficacy of significantdifferences. Mastery goal orientation in gender, marital status, without children,discipline, age, length of service and title significant differences. In the mastery goalorientation, discipline and whether as a teacher in charge interaction was significant.Performance goal orientation in sex, without children, subject, whether as a teacher incharge, age, length of service and title significant differences. In performance goalorientation, age, gender, and discipline interaction was significant.
     (2) Teachers' achievement goal orientation, teachers' self-efficacy and stateanxiety is a significant relationship between. Mastery goal orientation and teachereffectiveness are a significant positive correlation, and state anxiety there is asignificantly negative correlation. Performance goal orientation and teachereffectiveness are a significant positive correlation, and state anxiety a significantlypositive correlation. The teacher self-efficacy and state anxiety there is a significantlynegative correlation.
     (3) The teacher self-efficacy and teachers' achievement goal orientationdimensions on state anxiety has certain prediction effect. Most teachers self-efficacyprediction function is significant.
     (4) Teachers in play self-efficacy model of intermediary function, explainmastery goal orientation to state anxiety prediction function by teachers ofself-efficacy of realization.
     (5) Part of demography variable structure equation model in existing inregulatory role.
     Based on the research on the basis of the conclusion, the author of the Rollo May exist for the interpretation of the concept of anxiety and after liberation aboutteachers' pay, status and related policy research, the paper puts forward theconstruction of learning-oriented campus as its frame.
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