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Education equipment in univesity takes an important part in teaching and researching works, and its level, in some extent, represents the school's level and hierarchy. Thus, the importance of education equipment is more and more outstanding, and investment on it is growing up year by year. In such condition, university put much more attention on sicientific and standard education equipment management, and, as a new item, education equipment is also attracting more and more researchers.
     This paper takes a series of researches on using mannagement by adapting the mathod of combination of big system and small items, theroy and examples, quality and quantity.
     This paper proposes the conception of education equipment efficiency and does a lot research its evaluation. we adapt the ADC mathod in equiment assessment. In this paper, we construct hierarchical stucture according to factors' ablity of infuency on education equioment, get the capacity matrix by using accelerating genetic algorithm to improve analsis hierarchy process, and finally quantify the efficency of aducation equiment.
     We research the ilfe cycle cost of edaucation equiment, analyse its composition, and draw the procedure of forcasting economic life on education equipment. The improved grey prediction model is used to solve education equipment economic life forcasting problem which only know very few cost date from beginning to use; the one variable linear regression forecasting model is served to figure out another forcasting problem which lacks historical data and only has recent use records of education equipment.
     This paper analyses the influence factors of renewal decision, constructs hierarchical stucture, and adapes fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to solve the unquantified problem. The classical fuzzy comprehensive evaluation has some defects, and we improve it by using combination assigning method and based on closeness maximum membership degree law to make the decision much more accurate.
     According to the mannagement modle on education equipment in high shool and university and its characteristics, preventive maintenance can largely reduce its failure rate, and raise the reliability. The preventive maintenance cycle is influenced by factors, such as stable state availability, maintain cost, reliability. This paper adapes multi-objective optimization method to get the preventive maintenance cycle.
     This paper has researched education equipment's efficency, econmic life, renewal and maintenace problems. The quantitative evaluation method on education equipment efficiency is proposed; the education equipment economic life forcasting model is builded based on different recording data; the decision model of education equipment renewal is constructed; the optimum time model on preventive maintenance is also builded; experiments is taken to testify the feasibility and validity of all above mathods. All these models and methods in this paper have important to direct the management and dicision on education equipment in high schools and universities.
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