基于REST的GIS Web服务研究
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近年来,IT技术的进展对GIS的发展产生了巨大的影响,随着因特网的普及,GIS突破了传统的封闭的单机系统模式,更多地向Web GIS和分布式GIS的方向发展。Web服务技术和面向服务的体系结构作为IT领域的最新进展,已经对企业软件的开发产生深远的影响。和IT技术密切相关的GIS,能不能从这些趋势中受益,是从事GIS的研究人员必须考虑的。本文在分析和研究这些趋势以及国内外相关领域研究成果的基础上,对GIS Web服务从理论到实践的一些方面进行了系统的研究和探讨。
     1.对GIS Web服务的研究内容、研究与应用现状进行了全面、深入的探讨;
     2.对GIS Web服务的技术背景作了全面总结;
     5.在探讨GIS Web服务概念的基础上,提出了基于REST的Web服务(GWS)的技术模型,指出GWS技术模型是个主要由客户层、服务层、应用逻辑层和数据层组成的多层架构对GWS技术模型中层次的划分进行了说明,并指出了GWS优势以及和Web GIS的不同;
     6.以GWS技术模型为基础,就基于REST的GIS Web服务的实现机制,包括服务描述机制、服务定位与发现(服务元数据的表示形式)、服务交互与调用和安全机制等方面进行了深入阐述;
     7.在对GIS Web服务的理论研究的基础上,探讨设计、实现GIS Web服务需要考虑各个方面的问题,包括设计目标、开发方法、技术手段等;
     8.使用敏捷软件开发方法进行系统开发,实现了基于REST的GIS Web服务原型系统。
During recent years, the development of Information Technology has had a major impact on the development of GIS, and with the proliferation of Internet, GIS has boken the barrier of traditional pattern of closed insular systems, and begun to evolve towards Web GIS and distributed GIS. Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture are two of the cutting edge development of Information Technology, both of which have exerted deep impacts on the development of enterprise software applications. Whether GIS, which is intimately related to Information Technology, could benefit from these trends, is something that needs to be studied by GIS researchers. This paper builds upon an analysis and study of the above trends and relevant domestic and international research, and carries out a systematic analysis and study on GIS Web Services both in terms of theory and practice.The major contributions and innovations of this paper include:1. A comprehensive and indepth study of GIS Web Services in terms of research scope, current research and applications;2. A comprehensive summary of the technical backgrounds of GIS Web Services;3. Through an indepth analysis of the nature and scope of GIS interoperability, it is pointed out that interoperability based on interfaces is the major techical route to GIS interoperability;4. An analysis and contrast is made regarding major distributed computing platforms, including .Net of Microsoft, J2EE by Sun and CORBAfrom OMG, and their respective strengths and weaknesses are identified. In particular, the characteristics of SOAP based Web Services and those of REST style Web Services are compared and contrasted, and it is concluded that REST style GIS Web Services have the advantages of loose coupling, interoperability and openness, all of which is critical to GIS interoperability;5. On the basis of the concept of GIS Web Services, the technology model of REST style GIS Web Services (GWS) is proposed, which is a multi-layer architecture made up of client layer, service layer and application logic layer, and data access layer. The characteristics of different layers are explained and the advantages of GWS and its difference from Web GIS are also pointed out;6. Based on the GWS technology model, the implementation mechanisms of REST style GIS Web Services are studied, including service description, service location and discovery (representation of server metadata), service interaction/invocation and security mechanism etc;7. Continuing from the theoretical study of GIS Web Services, various aspects of designing and implementing GIS Web Services are studied, including desing goals, development methodology and technical measures;8. Agile software development methods are utilized in the development of a prototype for REST style GIS Web Services.
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