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With the development of Internet in enterprise application, the complexity of software increases dramatically. The object-oriented technology and the ideas of component-based design can’t resolve the reusability and maintainability problems when facing rapidly changing business demands. How to simplify the development process、improve efficiency and meet customer requirements is always a difficult problem in the development of Web applications. Web services and related technologies have rapidly developed and GIS application has also transited to the SOA based on the Web services step by step. It has become an important problem to be solved urgently at present that how to realize the flexible and diverse GIS business establishment based on SOA, and how to build loose-coupling information system theory and practice application technology to response to the changing demands of enterprise business agility.
     First, the idea of SOA software design was abundant studied and discussed in this paper and the implementation technology framework of SOA was also expatiate. According to the study of SOA, the visualized building development platform that integrated Workflow and WebGIS was established by a series of design and analysis. It permits business user to build service-oriented application by introducing the idea of business user programming to the application construct of SOA. Thus, it can also effectively meet the user’s individuation requirements and implement the quick response of diverse business demands. In fact, the changing of construct application model from the center of technology to the center of user is an important thinking transform in information technology area.
     Second, in service-oriented software system, the flexible component integration style of software structure makes the dream of building block for“software assembly”to be realized. Consequently, software development and maintenance become simple.
     The users can get the information solution that can suit business changing and IT movement on demand at any moment. As a result, business on demand may be achieved. To realize software production by the service-oriented component building method that can achieve efficient software reuse and avoid the low efficiency and low quality of reconstruction on the program code level. The objective of research on the SOA building development technology in this paper was to develop software by“Zero Code”method and to meet the dynamic and changeable enterprise business requirements. In this way, the result will shorten software development time, reduce the cost of software development and maintenance, improve software development efficiency and guarantee software development quality.
     Finally, using the service-oriented building platform system and the real requirements of the digital geological prospecting project as a test bed, we proved the feasibility and validity of the service-oriented building technology and also showed the predominance of the building development technology.
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