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     其次,本文第二章详细归纳分析自我领导力三大经典策略和九种提升方法,自我领导力的三大经典策略为本研究的理论基础,详细梳理自我领导力测评方法的发展历程,综合评析目前自我领导力国际通用的测评量表RSLQ①(Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire)的局限性。
From the civil political behavior perspective, self-leadership is citizens'ability to lead their own behaviour and own development and is also the basis for citizens to guide their own political norms and take political actions; from the leadership and examination perspective, self-leadership is an essential part of leadership and is also the basis of leadership development, therefore it should become a part of the leader selection and examination process; from the education perspective, self-leadership is the essential ability for well-educated people to become a political actor, and it is also the key ability to achieve sustainable development of professional skills. How to fundamentally make citizens, especially those living the minority areas, to form political and objective and rational understanding of politics and society, and how to guide them to form the correct social cognition to become high quality and rational citizen from the inside out have become an important academic proposition in our contemporary social transformation stage. The study of college students' self-leadership in Hui Autonomous Region provides important ground for students to enhance their professional skills, promote the competitiveness of society, and form a correct, objective and rational social cognition, and it also plays an significant role in maintaining social stability and development, promoting national unity and achieve common prosperity of all ethnic groups.
     First of all, the first chapter stated the origin and significance of the, commented on current conducted domestic and foreign research, proposed the methodology and framework of the article, compiled foreign leadership theory development process and self-leadership theory research, and provided the theoretical basis and reference to questionnaire design and strategy.
     Secondly, the second chapter summarized and analyzed in detail three classic self-leadership strategies, which provided the theoretical basis for the strategy-oriented research and nine development methods, compiled the development history of self-leadership assessment methods in detail, and comprehensively analyzed and evaluated the limitation of currently self-leadership internationally accepted evaluation scale RSLQ (Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire).
     Thirdly, taking the reference of the representative international model of leadership development, the third chapter included the design of a process based self-leadership development assessment questionnaire which is to solve the RSLQ limitations, the collected feedback on questionnaire design by conducting a pilot survey, and the finally formed the self-assessment questionnaires that consisted of the RSLQ, process based questionnaire and students self-assessment questionnaires for minority areas. The chapter also included the information of questionnaires issuing and collecting and screening.
     Fourthly, the fourth chapter conducted a feasibility analysis to the data modeling of the process based questionnaire, factor analysis, factor naming, factor scoring and modeling after taking KMO test and Bartlett test, explored the steps in which self-leadership shows strengths and those in which the self-leadership is missing while the students complete the tasks. In the factor analysis process, the chapter specifically classified, compared and analyzed the Muslim students, non-Muslim students, undergraduate Muslim students, undergraduate non-Muslim students, Muslim college students and non-Muslin college students, therefore to explore the characteristics of self-leadership development for each category.
     Fifthly, the fifth chapter comparatively analyzed the actual situation and the subjective self-assessment of student's self-leadership using RSLQ data and self-assessment data, explored the strength and missing factor of the core element in their self-leadership, and verified the validity of the self-assessments. In the statistical analysis, the chapter categorized the Muslim students, non-Muslim students, and the four groups of the students who took the self-assessments respectively and explored the different a different characteristics of each group.
     Finally, the sixth chapter summarized the data analysis results and the conclusions of the three parts above, and summed up the development characteristics and advantages of self-leadership of our national area college students, especially of the Muslim students. Meanwhile, the chapter drew a conclusion to the missing aspects and the difficulties in their self-leadership development, and proposed countermeasures to enhance the college students' self-leadership development in ethnic areas.
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